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Example sentences for "seating herself"

  • Seating herself in an elbow-chair to recover her breath, Mrs. Gower laid the baby in her bed, and rang the bell.

  • Seating herself at the window, she began to draw faces from memory.

  • Seating herself at the desk, Georgia dropped her throbbing head upon it, giddy and blind with one of her deadly headaches, which until the last month or two, she had never known.

  • Grace went back to her bench, and, seating herself, opened a magazine she had brought with her.

  • Seating herself on one of the wooden benches inside the station, she placed her traveling effects on the floor beside her and compared her watch with the station clock.

  • But when they reached the opposite side of the pool no alligator was visible, and Ruth, seating herself in the loop of a vine, which formed a natural swing, laughed her merriest.

  • Seating herself upon it, the poor old lady rocked to and fro, moaning in her grief, and wishing that she were not going to Kentucky, or that it were possible now to remain at her mountain home.

  • He says she's an heiress, and very beautiful," rejoined Ida, seating herself at the piano.

  • Scarcely were they out of sight of the house, when Sal, seating herself upon a large stone, commenced divesting her feet of her shoes and stockings.

  • She drew hastily away from Espy’s side, and, seating herself by a window, seemed to have her attention fully occupied with something that was going on in the street.

  • Thou knowest my name,' said Mrs Pemberton as she entered, seating herself by Mrs Mowbray, 'but I have yet to learn thine.

  • Tell me what's in thy mind," broke in Mary, restlessly, seating herself on a chair by his side.

  • Again, seating herself at the piano, she ran her fingers restlessly over the keys, as though his presence were trying to her.

  • I am sorry I kept you waiting," said Maggie, seating herself at the table and continuing to apologize for her tardiness.

  • Seating herself on the bed, which creaked complainingly under her weight, and settling her black dress with a great rustle of silk, she dropped into the most cordial relations with the invalid at once.

  • You there, my poppet," she said, seating herself for a talk.

  • Ruth gave him another kiss for answer, and, seating herself on the bed, looked down upon him with a glow in her great velvety eyes that brought a smile to his lips.

  • Mrs Maple, seating herself on a sofa, and taking out her snuff-box.

  • Elinor would not dance, but, seating herself, fixed her eyes upon Harleigh, whose own were almost perpetually wandering to watch those of his dramatic consort.

  • She pauses by the settee, looking down upon him as though she would strike him; then she walks away, and, seating herself in the chair by the bedside, drops her head upon the bed.

  • Seating herself by the writing-table and dipping into "Madame Plon.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seating herself" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    advance guard; another subject; ask you; borrowed from; broke forth; declare that; does occur; done either; fine laid; fine silver; generic term; great diversity; ground squirrel; has been truly said; homeward bound; hunt them; large lump; mean temperature; seating herself; seating himself; seating myself; shall offer; trance state; zero potential