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Example sentences for "shrewdness"

Lexicographically close words:
shrewd; shrewde; shrewder; shrewdest; shrewdly; shrewe; shrewish; shrews; shriek; shrieked
  1. Alexander showed his customary shrewdness in selecting for the miserable work the Dominican general, Giovacchino Torriani, who bore the reputation of a kind-hearted and humane man.

  2. The shrewdness of this device thus made itself apparent.

  3. With the shrewdness of the countryman, he concluded that Jud had not been able to combat the temptations of the great city.

  4. This act of shrewdness on her part was calculated to mislead the people of Clay township, and it succeeded.

  5. The answers were given with a solemn self-complacency, not unmixed with that shrewdness which was an essential attribute to the success of the ancient quacksalver.

  6. By her native shrewdness she was able to do something for her people's cause.

  7. The dove, however, is the only one that comprehends human speech, and it is a creature of uncommon shrewdness and intelligence, like the hare in the Indian myths and Br'er Rabbit in the stories of our Southern negroes.

  8. Yet it has shown shrewdness in Porto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines, its prosperity proving that the Spaniard can be a thrifty mortal whether he wears a monkish cowl or a military uniform.

  9. With her usual shrewdness the stout girl had discovered the real cause of Mary's depression, and kindly advised her to have a heart-to-heart talk with Marjorie.

  10. With almost uncanny shrewdness she had divined what Marjorie herself had not discovered.

  11. Their wit and shrewdness avail them, however, to avoid this trouble; and a Chinaman who has occasion to cross the ferry can usually borrow the tax receipt of some one who has already paid.

  12. The fathers displayed their customary shrewdness in the selection of this situation.

  13. I was little disturbed, however, by these and sundry other indications that I was not establishing a reputation for impartiality and shrewdness with a majority of the citizens.

  14. The ingenuity and shrewdness of this device cannot be too much admired.

  15. A high degree of shrewdness and tact is required, in order to estimate probabilities rightly, and to pursue investigations in such a way as to avoid attracting attention or exciting alarm.

  16. Johnson's shrewdness and spirit of enquiry were exerted upon every occasion.

  17. It was the shrewdness of the insinuation which made the story be circulated.

  18. Jeremiah could claim to have no mixture in his blood, as his color was of such a pure black; but with the way of the world, in respect to shrewdness and intelligence, he had evidently been actively conversant.

  19. Yet, in point of courage, shrewdness and disinterested exertions to rescue her fellow-men, by making personal visits to Maryland among the slaves, she was without her equal.

  20. Plymouth was forty-two years of age, of a light chestnut color, with keen eyes, and a good countenance, and withal possessed of shrewdness enough to lead double the number that accompanied him.

  21. You will find that he will take his old station, commanding the right or left wing of the auctioneer; and that he will enliven, by the gaiety and shrewdness of his remarks, the circle that more immediately surrounds him.

  22. Hon-Yost Schuyler was one of the coarsest and most ignorant men in the valley, appearing scarce half removed from idiocy; and yet there was no small share of shrewdness in his character.

  23. In connexion with these efforts, there is a scrap of unwritten history, which, whether true or not, is characteristic of the shrewdness and dry sarcastic humor of the chief.

  24. He was a man of great shrewdness and sagacity, deliberate in the formation of his purposes, and resolute in their execution when matured.

  25. He was clean shaven, save a patch of short white chin-whiskers, and his big straight nose had a slight hook of shrewdness in it.

  26. Mr. Dunlop, whose shrewdness suspected more than he knew, said nothing, and asked no questions, even when the loan was asked for without explanation.

  27. He talked the matter over with Mr. Dunlop, and the old Scotchman's practical shrewdness as well as his purse came to Roland's aid, in devising new arrangements.

  28. Page 139: bliassed (want of shrewdness when he visited Sapps Court.

  29. Mr. Dane Montague beamed, with the air of one whose faith in the shrewdness of a fellow creature has been justified.

  30. There were many others who offered him friendship, but Jacob's natural shrewdness seemed only to have increased with his access of prosperity, and he became almost morbidly conscious of the attractions to others of his ever-growing wealth.

  31. In this emergency the old tradesman recovered the shrewdness which he had formerly displayed in his business, and gave advice instinct with prudence and sagacity.

  32. Although the old man never seemed to be sensible of any thing tending to the ludicrous in his own mode of expressing himself, yet he had considerable relish for humor, and some shrewdness of repartee.

  33. His new companion was a tall boy of fourteen, with small, cunning, gray eyes, to which a slight cast gave an additional expression of shrewdness and drollery.

  34. They greeted her with cordiality, responded to her advances, talked to her with the tolerant and humorous shrewdness that lurked in their dim eyes, but it was always one at a time.

  35. There was shrewdness as well as anger in his taunt at its "ambassadors.

  36. But his shrewdness and learning only left him, in the phrase of Henry the Fourth of France, "the wisest fool in Christendom.

  37. Though James was swept along helplessly by the tide, his shrewdness saw clearly the turn that affairs were taking; and it was only by hard pressure that the favourite succeeded in wresting his consent to Cranfield's disgrace.

  38. The shrewdness of James had read the very heart of the man when Buckingham pressed for his first advancement to the see of St. David's.

  39. The idea of his bodily deformity is utterly without foundation, and may have been adopted as a foil to his extraordinary shrewdness and wit, as exhibited in the anecdotes related of him by Planudes.

  40. Of course, a large proportion of the jests have been taken from Arabian and Persian collections, though some are doubtless genuine; and they represent the Khoja as a curious compound of shrewdness and simplicity.

  41. It was such a strange blunder for one of Skeffy's shrewdness to have made,--so inexplicable.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shrewdness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    acumen; art; artfulness; artifice; cleverness; craft; cunning; dexterity; discernment; discrimination; finesse; guile; gumption; ingenuity; intelligence; inventiveness; judgement; judgment; keenness; mind; penetration; perspicacity; prudence; readiness; sharpness; shrewdness; sophistry; stealth; subtlety; trickery; wile; wisdom; wit