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Example sentences for "tickets"

Lexicographically close words:
ticker; tickers; ticket; ticketed; ticketing; ticking; tickings; tickle; tickled; tickler
  1. The defendant furnished the platform and the lights, and allowed bills to be put up in the tavern, and tickets of admission to be advertised to be sold at the bar.

  2. He asks them if they have tickets and when they say they haven't, he tells them that he ain't got no right to let them in, and don't know nothing about what the rule is going to be.

  3. He and the young man then count the sold tickets taken from the boxes into which you see them slipped when you give them to the official at the door.

  4. About an hour after the performance begins, the affable young man who takes your money through the box office window counts the tickets he has left, and subtracts the number of each kind from that which he had originally.

  5. If it is greater the young man pays for the difference; if it is less nothing is said, since some people who bought tickets may have remained away.

  6. Then the wine agents and book-makers aforesaid buy the tickets laid aside for them.

  7. Tickets for the gentlemen, without which none can be admitted, may be had at the bar.

  8. The subscribers had free tickets of admission to every performance with the exception of benefits and charities.

  9. A story-and-a-half brick town hall was erected in 1759 by funds raised by lottery, tickets selling at ten shillings each, the trustees making themselves responsible for a sum adequate for the purpose.

  10. And whether Money be not in Truth, Tickets or Tokens for conveying and recording such Power, and whether it be of great consequence what Materials the Tickets are made of?

  11. And whether Gold, Silver, and Paper are not Tickets or Counters for Reckoning, Recording and Transferring thereof?

  12. They wrote to the king, telling him that the jewels were all either sold or in pawn; but as the tickets never came to hand, it is possible that the searchers were practising a sort of duplicate rascality.

  13. A half-grown girl in a small booth set in the middle of the square where the tracks of the tramway end, is selling street car tickets to working men in blouses and baggy corduroy trousers.

  14. Their plan is to sell tickets to every one for the theatricals, and to a certain number of invited persons for a supper, and a little dance afterward on the lawn.

  15. No less than three hundred persons who had procured tickets at an early period dined in the boxes.

  16. Guimard's favourite dramatist; and great was the competition in fashionable circles to obtain tickets of admission.

  17. The draw began at ten o'clock in the morning; but it was not until late in the afternoon, and after 2267 tickets had been drawn, that the winning one was forthcoming, when it was found that Mlle.

  18. From a cigar box he removed eight special tickets which bore the printed words: “Complimentary.

  19. Jane did not have that many tickets left but she borrowed from Rosemary.

  20. And we’ve sold forty-two tickets to the real circus.

  21. Nearly all of the Brownies were confident they could dispose of their tickets before the next meeting.

  22. After Captain Bartley had gone, the Brownies counted the money they had taken in at the play circus, and the number of tickets sold for the real one.

  23. First of all, I must collect the money for tickets we sold,” replied the troop leader.

  24. The Brownies sold circus tickets to earn enough money to go on a camping trip.

  25. Jane, who still had a few tickets to sell to the real circus, asked him if he would care to buy any.

  26. I sold a few tickets myself,” she revealed.

  27. It’s all here, and our free tickets as well.

  28. The subscribers' wants as to long-distance connections are given by themselves to recording long-distance operators, who write them on tickets and pass these to operators who get the parties together.

  29. When only one operator is necessary in a town, her duty being to switch both local and long-distance lines, she may write her own tickets and execute them entire.

  30. Timing Machines:--Machines which record time directly on long-distance tickets are of value and machines which automatically compute the time elapsing during a conversation are of much greater value.

  31. The tickets are of uniform size and are so made as to enable a flap to be bent up easily along one edge.

  32. A ticket tube connects this valve with a distributing table at or near which the tickets are written.

  33. Mr. Howard said he could have sold those tickets at any time during the day for ten dollars each.

  34. Thereupon he took his hat and went out, returning shortly with tickets for two of the best seats in the house, inclosed in an envelope directed to me in his wife's handwriting.

  35. We then discovered that there were tickets on all the articles, which we supposed at first to record the price of each.

  36. But, upon still closer examination, we discovered that every one of the tickets had one or other of our names upon it.

  37. The Consuls were elected by ballot, wooden tickets having been distributed to the people for the purpose; but Cicero tells us that no voting tickets were used in his case, but that he was elected by the combined voice of the whole people.

  38. Sherman of Sherman & Clay sent me, to my great delight, two tickets for the opera of "Lohengrin.

  39. Santa Cruz was crowded with visitors and the tickets were sold so rapidly that the house was sold out before the day was over.

  40. I remained in the depot while my husband attended to our baggage and secured the tickets for Boston, and we left New York at three o'clock in the afternoon.

  41. Tickets were high-priced to insure the exclusion of the vulgar.

  42. The trunk was full, full, crowded down and running over full, of the tickets of the Havana Lottery!

  43. Payments beyond proper and prescribed supplies to be small, the smaller the better, and still better if withheld till the crop is made and saved; but settlements by tickets should be made weekly.

  44. Those wishing to visit the Pont-du-Gard on the way should take their tickets for the Pont-du-Gard station, changing carriages at Remoulins.

  45. Leave by the steam tram starting from the Piazza Castello; the time-table is in the waiting-room, where the tickets are also sold half an hour before starting.

  46. The men who carry the sedan-chairs between the hotels and the establishment are paid by tickets bought at the office of the baths.

  47. In the neighbourhood the office of Cook & Son, where their railway and hotel tickets are sold.

  48. As the train can take only a limited number, the tickets are generally all taken in the first 10 minutes.

  49. Don't be a prize fighter or a train robber if you can help it, boy, and don't ever get the idea that the Lord is sitting up nights holding pool tickets on a prize fight.

  50. It is scarcely three years since tickets in Havana lotteries were publicly sold in this country.

  51. A handsome staircase with bright brass bannisters led them to an ample landing-place, on which opened a door, now closed and by which sate a boy who collected the tickets of those who would enter it.

  52. We have tickets to Seattle," I said to Stouch, "and we must make use of them.

  53. They were informed that tickets could only be issued as far as Milan or Modane.

  54. It is stated that by the last train from Livorno, one night in August, two persons, a man and a woman, inquired for tickets for London.

  55. The detective on duty at the station took careful observation of them, as persons who ask for through tickets for London are rare.

  56. No little surprise and indignation were aroused by the announcement made on the 15th of April, that the Queen would open the Exhibition in person, but that the holders of tickets and exhibitors would be excluded from the ceremony.

  57. The opposition was so general that the offensive announcement was withdrawn, and a new programme substituted, in accordance with which holders of season tickets were allowed to be present.

  58. Those who had purchased tickets for the express purpose of being present at the opening, were naturally indignant at losing the most interesting part of the show.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tickets" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.