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Example sentences for "softer"

Lexicographically close words:
softe; soften; softened; softening; softens; softest; softly; softned; softness; softnesses
  1. The site, a broad, green and riant valley, with a high background, is softer and gayer than that of Funchal.

  2. The night and the next day were spent at sea in a truly delicious climate, which seemed to wax softer and serener as we advanced.

  3. Two showed traces of tongue and eyes (which often were blue), proving that the softer and more perishable parts were not removed.

  4. Presently she found him standing by her, his face softer than usual.

  5. It seemed to have been a song of peace to Robert, for he gave a long but much softer sigh, and pushed back his hat, saying, 'All good things dwell on the Holt side of the boundary.

  6. As I repelled this fearful thought in a manner highly fortifying, the tender hue flowed back again into her famished cheeks and lips, and a softer brilliance glistened from the depth of her dark eyes.

  7. And the mellow straw-bed will be softer for thee, since pride must have its fall.

  8. A woman's form lay upon the floor, and she was bound and gagged; but dark eyes met his, and in the eyes was a softer light than he had ever seen there before when they had been fixed on him.

  9. It seemed to plumb the very depths of irony that she appeared to labor under the impression she might somehow, in this way, arouse his better nature and touch some softer human chord within him!

  10. What would that perfect oval face, beautiful even now in its fearless contempt, look like in softer mood?

  11. The reference would appear to be to a softer and homelier dialect, perhaps the oldest of the two, in which poetic emotion found fullest and most beautiful expression.

  12. He is Nicholas recast in a softer mould, wherein tenacity of purpose is substituted for rigid, inflexible will, and the development of the nation at home supplants the ambition for predominant political influence abroad.

  13. There are two inches on it of pure fat, softer than marrow.

  14. Her face, always so soft, grew softer at the touch of this sympathetic emotion.

  15. He was still on a higher level than the angle of the little wood where it ran down to the river, and, as he glanced in the direction of this softer sound, the young pair became apparent to him.

  16. She hastily interposed, with her softer voice.

  17. But these softer moods were rare; in Wilhelmine's life there was little to call forth a gentle feeling.

  18. The conspicuous nest, placed on low trees or shrubs, is a loose platform of spiny sticks and twigs with a softer lining, and contains from three to five yellowish eggs, spotted with reddish brown and lilac.

  19. As the softer substance behind the facing wears away more easily, the incisor takes a chisel shape, leaving the hard enamel in front projecting slightly as a cutting edge; thus these teeth always remain sharp.

  20. He was a man not unaccustomed to the ways of the softer sex, for he already had nine children by three successive wives.

  21. These disputes disturbed even the period usually dedicated to the softer delights of matrimony, and the honeymoon was occupied by endeavours to induce her to exercise a testamentary power of appointment in his favour.

  22. Tom, turning her little eyes upon the quivering face with a tenderness of expression which would have been a revelation to casual acquaintances who believed Miss Bolderston incapable of the softer emotions.

  23. In the person of Miss Charlotte Yonge we discover the same virtues, but in a softer and more feminine mould.

  24. Mother, too, had grown softer in some corner of her being.

  25. This softer subject led him to no conclusion, leaving him stranded among misty woods and fields of flowers that had no outlet.

  26. The Ballad, though the pride of ancient time, Has often nothing but his humorous rhyme; The Madrigal may softer passions move, And breathe the tender ecstasies of love.

  27. Casmilla was her mother; but he drowned One hissing letter in a softer sound, And called Camilla.

  28. In sorrow you must softer methods keep; And, to excite our tears, yourself must weep.

  29. You know it's true, mother," Amanda answered in a softer manner.

  30. The people thought that his iron heart filled with feelings of vengeance, would become softer through such grief.

  31. Here Anna Danuta looked at the abbot with fear and added in a softer voice: "They say they have a true piece of the holy cross; how then can one fight against them?

  32. They declared that there was not a girl in the room to compare with you for freshness, that your skin was like satin, and smoother and softer every day.

  33. The softer affections exist in every human soul, as electricity exists in every body; but to detect them, to rouse a response, they must be treated for a length of time with a strong current of kindness.

  34. While her simple sorrow for his loss took a softer edge with the lapse of the autumn and winter seasons, her self-reproach at having had a possible hand in causing it knew little abatement.

  35. Her knock, always soft in virtue of her nature, was softer to-day by reason of her strange errand.

  36. Roman gold is used for this china and hard or unfluxed gold on the softer wares, such as Belleek.

  37. The softer the material is, the more satisfactory the work will be.

  38. Then too very hard china gives more trouble than a softer ware, such as English or Belleek.

  39. Swift as his anger is his sword; Softer than woman his true word.

  40. She completed him, added the softer lines wanting to his portrait before the world.

  41. Speech so foreign to her ears, unnatural in tone, unmanlike even for a lover (who is allowed a softer dialect), set her vainly sounding for the source and drift of it.

  42. The smile of Sir Willoughby waxed ever softer as the shakes of his head increased in contradictoriness.

  43. I was about to take the skirt of my robe and wipe my cheeks with it, when unexpectedly there fell on me from above a white kerchief, softer to the touch than the morning breeze and pleasanter to the sight than healing to the diseased.

  44. It was a speech that angered him, that cast out entirely the softer mood that had been growing in him.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "softer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.