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Example sentences for "lout"

Lexicographically close words:
lours; lous; louse; lousie; lousy; louted; louting; loutish; loutit; louts
  1. John happened to provoke the antipathy of a lout in his form known as Lubber Sprott.

  2. Yes; a big lout in the Third Fifth," Scaife smiled grimly.

  3. Many a lout is wealthy, and a clever man, hard put to.

  4. Geoffrey's ears as he dashed up, just as a great lout of a fisher lad, in a blue jersey, had picked up a lump of granite, and was about to fling it at the wretched girl.

  5. But in Sarria's mind, the lout was an object of affection, sincere, unquestioning.

  6. And I thought it was that crockery smashing goat of a lout of a cow-puncher.

  7. That up-country lout was surprised, I can tell you!

  8. If someone, who could see right into me, were to write my biography, he would make me out to be no different from that lout of a Panchu, or even from Nikhil!

  9. Particularly so since you called me a pink-faced lout of an Englishman.

  10. Oh, he looks as if he could look after himself, that great pink-faced lout of an Englishman.

  11. He's the meanest, stingiest lout in all Fellsgarth.

  12. As he now helped himself he admitted to himself that Percy was not quite such a lout as he had occasionally thought him.

  13. The lout had it out the other day in the rapids, and let it go over the falls, and it got smashed up.

  14. This great, huge lump of selfish clay had actually shown feeling and was ashamed of it, like the lout he was.

  15. In trembling fear for what the lout might answer, I put my hand on the buggy rail and struggled anxiously to my seat.

  16. For she too had fled from the house, being unwilling to have aught to do with such a deed of cruel wrong as the marrying of her sister, that was the flower of the West, to an oafish lout like James Mure.

  17. There were at least thirty swords pointed at my breast, and one great lout threatened me with a Lochaber axe.

  18. Any questing lout that can persuade a tow-headed Mall of the byre to set up house with him, deserves better of his country than you.

  19. We followed our lout up the right leg, which is a gentle and easy ascent in the general likeness of a street.

  20. A rough lout had set up shop there, with dressed poultry for sale.

  21. There was a slight explosion one evening, and a country lout of the neighborhood told of it.

  22. She passed me and seated herself on the lounge, leaving me to stand like a lout before her, ashamed of my youth and of the clumsiness of my great body.

  23. Surely this trumpery Scotchman in Jews' finery is no gentleman, nor the longshore lout he has got with him.

  24. Whilst I am ruminating comes a great battling at the street door, and Jack Comyn blew in like a gust of wind, rating me soundly for being a lout and a blockhead.

  25. He scolded Polly with some violence, and asked whether she wanted to marry such a lout as Moggs.

  26. She's thinking of that orkard lout of a fellow just because he's standing to be a Parl'ament gent.

  27. In this manner I obtained a week's respite, but at the end of that time the lout gave orders that my cell should be swept.

  28. I saw that the lout was astonished not to hear the lamentations he expected.

  29. Devil fry me, but a man must sit here and drink the clothes off his body while a lout like you goes for a stroll!

  30. The door stood open on to the platform, and she chattered incessantly, half to herself and half to Pelle, about her gout, her dead husband, and her lout of a son.

  31. I doff my cap, I lout my knee to Westforest!

  32. He was a lazy lout but obedient, strong, too, of his fists and with a voice that could summon, if need were, not the dead but the watch.

  33. It has invented intellectual workers in the country, and you may search through all our villages and find at the most some lout in a reefer jacket or a black frock-coat who will make four mistakes in spelling a word of three letters.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lout" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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