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Example sentences for "strifes"

Lexicographically close words:
stridulate; stridulating; stridulation; stridulous; strife; strigil; strik; strike; striken; striker
  1. An engraver to trade, he became first notary and later secretary to the burgomaster of Haarlem; and, failing to steer clear of the strifes of the time, was arrested and imprisoned at the Hague in 1567.

  2. When "variation" was put as a sign of error by a Churchman the bulk of whose life was spent in bitter strifes with sections of his own Church, critical people were hardly likely to be confirmed in the faith.

  3. Religions in general he exhibits as tissues of error, illusion, and imposture, the endless sources of troubles and strifes for men.

  4. An intense political conservatism was equally marked in Strauss, who dreaded "demagogy," and in Schopenhauer, who left his fortune to the fund for the widows and families of soldiers killed or injured in the revolutionary strifes of 1848.

  5. The ballot would, therefore, be of no assistance to the wife in such case, nor could it heal family strifes or dissensions.

  6. The thesis, then, which I propose to expound to you is that in our modern racial strifes and national agitations we see man's inherited tribal instincts at war with his present-day conditions of life.

  7. If any are proud, doting about questions and strifes of words, evil surmisings, perverse disputings, supposing that gain is godliness; from such withdraw.

  8. There were endless strifes as well as divisions among them, which caused Paul to denounce them as carnally minded.

  9. O where thy voice doth come Let all doubts be dumb, Let all words be mild, All strifes be reconciled, All pains beguiled!

  10. For haughty spirits and high wraths are rife Among the Gods and Heroes here in Heaven, As among those whose joy and work is war; And daily strifes arise, and angry words.

  11. Above all, France was weary of war; and by peace the average Frenchman meant, not respite from Continental strifes that yielded a surfeit of barren glories, but peace with England.

  12. She had of late been singularly passive: anxiously she looked on at the gigantic strifes that were engulfing the smaller States one by one.

  13. The Swedes, weary of their hopeless strifes with France, Russia, and Denmark, deposed the still bellicose Gustavus IV.

  14. Thus, all your cares and strifes being employed to the highest purposes, all petty cares and worldly strifes shall be at an end.

  15. One of the church members had refused to help to send Mr. Parris away, on the ground that the village had had four pastors, and had gone through worse strifes with every one; but he saw a change of scene on the advent of the fifth.

  16. He had strifes and lawsuits with his neighbors; but he won three wives, and there was due affection between him and his children.

  17. We need only say that there had been many strifes about this property--fights about boundaries, and stripping of timber, and a series of lawsuits.

  18. Except such conflicts as arose about the boundaries of estates when the General Court was remiss in making and enforcing its decisions, the first and greatest strifes related to Church matters and theological doctrines.

  19. Long before the date of the Salem Tragedy, the strifes which follow upon the acquisition of land had become common, and there was much ill-blood within the bounds of the City of Peace.

  20. These strifes and persecutions destroyed the missions.

  21. These are strifes in which good people may engage, and of the trophies won in such a contest every modest man may boast.

  22. There were constant strifes between nation and nation, man and man.

  23. None of the great nobles in the vicinity--generally engaged in the civil strifes and incessant broils of their own countries--had time to suppress them, even if they had the inclination.

  24. What strifes there are in that eternal battle-field, the human heart!

  25. Here he met the Governor-General, Lord Dalhousie, and here in a few weeks began those strifes and contentions which eventually broke the old soldier's heart.

  26. Those merciless strifes had, however, somewhat abated under the organizing power of a man, in whom the black race seemed to have vindicated its claims to political capacity.

  27. The revolutionary strifes had wearied the brain of France and had predisposed it to accept accomplished facts.

  28. Evidently the First Consul could expect more from this course of events than from barren strifes with Nelson's ships in the Straits of Dover.

  29. Self-interest and the differentiating effects of party strifes undoubtedly assisted the mental transformation; but it is clear that the study of the "Social Contract" was the touchstone of his early intellectual growth.

  30. The name seems to have been assumed when, amidst the unceasing strifes between Guelfs and Ghibellines that rent the civic life of Florence, William's party, the Ghibellines, for a brief space gained the ascendancy.

  31. He finds the island rent by strifes which it would be tedious to describe.

  32. But amid strifes and bankruptcy their aims remained unfulfilled.

  33. When years have elapsed and strifes appear to have been buried in oblivion, suddenly, as if out of the grave, the past is apt to arise and confront us, sternly demanding the payment of its reckoning.

  34. The strifes of the day, even those that turn on the Godhead of Christ and the inspiration of the Bible, as well as on the divine claim of the church, are not due solely to hatred of truth and the depravity of the human heart.

  35. The best lives of the people moved quietly on, apart from the commotions and strifes of the time.

  36. Within our churches and in the ranks of social reformers distinctions are made where there should be none and old strifes are deepened.

  37. In Portugal, also, there were strifes and divisions, and rumours of intended insurrections.

  38. I look in vain for a deep-rooted antipathy to civil dissensions, to strifes utterly of no avail, considering that liberty had been crushed and that the Republic had already been mourned as dead.

  39. Help the first is called, for that will help thee against strifes and cares.

  40. He shall dooms pronounce, and strifes allay, holy peace establish, which shall ever be.

  41. Strifes and fierce enmities think not to be lulled, no more than deadly injury.

  42. At the bottom of her heart a true and zealous royalist, she guarded herself carefully from endeavoring to keep her husband back from his chosen path, and to bring into her house and family the party strifes of the political arena.

  43. Your strifes will be subdued; there will be a calm like that upon the sea when the storms subside.

  44. It is while we are watching his strifes and struggles that we see the awful importance of his destiny; and the great trusts of self, and truth, and the future, which have been delivered to his hands.

  45. My head ran upon the strifes of the forum, its exciting contests of mind and soul--its troubles, its triumphs.

  46. Muhammad can scarcely have failed to observe the opportunity offered for the growth of a new power, by the ruinous strifes of the Persians and Greeks.

  47. Enjoin my servants to speak in kindly sort: Verily Satan would stir up strifes among them, for Satan is man's avowed foe.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strifes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.