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Example sentences for "riffle"

Lexicographically close words:
rieures; rieuse; rieux; riever; rife; riffled; riffles; riffraff; rifier; rifle
  1. He heard the riffle of playing cards and the harsh, tense laugh of a winner drawing in a pot.

  2. The doctor snubbed out his cigar, leaned back in the chair and gave the cards a riffle and regarded Jeff closely.

  3. He gave the cards a sharp riffle and tossed them onto the desk with a sigh.

  4. At such a place there is usually a riffle caused by the formation of a bar of sand, gravel, and mud, the crest of which offers a very practical opportunity for fording.

  5. A likely place presented itself a few rods above; I crossed a riffle and made my way to it on a beach of gravel about three feet wide.

  6. I recrossed the riffle and sought Mr. Dide.

  7. Changing the coachman for the cofflin, I waded down, close under the bushes of the right bank, crossed a riffle and dropped the fly just where the water slowed up a little, at the foot.

  8. One individual was taken from a riffle, fin-clipped, and released at the foot of the next riffle downstream.

  9. Channel catfish (especially two-year-olds and adults) were abundant on a rubble-riffle during the day in some collections at the lower Neosho station in 1959.

  10. This is a shallow, quiet pool over rubble and bedrock bottom except for a small area of mud bottom (backwater) above the point where a short riffle drains into this pool from Area 6 (Pl.

  11. Although this species seldom is abundant in riffles, it was, in 1957, abundant in both pool and riffle situations at all my stations.

  12. A swift riffle intervening between the latter area and the area of release may have impeded their movement.

  13. One small-mouthed buffalo was caught while the shocker was being used in the pool below that riffle for one hour and fifty minutes.

  14. Normally the water was about six inches deep in the mainstream as it ran over a riffle adjacent to the catfish nest.

  15. A short, steep, rubble-riffle is included in this area at the upstream end (Pl.

  16. Sodium Cyanide Pellets of sodium cyanide were used infrequently to collect fish from a moderately fast riffle over gravel bottom that was overgrown with willows, making seining impossible.

  17. The upper half is a swift, rubble riffle four inches in average depth; the lower half is one and one-half feet in average depth and has a slow current (Pl.

  18. Area 5 has greater average depth, more mud bottom, and less riffle area than areas 1, 3 and 6.

  19. Billy came up the riffle to her and gave counsel.

  20. An' willows and trees of all kinds growing along the edges, and here a riffle where you can flip out trout, and there a deep pool where you can swim and high-dive.

  21. The cedar trees bend low with their fluffy white burdens; and the creek is frozen, except the riffle just above Big Rock.

  22. Let us walk in the moonlight or sit on that great rock at the head of the riffle and watch the moonbeams play with the running water.

  23. Neither do I remember that we took anything in the Shelburne above Irving Lake, for it was a good deal like the stillwater, with only a gentle riffle here and there.

  24. Presently they came in sight--each dragging a canoe over the last riffle just above the long hole.

  25. At the bottom of each ledge is a riffle to arrest the particles of gold.

  26. An iron screen is placed at the lower end where large stones are caught, and below this screen is the riffle box, 12 feet long, 3 feet wide, and having the same inclination as the upper trough.

  27. They were found in riffle areas, in aquatic vegetation, and especially in detritus alongside banks.

  28. Etheostoma spectabile were taken in shallow pools and riffles in an extensive bedrock-riffle area on Cedar Creek near station C-12.

  29. Volume of flow of this small creek is indicated by riffle in foreground.

  30. On Rock Creek (Station C-4) this shiner was abundant in a shallow pool below a riffle where water was flowing rapidly.

  31. It is in connection with the riffle that the most skilful putting-up is accomplished, but much practice and experience are required to enable the manipulation to be performed with certainty.

  32. To retain the original order or pre-arrangement of a whole pack, the riffle is the shuffle that is generally used; the modification referred to in the last paragraph but one being the most convenient form for the purpose.

  33. In those cases where the dealer is not allowed to shuffle the cards in his hands, the riffle or the ecarte shuffle is used.

  34. In the riffle shuffle it is quite as easy to retain the position of any cards which may require to be kept in view.

  35. The fifth riffle merely puts two cards above the top selected card, and the shuffle is complete.

  36. In that respect this double riffle below Rapids Station is a good deal like the combination of Rock Slide and Death Rapids on the Big Bend of the Columbia.

  37. If I made the first riffle all right, I was to try to hold up the boat in an eddy until Jim could amble down to the second fall and stand-by to signal me my course into that one in turn.

  38. I picked up the rounded sky-line of "Black Bluffs" at just about the time that the straight, hard-running riffle that gives Rapids Station its name began to boom ahead.

  39. Quite a crowd assembled on the Springdale bridge and watched the crew shoot the little craft through the boiling riffle at that point, cheering them lustily for the skill they displayed in swinging their boat into the most advantageous places.

  40. Taking it for granted it was dislocated, I started and kept on pulling it until another riffle demanded personal attention.

  41. The short, savage riffle formed by these had given us our first severe mauling on that earlier ride.

  42. The riffle was not rough enough to make any real trouble, and we both took the thing strictly in a larking spirit.

  43. As an upset was inevitable in the event the canoe was dragged into the riffle stern first, the best that we could do was to pick him up at the foot of it and trust that his canoe would strand and anchor the corpse.

