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Example sentences for "loutish"

Lexicographically close words:
lousie; lousy; lout; louted; louting; loutit; louts; louvres; louyng; louynge
  1. The two hobbledehoys in the stocks, loutish farmer's boys, had been already undergoing the punishment for about an hour.

  2. All three seigniors had chafed at this irksome task--they found torrents of ridicule to pour upon the loutish Netherlanders and their vulgar and unseemly habits; but the Duke was firm, and obedience was obligatory.

  3. Yet," I said, "the loutish bumpkin would have me marry him.

  4. The loutish buffoons on the stage with their brutal humors filled him with resentment at their degradation.

  5. The loutish derision passed her and rebounded on him.

  6. Was it preferable to be a loutish philosopher?

  7. Cunning and stupidity, distrust and obstinacy, joined with unscrupulous greed, still marked his loutish attempts to overreach.

  8. One of them thought for a moment to prevail over the loutish Germanus, successor to Augustus.

  9. Peering through the folds of the tent he could see that, faithful to the threatening message, the cavasses were prowling around the tent and telling the loutish soldiers that if Teleki stepped out they would seize him forthwith.

  10. The loutish slaves came one by one into the room, and Hassan turned his face towards them, remaining in that position while Azrael told him who they were and what they wanted.

  11. The others were every make and manner of fellow, from well-shaped and well-clad gentlemen to loutish seamen in leather jerkins.

  12. Here was a pretty business, for though gentleman born I was as loutish with a gentleman's weapon as any country hind.

  13. Peter was the farmer's only son, a loutish youth of fifteen, steady and plodding as his plough horses and almost as silent.

  14. The idea of the loutish Peter capering anywhere, least of all on a velvet carpet, made Lilac smile in spite of Uncle Joshua's great gravity.

  15. The wolf look leaped into Halfman's eyes, and the loutish squire's life was, all unawares, in the greatest peril it had ever fringed.

  16. Not even to herself, either before or since Desboro's letter which had revealed him so unmistakably, had the girl ventured in her inmost thoughts to think the things which this big, blond, loutish boy had babbled.

  17. The loutish brains of the lower proletariat did not care to go beyond that obvious self-evident fact.

  18. The heads of this pack of country folk had been overheated with sack and spiced ale; an unreasoning, maniacal terror, with superstition for its basis, had completed the work of completely addling their loutish brains.

  19. Usually the promenaders are fishermen, Austrian corporals, loutish youth of low degree, and women too old and too poor to have any thing to do.

  20. The ground was webbed with the feet of geese, and certain loutish boys, who paused to look at us, had each a goose dragging at his heels, in the forlorn and elongated manner peculiar to dead poultry.

  21. And the reality--can there be any reality between us--between a divinely gifted woman and the loutish fool who dreams about her?

  22. What would you have me do--teach dancing to loutish girls in some stuffy English suburb?

  23. Those loutish peasants have no idea of enjoyment save their eternal gipsy music and their interminable csárdás.

  24. One by one these loutish peasants have come into my shop and told me the tale--curse them!

  25. And I like the way the tits cling to the flowers and pick out the seeds, while the other loutish birds, grubbing dirtily for their food, look up in envy from the ground.

  26. At the first stile a group of village boys, loutish young fellows all dressed in the hideous ill-fitting black which makes a funeral of every English Sunday and holiday, were assembled, drearily guffawing as they smoked their cigarettes.

  27. A cold, sick feeling stifled his very breathing; he gasped, and spun round, to see two big loutish boys walking fast away.

  28. So loutish Tom has won the Victoria Cross--dashed out under a storm of bullets and rescued the riddled flag.

  29. Who would have thought it of loutish Tom?

  30. I am not seized with a loutish vertigo when I look upon her and touch her hand.

  31. The unclean fires that consume the loutish and degenerate are not of love.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "loutish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    awkward; barbarian; boorish; bumbling; bungling; careless; churlish; clumsy; coarse; countrified; crass; crude; cumbersome; fumbling; gauche; gawky; graceless; hayseed; hick; hulking; inconsiderate; inelegant; insensitive; loutish; lumbering; lumpish; maladroit; nasty; obtuse; offensive; ponderous; provincial; raffish; rough; roughneck; rowdy; rude; ruffianly; rugged; rustic; sloppy; stiff; tactless; uncivilized; uncouth; uncultivated; uncultured; unfeminine; ungainly; ungentlemanly; ungraceful; unhandy; unladylike; unpolished; unrefined; unwieldy; vulgar; yokel