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Example sentences for "substituted"

Lexicographically close words:
substantively; substantives; substation; substaunce; substitute; substitutes; substituting; substitution; substitutional; substitutionary
  1. In the United States the law in regard to bigamy is practically founded on the English statute of 1604, with the exception that imprisonment and a fine, varying in the different states, were substituted instead of making the offence a felony.

  2. They were abolished by the Judicature Act 1875, and a "motion for a new trial" substituted (see TRIAL).

  3. An inscription on the gun recording that fact was erased by Aurangzeb, who substituted the present inscription stating that he conquered Bijapur in 1686.

  4. Saran, u is substituted for ^al in the past.

  5. Here the mythical animal reappears on the same stage with the heroes, and for the image of the hero and the heroine there is substituted that of the cow and the bull.

  6. We shall see in the chapters concerning birds how the bird was often substituted for the horse in the office of carrying the deity or the hero.

  7. How far the followers of these good men in our days have kept to the primitive spirit, or in what proportion they have substituted formality for it, the Judge of Spirits can alone determine.

  8. Here is an instance of poetical or artificial language properly substituted for the phrase of common conversation; against Wordsworth.

  9. There, after his deposition from Imperial Drury, he substituted a throne.

  10. Here again a diverting likeness is substituted for a very disagreeable reality.

  11. I remember aright, another pudding was discreetly substituted in the place of that which had occasioned the offence.

  12. It was in consequence of this information that I myself removed the bonds from the box, early in the evening, and substituted strips of paper.

  13. According to Mr. Thorndike's advice, he transferred them to his pocket, and substituted folded paper.

  14. But somebody had removed them, and substituted paper.

  15. Do you think he removed the bonds and substituted paper?

  16. The beginning of another story, dealing likewise with an old man, has been substituted for the original opening.

  17. Island of Bolm, but the Faroese may have substituted the more familiar name for that of the island with which they were unacquainted.

  18. But when they began to decline, legal forms were substituted for spiritual power.

  19. Her sacerdotal robes had been substituted for the garments of holiness; her Prayer Book had extinguished those earnest, spontaneous soul-breathings which bring the burdened heart into sympathetic union with the sympathizing Saviour.

  20. That was all I saw of her, as she disappeared and was substituted by the lady of the house, the medium.

  21. By mistake, a large dose of camphorated dover's powders which lay on the table was substituted for the lobelia of Dr.

  22. I have substituted a letter for the name, as I do not think it prudent to place before the general reader the names of those who have so disagreed.

  23. His coat sleeves had evidently been substituted for a handkerchief when too great a surplus of tobacco juice obstructed his face.

  24. Romanism substituted for one set of idols another set.

  25. For the idols of the aborigines were substituted the images of the Virgin Mary and the Roman saints.

  26. He traced this inconvenient laxity to the very nature of the general workhouse for all classes, which the Central Authority had substituted for the series of specialised institutions recommended in the Report of 1834.

  27. But oakum-picking had apparently been substituted for needlework, and the Central Authority, in 1878, did not see its way to any alternative.

  28. I accordingly substituted pure idleness for it, which is a delightful thing in its way.

  29. Intricacy was substituted for dignity and poetry for rhetoric; the basilica became an abbey and the hermitage a school.

  30. The myth which originally was but a symbol substituted for empirical descriptions becomes in the sequel an idol substituted for ideal values.

  31. One sporadic growth of human nature may be substituted for its whole luxuriant vegetation; one negative or formal element of happiness may be preferred to the full entelechy of life.

  32. So pedantry might be substituted for wisdom, tyranny for government, superstition for morals, rhetoric for art.

  33. Not only may the established régime be superior to any other that could be substituted for it at the time, but some security against total destruction, and a certain opportunity for the arts and for personal advancement may follow subjugation.

  34. We should have lost our own essence and substituted for it, not something higher than indiscriminate being, but only indiscriminate being in its flat, blind, and selfish infinity.

  35. With unbroken will, he had stood by this position with regard to her, he had substituted pity for all his hostility, pity had been his shield and his safeguard, and his infallible weapon.

  36. He arranged what pensions were necessary, he looked for efficient substitutes, and when these were found, he substituted them for the old hands.

  37. It is a pretty raw deal, a fake in which Travis has been substituted by very excellent photographic forgery.

  38. Do you suppose some one has broken in and substituted this Lytton letter for the Thurston letter?

  39. It is like the start of the substituted letter, and the other is like the missing note," gasped Leland in a daze.

  40. The ball is wound upon a stick of a particular shape, which is drawn out when the coin is to be substituted in its place.

  41. For the checkers, small pieces of wood may be used, or black and white buttons be substituted in their place.

  42. Eggs, small lemons or oranges, little china dolls, and a number of small toys may be substituted for the rubber balls above given.

  43. The numbers are substituted in the place of the counters in the above figures for convenience, but Fig.

  44. It seems to me about time that you substituted common sense for immature impulse in dealing with present problems.

  45. My son John began, this day, to pronounce words having the sound of r, for which, agreeably to a natural organic law recognized by philologists, he has heretofore substituted the sound of l.

  46. P is often substituted for f, b for v, and ch for j.

  47. It is the tenacity of self-love substituted for the tenacity of reason or conscience.

  48. And the righteous man must have substituted the will of God for his individual will, if he is to become a saint.

  49. This ingenious plan was not, however, put into practice, for the minister was assured that for the popular farthing would be substituted no gift at all.

  50. Polypodium fibre may also be substituted for Osmunda fibre, or a proportion of each may be used.

  51. When white was chosen, the weavers often substituted cotton for wool, thinking it would keep its purity of tone longer.

  52. Thus geometrical designs were substituted for floral, although even now the designs of some Indian rugs revive memories of Persian teachers in the careful arrangement of flowers and leaves.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "substituted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.