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Example sentences for "sophomoric"

Lexicographically close words:
sophistries; sophistry; sophists; sophomore; sophomores; sophs; sopor; soporiferous; soporific; sopped
  1. In some such way as this the sophomoric riddle is answered: no thinker can lay down a course of action for all mankind--programs if they are useful at all are useful for some particular historical period.

  2. If tradition were a reverent record of those crucial moments when men burst through their habits, a love of the past would not be the butt on which every sophomoric radical can practice his wit.

  3. He was sophomoric enough to talk about his broken heart and she was sophomoric enough to suffer for him most enjoyably.

  4. He laughed with patriotic glee as he thought how "Josh, the joke" would make a fool of himself with silly, sophomoric arguments, would with his rude tactlessness get upon the nerves of the finicky old Justices of the Supreme Court!

  5. As for his speech, it was a straightway argument; not a superfluous or a sophomoric word, not an attempt at rhetoric.

  6. He read it over before mailing, and was particularly impressed by its sophomoric amateurishness and general worthlessness.

  7. He had proved it to-day, with his amateurish and sophomoric productions.

  8. The pages of the Southern Amaranth, and other collections of rebel poetry, give the impression of having been written by school-boys, and contain little but sophomoric rhetoric of the most sounding and inflated description.

  9. There is a mildly sophomoric flavor about the "Salmagundi" papers, as there is about Irving's letters of the same period.

  10. He was still fond of society, and still of a cheerful temper; but the absorbing sophomoric joy in cakes and ale was now past and not to return.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sophomoric" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amateur; amateurish; bookish; childish; collegiate; graduate; immature; learned; postgraduate; puerile; shallow; sophomoric; studious; superficial; undergraduate; young