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Example sentences for "taunt"

Lexicographically close words:
taua; taucht; taught; taughte; tauld; taunted; taunting; tauntingly; taunts; taupe
  1. It was a letter to taunt me for my ill behaviour.

  2. His shrill scream pealing back upon the breeze, fell upon my ears like the taunt of some deadly foe.

  3. The coarse taunt caused my blood, already hot enough, to boil within my veins.

  4. This contempt for men goes so far that if a wife laments the death of her husband who has died without issue, her companions taunt her.

  5. This taunt roused a feeling of indignation in the soul of Fred Harper; and he so far forgot the requirements of the constitution as to reply,-- "Tim Bunker.

  6. Fred Harper had done wrong in replying to the taunt of Tim, and this would make a case for the decision of their Director.

  7. Tony, it seemed, wished to join the club; but his mother, fearful lest some of the boys should taunt him with the occurrences of the past few days, desired him to remain at home.

  8. I know it; but somehow I couldn't help it; the taunt was so mean and contemptible.

  9. Captain Sedley did not blame Fred very much for the taunt he had used, considering the provocation.

  10. The fastidious citizen in this country has been and still is fond of the taunt that men of upright character and fine instincts--what he calls gentlemen--will not enter public life, for the reason that they will not eat dirt.

  11. That is the favorite taunt of those who do not admire our institutions and behavior, and the favorite note of warning of those who would fain think well of us.

  12. The voice of malignant taunt and scorn, "Where is now thy God?

  13. Let not any talk of taunt and ridicule being a trivial and insignificant thing--unworthy of thought.

  14. It was the same taunt in His case as in yours!

  15. It is often because the taunt is contemptible that it is hardest to bear.

  16. I, to pride myself upon gentle blood and knightly training, and then throw insult and taunt upon a woman's unshielded head!

  17. The French writers, under the old regime, constantly boast that loyalty was the characteristic of their nation, and taunt the English with their opposite and insubordinate spirit.

  18. Those who know what the common education of an English gentleman was eighty years ago, will appreciate the force of this comparison, and will understand how benighted a country must have been, to which such a taunt was applicable.

  19. Indeed, no reasonable person can possibly suppose that, after years of arduous and uninterrupted study, I should have committed those childish blunders with which my opponents unscrupulously taunt me.

  20. Bossuet, thus standing, as he supposed, on an eminence which raised him above the ordinary weaknesses of men, loved to taunt them with their follies, and to deride every aspiration of their genius.

  21. S: They who taunt those of the faithful who give their alms freely, and those who give to the extent of their earnings and scoff at them; Allah will pay them back their scoffing, and they shall have a painful chastisement.

  22. Y: Allah hath heard the taunt of those who say: "Truly, Allah is indigent and we are rich!

  23. If any player shall speak to, taunt or interrupt another, not being of his own party, while in the act of delivering his stone, one shot shall be added to the score of the party so interrupted.

  24. That the implied taunt was unjust need not be laboured.

  25. Oh, I'll find it," was the reply; and then came what Master Ned knew would be the crowning taunt and insult to his father.

  26. I know not whether he took it as a taunt from so dear a friend, or whether the mere mention of so delicate a sorrow was too much for him; but his face twitched, and he gave a swallow, and was hard put to it to hold back the tears.

  27. I tore it open, disdaining to reply in words to a gratuitous taunt I could soon answer by deed.

  28. Suddenly a taunt was flung out by one of the guests at the discomfited hero.

  29. The taunt of treachery and ingratitude flung at them wherever they went stung and nettled.

  30. The people who taunt other people with having taken temporary refuge in a pig-pen are usually those who live in pig-pens the whole year 'round.

  31. It was a taunt that pulled tight on the corners of his mouth; it was lacking in playfulness.

  32. The taunt would appear an ill-timed one at such a minute; but Hemsworth knew well the temperament of him he addressed, and did not utter a syllable at random.

  33. Or, if he could taunt them into killing him at once he would be spared all the terrible agony which they were in the habit of inflicting on their victims.

  34. I have not come to reproach you, nor taunt you with crimes which, had it not been for a restraining Providence, I might have done myself.

  35. Another effect in this ode is the Taunt or Dirge Song.

  36. With section 6 this passes into a Taunt Song (as in example /x/).

  37. He did not upbraid or taunt me, or argue with me, but disappeared.

  38. Meet him, taunt him, make him draw on thee, shoot at thee; force a quarrel on him somehow, and kill him!

  39. But though from violence, yet not from words 275 Abstained Achilles, but with bitter taunt Opprobrious, his antagonist reproached.

  40. They were not his Huzoors; they belonged to the man at his side, who had the right to taunt him.

  41. The taunt bit deep, and Tara drew herself up angrily.

  42. Only a taunt from a pair of painted lips.

  43. This outlaw Wildfoot must know of my forthcoming departure for England, and he is seeking to taunt me.

  44. Evidently Mother Melrose's taunt about the British evacuation of Philadelphia rankled in his mind, though the two Englishmen themselves had passed it off easily enough.

  45. In like manner the monster continues to taunt his helpless victim; so long, one might fancy his spite would be spent, his vengeance sated.

  46. His harshest words of proud rebuke, His bitterest taunt and scorning, Fell fire-like on the Northern brow That bent to him in fawning.

  47. What deeds in Freedom's name we do; Yet know that every taunt ye throw Across the waters, goads our slow Progression towards the right and true.

  48. But not content with assaulting Mr. Sumner, he winds up his speech by a taunt at ‘Boston philanthropy.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "taunt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    affront; asperse; aspersion; atrocity; banter; brickbat; chaff; comeback; contempt; contumely; crack; cut; dare; deride; despite; dig; dishonor; dismiss; disoblige; dump; enormity; fleer; flout; foolery; get; gibe; heckle; hiss; humiliate; humiliation; indignity; injury; insult; jape; jeer; jeering; jest; joke; laugh; lout; mock; mockery; offend; offense; outrage; pick; poke; presume; provocation; quip; quiz; rally; revile; ridicule; scoff; scorn; scout; slam; slap; sneer; swipe; tantalize; taunt; tease; twit