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Example sentences for "theirselves"

Lexicographically close words:
their; theire; theirn; theirs; theirsels; theis; theise; theism; theist; theistic
  1. Well, most people makes it their object to get money, and make theirselves comfortable.

  2. They gets tight hold and twissens theirselves round till they have squeezed all the wind out of you.

  3. My chaps know how to take care of theirselves when them great cats are on the way.

  4. Strikes me as them two, the little 'un and the big 'un, will turn theirselves into traps, and we shall wake up some morning to find that they have got the thief as they caught in the night.

  5. Then you can say to the lydy at the Registry Office--and don't they give theirselves hairs!

  6. Look like they hardly could stop theirselves for supper.

  7. Law honey," she said smiling, "sho'ly they can manage for theirselves one while.

  8. Seems as how the shiners has hooked theirselves clean off--and ain't there ructions!

  9. The Revenoo lads'll find out for theirselves some day; and so you young gents have been the first?

  10. But on they must work at these weary looms whether they earn enough to keep theirselves or not.

  11. The doctrine uv State Rites must be made the soopreme law uv the land, that the South may withdraw whenever they feel theirselves dissatisfied with Massachusetts.

  12. His daughters, willin to sacrifice every thing fur the cause, heroically pledged theirselves to whip the niggers theirselves doorin their absence.

  13. And ez is customary when men ask theirselves questions, I got no answer.

  14. I cannot understand what indoost the Dimocratic leaders, our chosin standard-bearers, to make sich egrejus asses uv theirselves ez to place enny dependence on Johnson at all.

  15. They went and they come back with vittles and they made up hot coffee and they feasted that preacher and theirselves and Elmira and me, all right in Hank's hearing.

  16. I fetched a deep sigh and I says: "Some fellers would kill theirselves on the spot!

  17. When they see the multitood goin it blind they go Pel Mel with it, instid of exerting theirselves to set it right.

  18. They also made fools of theirselves in varis ways, but as they was used to that I didn't let it worry me much, and the Stars and Stripes continued for to wave over my little tent.

  19. Oh, I expect it's for them to weigh theirselves with.

  20. Nell, people never want to kill theirselves in Ireland, do they?

  21. P'raps those people who throwed theirselves off the monnyment thought they could fly.

  22. Denis, if we took all the poor mad people to Ireland, wouldn't they get better, and not want to kill theirselves any more?

  23. The first day they frightened more than they killed, but they enjoyed theirselves all right until one gentleman, who 'adn't shot a single thing all day, shot pore Bill Chambers wot was beating with about a dozen more.

  24. For a moment you might 'ave heard a pin drop, and then there was such a noise nobody could hear theirselves speak.

  25. Notwithstandin I hain't writ much for the papers of late, nobody needn't flatter theirselves that the undersined is ded.

  26. The Browns giv theirselves up for gone coons, when the hired gal diskivers a trap door to the cabin & thay go down threw it & cum up threw the bulkhed.

  27. They cram theirselves with hi-sounding frazis, frizzle up their hare, git trustid for a soot of black close & cum out to lectur at 50 dollers a pop.

  28. As fur Brignoly, Ferri and Junky, they air dowtless grate, but I think sich able boddied men wood look better tillin the sile than dressin theirselves up in black close & white kid gluvs & shoutin in a furrin tung.

  29. He sed the ethereal essunce of the koordinate branchis of super-human natur becum mettymorfussed as man progrest in harmonial coexistunce & eventooally anty humanized theirselves & turned into reglar sperretuellers.

  30. Taint often as they do lend anything, but when they do they makes theirselves safe enough by getting about three names and a plugging rate of interest; and then, good luck to yer if yer don't pay up.

  31. Think o' the awkward squads that used to be continually fallin' over their own feet, and stabbing theirselves with their own bayonets.

  32. But I never seen anybody so stuck on theirselves as them Army o' the Tennessee fellers.

  33. My friends, you would 'a' shed tears of pity to see them folks fall down over theirselves tryin' to hand us their money against old Pinto.

  34. If we don't, they're goin' to make all kinds of trouble for theirselves and each other.

  35. I'd like to know who would demean theirselves by goin' with the like o' he!

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "theirselves" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.