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Example sentences for "recovered himself"

  • It was only a pace, however, for he recovered himself at once, and sprung at Moratti like a wild-cat.

  • Then he recovered himself just in time into the squatting attitude of a monkey perched on a high shelf, and shouted: "Dayong!

  • I think I saw a ring on your finger," he said, as soon as he recovered himself.

  • Then, he remembered; he recovered himself; he put her gently away from him, and led her to the door of her room, and closed it on her in silence.

  • But as he reached the end of the hollow road, overshadowed by trees, and came out in the open, where he could see the sea and feel the cool breeze, he recovered himself.

  • The solicitor looked disconcerted, but he recovered himself.

  • The potent brandy was strong in its influence still, and he recovered himself.

  • They had gone some yards together, before he recovered himself sufficiently to remember what he had meant to say to her.

  • I thought it was a sprain," he said, when he recovered himself, "but it is a job for a surgeon.

  • At last he recovered himself, and with a serious air told the vizier, that since his slave had been the occasion of murder, he deserved an exemplary punishment.

  • After he recovered himself, he said to his vizier, "Is it possible that there should be such a stately palace so near my own, and I be an utter stranger to it till now?

  • However, he recovered himself, and asked the jeweller what resolution he would advise him to take in this conjuncture, every moment of which ought to be employed.

  • He joyfully accepted the proffer, recovered himself, and we lived together as before.

  • The grand vizier was almost struck dumb at this demand; however, he recovered himself, and said, My lord, be not surprised at the confusion I was under upon your question.

  • He recovered himself in about a minute, for the dog was tough as leather, and was about to pour forth his thanks and tell me how he came in such plight, but, sincerely sorry as I was, I had to cut him short.

  • The Italian stepped back, his hand on his dagger; but in a moment he recovered himself.

  • The next moment the baffled lynx recovered himself, and faced the girl with so menacing a snarl that she hesitated to follow up her advantage, but paused, holding the axe in readiness to repel attack.

  • But with a strength that seemed more than human he recovered himself, climbed forth dripping, and came on again with those great, unerring leaps.

  • She bore him backward against the trunk indeed, but there he recovered himself; and when she strove to withdraw for another battering charge, she could not tear herself free.

  • He reeled and the grim light of an aroused Conway flashed in his eyes as he recovered himself, for a moment, shocked, blinded.

  • It was too much even for his great strength, and when he recovered himself he was sitting on the sand of the little cave.

  • He soon, however, recovered himself, and began very seriously to contemplate the perilous position in which he now found himself placed.

  • This greatly stimulated Titmouse; but unfortunately he fell ill before he had completed the first volume, and never, during the remainder of his confinement, recovered himself sufficiently to proceed further with his labors.

  • It was only after he had despatched this letter and had recovered himself a little, that Julien felt for the first time extremely unhappy.

  • Yes, upon my word, all is over," he said aloud as he recovered himself.

  • When he recovered himself a little he noticed all the faithful rushing from the church.

  • Gradually he recovered himself; he rose, smoothed down the pillow, closed her eyelids, and then clasping his hands, the tears trickled down his manly cheeks.

  • The only point which sustained him, was the knowledge that he had his duty to perform, and, in the full exercise of his duty, he recovered himself.

  • He waited a minute, for the effort of opening the door had taken away his breath, and, as he recovered himself, he looked within.

  • Jack, catching him by the shoulder as a heavy-looking man came on deck, lurched slightly, recovered himself, and then walked fiercely and steadily up to the group.

  • But, though he was stirred so deeply, he did not give way to his emotion, and he recovered himself in an instant.

  • In a moment or two, however, he recovered himself, and gave his sentiments utterance.

  • Cecil bit his lips; but his self-possession, if disturbed, was not seriously affected, and he recovered himself immediately.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recovered himself" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    acid rain; before whom; burning fever; call himself; close confinement; colonial times; could not have told; gave way; gun fire; left unfinished; more spiritual; navigation acts; open square; organic matters; promoted over the trees; really thought; recovered himself; sandy bottom; stands alone; thirteen feet; walnut tree; would have been the