  44. Giving the little lady her head after the worst of the riffle had been passed, I let the undercurrent draw her right over into the main string of rollers.

  45. If that riffle had been fifty yards longer nothing in the world could have prevented a spill that would have put Joe's football life-preserver to a real test.

  46. Although I was sure I could see my way past the first riffle without serious difficulty, I still thought it best to learn what I could at the farmhouse Doane had indicated.

  47. A boat paddled in comparatively smooth water beside a riffle will invariably be drawn into the latter within a few yards if allowed to drift.

  48. There was an abrupt yellow cliff rising straight out of a woolly-white riffle on the right bank, and beyond a grove of cottonwood to the left were the shadowy buildings of some kind of a ranch.

  49. If the riffle is not too rough to make the control of the boat impossible when rowed bow-first with the stream, drifting means the cutting down of speed and the loss of much good time.

  50. None of them was river-broke, but they said they had seen a rowboat run down the left side of the first riffle the previous summer and that they afterwards heard it was not upset until it got to Wolf Rapids, down Terry-way.

  51. He scooped up the pistol shells and stored them in an inner breast pocket of his coat; then he opened a drawer, slipped the emptied revolver well back under a riffle of papers and clippings and closed the drawer and locked it.

  52. I riffle and shuffle and drop 'em in a row, the trick being to pick out the ace.

  53. As the tide is pretty well up, we ought to make the riffle there.

  54. But joking aside, boys, I think we're going to make the riffle without any trouble.

  55. As the order passed from battery to battery, the thunder gradually ceased, and all that could be heard was the distant riffle of the single drum, sounding "The Parley.

  56. Scarcely was her head resting on the pillow when there came from down the street the riffle of drums and the squeaks of fifes, and half in fright, and half in curiosity, the girl sprang up and pushed open her blinds.

  57. Ye're welcome," said the evangelist simply, and there was no riffle of visible misgiving in his eyes.

  58. It was a riffle that purled lazily, and coldly, around exposed stones.

  59. He looked again, but only three hounds waded into the riffle to join the hunters gathering on the other side.

  60. Riffle appeared round the corner of the stoep.

  61. Latterly there had been Riffle and then Josephus to behold, and the former to marvel.

  62. Riffle reappeared on the stoep bearing a tea-tray.

  63. Seemingly, soft-shelled turtles are not restricted to particular local situations or microhabitats in a continuous aquatic environment as are some kinds of fish, which seem to be more or less confined to riffle areas or deep holes.

  64. There was one jutting rock at the head of the riffle that had to be missed; the rest was all a matter of whether or not the next couple of hundred yards of submerged boulders were deeply enough covered to let us pass over them.

  65. After the rough-and-rowdy rapids of the Big Bend, this quarter-mile of white riffle looked like comparatively easy running.

  66. The official name is the former, and was given the riffle by Symons on account of a round-topped rock which rolled back and forth in the current because of its unstable equilibrium.

  67. We had a good view of the riffle from below when we swung back into the main channel.

  68. That was one of the queerest sensations I experienced on the whole voyage--having to avoid bumping the lower end of a rock the while I could see the riffle where a strong current was flowing around the upper end.

  69. Seeing how well she was taking it, I did not try to pull out of the riffle now, but let her run right down through it to the end.

  70. From the head of the first riffle of Umatilla Rapids to the head of the third or main one is a mile and a half.

  71. Not if you try to push them out of the river the way you did that riffle above here a while ago," he replied with a grin.

  72. This was an inconsiderable riffle called Bishop's Rapid, but the Captain was too old a river man to care to go into it without light to choose his channel.

  73. The third riffle was nothing to bother about; nor did Schofield's Rapids, two miles below, offer any difficulties.

  74. We were about to pull to the opposite side to line down past a riffle which Blackmore reckoned too rough to risk running.

  75. I pulled across the river and sought a quieter way through the second riffle of John Day Rapids than that promised by the boisterous steamer channel.

  76. He intended to run them, he said, but the convergence of currents threw a nasty cross-riffle that was not to be taken liberties with.

  77. Many times the Arctic Bird would run upon a riffle (where the water runs very shallow over the gravel), to be temporarily baffled and obliged to back off and seek another course.

  78. And so they have made the riffle at last?

  79. If Glenn don't make the riffle with Miss Jule, he ought to be shot on general principles.

  80. But June and the widow made the riffle finally," I protested.

  81. He jerked it away, thrust the canoe out from the bank, dipped the paddle in the swift rush of the current, and entered the head of the riffle where the water poured glassily ere it burst into a white madness of foam.

  82. Well I started and I was going without my riffle but the Corp.

  83. Germans is weak on getting out of the way of riffle bullets why that's the weapon to use on them and make a sucker out of them.

  84. I wrote because I come over here to fight and be a soldier and carry a riffle instead of a pin cushion.

  85. Jokeing a side Al I guess you won't be supprised to hear how I have picked up in the riffle practice and I knew right along that I couldn't hardly help from being a A No.

  86. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "riffle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.