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Example sentences for "stomp"

Lexicographically close words:
stomak; stomata; stomatitis; stomick; stomodaeum; stomped; ston; stond; stonde; stonden
  1. The dog obeyed her unwillingly enough, for evidently he did not like that Kafir; and when he saw that Stomp was well out of the way the Kafir himself followed.

  2. Up jumped Stomp and made a prodigious show of furiously attacking the embattled cocks; it was an operation to which he was used, and which afforded him constant amusement.

  3. Watch me stomp her wid mah king (He slams his card down and collects the trick.

  4. I'm going to stomp de black heifer till she can't sit down.

  5. Manguino began to stomp in anger and he boiled with a fit of temper, brought on by Jessuum's strange way of frightening -- by not saying very much.

  6. All suspicions end with feast Of gilded skins and threaded beads -- " Manguino began to stomp his feet as he screamed at the top of his voice, that carried through every part of Halls, for Orren to stop.

  7. She stomp and beat me nearly to death and they have to grease my back where she cowhide me and I's sick with fever for a week.

  8. The others clap they hands and stomp they feet and we young'uns cut a step round.

  9. When the preacher man shook he haid and stomp his feet and yell, I say to mammy: 'What that man mammy?

  10. Stomp him," I tell Angel, but he's scared.

  11. Damn, I'll stomp my mother if she talks big to me right then.

  12. Stomp him," I tell him again, pretty quiet, but he does it.

  13. Hit would try to stomp 'em to death, and us sho' did make tracks fast sometimes when dat old deer got out.

  14. NIXON: I'd stomp her till she rope like okra.

  15. It was cold enough to nip a feller's ears off, so I jest tucked my hands into my pockets as well as I could, and begun tu stomp my foot on the stun walk.

  16. She will come, I dare say," sez the feller a larfin, and beginning to stomp and clap hands with the rest on 'em that were a yelling and hooting like all possessed.

  17. We lost a few of them that way, but I think this year we have a little better sense and will let the farmer stomp them out.

  18. They don't like to get up there and stomp them out.

  19. He imagined them with cans in hands as they tried to stomp on his diminutive being while that which was maternal and good pretended it was not happening to him.

  20. You know why I'm here--to stomp the life out of you an' yore brother for what you done to my sister.

  21. For I aim to stomp you out like I would a copperhead.

  22. For a minute I'd pull you down here and stomp the life out of you!

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stomp" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    amble; barge; bundle; clop; clump; drag; drub; flounce; foot; halt; hitch; hobble; hop; jolt; jump; limp; lumber; lunge; lurch; mince; pace; paddle; peg; plod; prance; rack; roll; saunter; scuffle; scuttle; shamble; shuffle; sidle; skip; slink; slither; slouch; stagger; stalk; stamp; stomp; straddle; straggle; stride; stroll; strut; stump; swagger; swing; toddle; totter; tramp; trample; tread; trip; trudge; waddle; wiggle; wobble