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Example sentences for "skulls"

Lexicographically close words:
skulking; skulks; skull; skullcap; skulled; skunk; skunks; skurried; skurry; skurrying
  1. The discovery of the characteristic skulls of both these races in the same family vault in the cave of Gop near Prestatyn, Flintshire, proves that the two races were mingled together in Britain as far back as the Bronze Age.

  2. Close by is also a high post, around which a perfect circle of buffalo skulls has been arranged.

  3. A number of buffalo skulls were piled up there; and we were told that this was a medicine, or charm, contrived by the Indians in order to entice the herds of buffaloes.

  4. Afterward the bones and skulls of the carabaos are hung about the house to show their neighbours what a rich man he was.

  5. After having consumed their ammunition, they had broken their arms upon the skulls of the Papal soldiery, and provided themselves with fresh ones by taking those of the killed.

  6. And we hoped he had peace in his lair Where the bones of old tyrannies lay, And the skulls that his cubs have stripped bare, The old skulls they still toss in their play.

  7. The men of Castile call for tribute: Guatimozin sends them such tribute as his fathers paid; here it is--twelve skulls of the dogs of Chalco, taken in the act of rebellion.

  8. Similar skulls are also said to be found at the Visita Paniniman, and on a small island close to the Visita Guialo.

  9. Similar skulls have been received only from caves, which exist in one of the little rocky islands east from Luzon.

  10. I have sawed one of these skulls in two along the sagittal suture.

  11. Of the skulls themselves, none were brachycephalous; on the contrary, they exhibit platyrrhine and in part decidedly pithecoid noses.

  12. The entire cranium, including the face, is covered with a thick layer of sinter, which gives it the appearance of belonging to the class of skulls with Leontiasis ossea.

  13. At any rate, it is quite probable that the skulls from Lanang, Cragaray, and other Philippine Islands are the remains of a very old, if not autochthonous, prehistoric layer of population.

  14. It might be mentioned that all Lanang skulls are characterized by their size and the firmness of bone, so that they depart widely from the characteristics of the other Philippine examples known to me.

  15. Public attention was first aroused about thirty years ago concerning skulls from Samar and Luzon, gathered by F.

  16. An old writer in the seventeenth century says: "You may see in the druggist shops of London some skulls entirely covered with moss, and some that only have the moss growing on some parts.

  17. Special virtue was attributed to skulls taken from gibbets.

  18. They send these skulls especially to Germany, to put into the composition of the sympathetic ointment which Crollius describes in his Royal Chemist, and which is used for the falling sickness.

  19. These skulls mostly come from Ireland, where they frequently let the bodies of criminals hang on the gibbet till they fall to pieces.

  20. At one moment, two very light and airy skeletons seemed to be engaged, in dancing the polka; and, getting angry, flung their skulls furiously at each other.

  21. When the scaffold falls, and the bones have generally decayed, the skulls are placed in circles, facing inwards.

  22. The women, says Mr. Catlin, are able to recognize the skulls of their respective husbands, by some particular mark; and daily visit them with the best cooked dishes from their wigwams.

  23. Skulls of enemies, slain in battle, are ranged at its feet.

  24. Two of these skulls were sent to Hillsdale College, where one still remains, though the data with it were lost during a fire; the other skull was sent to Albion College, but cannot now be found.

  25. No priests could do anything with the wrath of two great mad ugly brutes, hot to kill each other, and crazy to risk having their own throats cut or skulls cleft rather than not have the chance.

  26. Rings engraved with skulls and skeletons were not, however, necessarily mourning-rings, but were worn also by persons who affected gravity.

  27. Vast trophies of skulls and antlers and boars' heads loomed up in the distance, indistinctly visible through the dim shade, but lighted up occasionally by the sudden flare of the logs from the wide hearth.

  28. The flashes of flame made the stags' skulls seem to grin horribly and gleamed strangely upon the white tusks that protruded from the black boars' heads, and reflected a deep red glare from their artificial eyes of coloured glass.

  29. Their sex no shield to save them, Their youth no weapon stayed; De Soto with his falchion A lane amid them made, And in the skulls of blooming girls Sank battle-axe and blade.

  30. But these sepulchres are so old, and these skulls and white ashes so very dry, that methinks they have ceased to be haunted.

  31. It is the custom at Otaheite not to bury the skulls of the chiefs with the rest of the bones, but to put them into boxes made for that purpose.

  32. It might, therefore, find its origin among the races of which the skulls of Neanderthal and Borreby are the representatives and the relics, and the latter might well be the descendants of the former.

  33. The excavations which have been made in intact ancient beds have brought to light skulls of ancient races of man, and these skulls present characteristics which approximate them to the skull of the ape.

  34. Other Caves of the Epoch of the Great Bear and Mammoth--Type of the Human Race during the Epochs of the Great Bear and the Reindeer--The Skulls from the Caves of Engis and Neanderthal 72 II.

  35. The skulls and the long bones found in the terramares are almost always broken for the purpose of extracting the brain and the marrow, a very ancient usage which had endured to this comparatively late epoch.

  36. In order to justify his hypothesis the learned anthropologist says, that there is often more difference between the skulls of the two sexes of the same race, than between the skulls of the same sex belonging to two distinct races.

  37. These skulls present considerable discrepancies, but Pruner-Bey is of opinion that they are heads of a male and female of the same race.

  38. These two skulls seem, therefore, to show that the population of the lacustrine settlements had not at all changed at the beginning of the bronze epoch.

  39. If we place side by side the skull of a man belonging to the Stone Age, and the skulls of the principal apes of large size, these dissimilarities cannot fail to be obvious.

  40. One of these skulls is distinguished by a projecting jaw; the other, which is represented in fig.

  41. If we measure the facial angle of this skull, we shall find that it does not differ from the skulls of the men who at the present time inhabit the same climates.

  42. Other Caves of the Epoch of the Great Bear and Mammoth--Type of the Human Race during the Epochs of the Great Bear and the Reindeer--The Skulls from the Caves of Engis and Neanderthal.

  43. CRIME IS DYING OUT Many of us feel that crime is the striking feature of modern life, that this century sits among the skulls of crime's victims, and that Father Time, after all his ages of travel, sees no improvement.

  44. A good deal of anthropometric investigation has been devoted to human remains of the Aegean epoch, especially to skulls and bones found in Crete in tombs of Period II.

  45. Schweinfurth says the Akka have very large and almost spherical skulls (this last detail proves to be an exaggeration).

  46. It was his taste to preserve the skulls of the enemies he had killed--those of the meaner men to be used as flower-pots, while those of the princes were kept in special chests.

  47. Some put the skulls in quicklime, but it has a tendency to make the bones splinter, and it is difficult to keep the teeth from getting loose and dropping out.

  48. An epipterygoid bone or cartilage; the columella in the skulls of many lizards.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "skulls" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.