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Example sentences for "taciturn"

Lexicographically close words:
tacit; tacita; tacite; tacitly; tacito; taciturnity; tack; tacked; tacking; tackle
  1. During such an interlude the fugitive hoped with confidence to have lost himself in a taciturn and apathetic wilderness of peak-broken land where his discovery would be as haphazard an undertaking as the accurate aiming of a lightning bolt.

  2. Bas had informed himself that, up to a week ago, it had not been recorded at the court house--and quite possibly the taciturn old man had never spoken of its nature to the girl.

  3. The taciturn Hopper had evidently been sent away for the occasion.

  4. He felt he could trust the discretion of this taciturn Highlander.

  5. Like Gilfillan, he was a quiet, somewhat taciturn man.

  6. I was in charge of the supply schooner which was tender to our fleet of pearling luggers, and was the one man among us to whom the silent, taciturn Paul would talk--sometimes.

  7. Don Alfonso was himself of rather taciturn disposition, but he liked to hear others talk, and there was no voice he loved to hear so much as that of his daughter Magdalen.

  8. He listened to all that Dona Constancia and Dolores had to tell him, but was very taciturn himself, and they were somewhat hurt at the small sympathy he expressed for his nephew in his imprisonment.

  9. The taciturn urchin draws them from his bundle with an air of independence, flaunts them in the face of his rival, and exults over their merits.

  10. I never had been secret or even systematically taciturn about my simple occupations which might have been foolish but had never required either caution or mystery.

  11. It was impossible to get the bearing of that utterance from that girl who, as Doña Rita herself had told me, was the most taciturn of human beings; and yet of all human beings the one nearest to herself.

  12. For the first time in his life, perhaps, the morose and taciturn Englishman smiled at nature.

  13. From twelve to eighteen I went to Cambridge, but my taciturn and perhaps haughty character isolated me from my fellows.

  14. You have certainly won something," resumed the elder calmly, "when a person of your excitable nature can play so well the sombre, taciturn character of Cromwell.

  15. Old Druce was a taciturn man, even with his only son.

  16. One very familiar with this strange and taciturn man might have observed that his sallow features looked even more gaunt than usual.

  17. Only one very intimate with the taciturn speaker could have perceived any evidence of interest in that imperturbable character.

  18. He was a creature of stone again; the familiar and taciturn Nicol Brinn, known and puzzled over in the club lands of the world.

  19. They are a taciturn people in Aragon and Navarre--so taciturn that in politely greeting the passer on the road they cut down the curt good-day.

  20. As the latter gently stroked with her white hand the black and smoking shoulder of the thoroughbred Fitz-Aymon, Camors was for the first time presented to the Comte de Tecle, a quiet, sad, and taciturn old gentleman.

  21. She was naturally so taciturn one was compelled to guess her thoughts; and long since Camors had reflected as to what was passing in that self- centred soul.

  22. Backwards and forwards the fragile vessels plied silently over the broad bosom of the river, bearing a freight of taciturn armed men, on the point of whose muskets literally trembled the fate of Canada.

  23. The lips were set as those of a taciturn man, but not grimly, and their corners bore two lines as of old smiles that had buried their joys there forever.

  24. He was clean-shaved with a strong bluish jaw and something of the air of a taciturn actor or of a fanatical priest: the type with thick black eyebrows--you know.

  25. Nothing, I have been told, could have presented a greater contrast to his late violence or the habitual taciturn reserve of his manner.

  26. The cousins Grove dropt in upon them in the afternoons, and were less taciturn than they had been in Lincoln's Inn Fields on the evening of March 26th.

  27. From a taciturn man I believe she would transform me into a talker.

  28. At any rate he sickened, and after opposing to the malady a taciturn resistance for a day or two, was obliged to keep his chamber.

  29. He is a churlish old blade," said Tom; thinking by this remark to rouse and animate the blood of their taciturn companion.

  30. His youth and gentle breeding had both impressed the taciturn major, and now the fortitude which enabled him without a moan to bear the pain of this swaying motion roused the major's admiration.

  31. With them are two of the New England officers, one a grave, taciturn captain who has listened for half an hour without a word.

  32. The grave, taciturn major waxed eloquent and even diffuse for once in his life, and the burden of his song was Snipe and Sergeant Keating.

  33. Notwithstanding the sober and taciturn character of the Moor, he can sometimes indulge himself in pleasantry and caricature.

  34. Morocco itself is a city of profound gloom, where the Moor indulges to the utmost his taciturn disposition, and melancholy fatalism.

  35. The Black is generally of a soft and kind disposition, bears fatigue with patience, and shows a serene and lively temper, totally different in that respect from the Moor, who is taciturn and sullen.

  36. But Samson looked on as taciturn and unmoved as though he had never dined elsewhere.

  37. He was usually taciturn and absorbed during the process; but on this occasion he made an effort, and talked a good deal in a grave, but, as the old lady thought, an agreeable and kindly vein.

  38. But stolid and taciturn we are; and some of the instances of our stolidity and our taciturnity are enough to astound.

  39. The stoical and taciturn Boone clasped Kenton's hand and gave him the accolade of the wilderness in the brief but heartfelt utterance; "You are a fine fellow.

  40. John felt a deep respect for this faithful and taciturn woman of Normandy, and he was devoutly glad that she was there to be a comfort and support to Julie in these trying days.

  41. At dinner the prince usually spoke to the taciturn Michael Ivanovich more often than to anyone else.

  42. Marya Dmitrievna came back to dinner taciturn and serious, having evidently suffered a defeat at the old prince's.

  43. One of the Frenchmen, with the politeness characteristic of his countrymen, addressed the obstinately taciturn Rostov, saying that the latter had probably come to Tilsit to see the Emperor.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "taciturn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.