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Example sentences for "thataway"

Lexicographically close words:
thart; thas; thash; thass; that; thatch; thatched; thatchers; thatches; thatching
  1. I'm here to say Nine mile' hossback thataway Would a-walked my log!

  2. I'll undertake to say There're no wheat's ever turned out thataway Afore this season!

  3. I know yuh was mad about somethin' when yuh banged yore horn thataway an' throwed that handkerchief at him.

  4. Hit was did to my man thataway in feud times.

  5. I don't see how anybody can be hardhearted thataway with a person they love," she said softly as the song descended to its doleful end.

  6. Back in them days when you let me hope that I'd see you settin' by my fireside with my children on your knees, you always talked thataway about Blatch--I reckon you talked thataway of me to him.

  7. Pope, quite dogged like to see himself bate thataway at his own waypons.

  8. I was surely right careless, sir, to start thataway so onexpected," Dud apologized.

  9. I wouldn't holler it out thataway if I was you, Jake," Tolliver suggested, glancing nervously toward the house.

  10. Well, I use to say, I was wondering about a little Scotch with boiling water into it and a lump of butter and a lump of sugar into it I knowed a fellow used to treat himself thataway one time.

  11. You don't mean to say you've went and took hundreds and hundreds of good raisins and went and wasted them thataway by puttin' 'em in a pie!

  12. Ain't too old thataway to git a little fun out of life, young fella!

  13. He wouldn't turn me off noways in the world, but he liked to joke thataway sometimes.

  14. Things never used to happen just thataway when you and me owned that range, did they?

  15. IX US AND THEIR FENCE We went on thataway a good while into the summer and nothing much happened between us and our neighbors.

  16. Sometimes I feel thataway myself, although along of me being so busy I can stand it better'n you maybe.

  17. It ain't no way for you to do to talk thataway to me.

  18. Most free-heartedest man thataway in the world, I guess!

  19. But when a fellow enlists for war, volunteers, you see, before the government calls him, then thataway he can pick out for himself the thing he wants to be in the army.

  20. How'd you like to be hitched up thataway all day.

  21. A proud Carline had no call to be treated thataway by any woman, especially by the daughter of an old ne'er-do-well whom he had condescended to marry.

  22. Well, howsomever it might a-been, tain't thataway now!

  23. Ma never talked thataway to me, no matter how bad a thing I done.

  24. Folks back home jest plain don't talk thataway one to the other.

  25. But what did you jump McFluke for thataway at first?

  26. You might bust it, and yore carelessness with crockery thataway has already cost you ten dollars and six bits.

  27. Haley's little bunch never bothers Baldy none, but a man-size outfit so close to the south thataway would shore give him something to think about.

  28. And after acting like more kinds of a fool thataway in less time than anybody I ever see before, you sit up on yore hunkers and tell me I'll have more'n I can swing at the finish.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thataway" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.