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Example sentences for "unanimous"

Lexicographically close words:
unanalysable; unanalysed; unanalyzable; unanalyzed; unanimity; unanimously; unannealed; unannounced; unanswerable; unanswerably
  1. As a powerful and brilliant historian we pay him our unanimous tribute of admiration and regret, and give him a place in our memories by the side of Prescott and Irving.

  2. On these occasions the Government found itself confronted by the unanimous opposition of the whole House.

  3. The unanimous decision of the councillors was for acceptance on the ground that it was the fulfilment of a patriotic duty to Prussia.

  4. Thus, instead of a solid group of planter States, South Carolina's proposed national referendum met with almost unanimous opposition.

  5. Editors, preachers, and orators heralded with unanimous voice the new nation, and predicted speedy recognition by the powers of Europe and a permanent peace with their long-time rivals.

  6. All classes of the people united in what seemed to be almost the unanimous wish of the South, that the new Southwest should be preserved for the expansion of slavery.

  7. Already nominated by many of the States, his friends had no difficulty in securing him a unanimous renomination from the Democratic National Convention which met in Baltimore late in May, 1832.

  8. Carlyle's scorn and Macaulay's contempt were indeed as irritating as they were unjust, for America had gone a long way since the rough backwoodsman, Andrew Jackson, came to the Presidency by almost unanimous consent in 1829.

  9. In Illinois, Missouri, and throughout the South the demand was well-nigh unanimous that the disputed region along the Rio Grande should be held as against Mexico, and that California and Oregon should be seized and colonized.

  10. To the Independent Treasury measure they added the preƫmption and graduation bills, which commanded almost unanimous support in the West, and at last secured the passage of all three in June, 1840.

  11. In this he was supported by the unanimous opinion of his Cabinet until on April 9, when General P.

  12. These warlike acts, to those who did not understand the long sectional rivalry, were supported by an almost unanimous North.

  13. I hardly found any material about the attitude of the Churches in Yugoslavia; only the following quotations can be mentioned: "High Orthodox and Catholic circles were unanimous in condemning anti- Jewish propaganda.

  14. This unanimous finding was bound to influence the view of any Ministry, no matter how hard pressed.

  15. He declared himself absolutely against compulsion, to impose which would be "a folly and a crime" unless the country was "practically unanimous in favour of it.

  16. We adjourned for lunch, and on reassembling found that a unanimous recommendation named Sir Horace Plunkett.

  17. The sub-committee presided over by Lord MacDonnell had reached unanimous conclusions embodying proposals for the completion of land purchase within a very brief period.

  18. It is a mere question of the best machinery to carry out our unanimous desire and intention.

  19. In the absence of military testimony to the contrary and the presence of so unanimous a party as the agent and his assistants, the fault was laid on the broad shoulders of the troopers.

  20. That St. John the Apostle is also an Evangelist, and author of the fourth Gospel, has been the all but unanimous testimony of tradition.

  21. The almost unanimous tradition of the fathers holds that Christ died upon the Latin cross, and there is no reason to doubt that this is correct.

  22. Against this unanimous testimony of tradition, the arguments for any other view have no weight.

  23. Both parties then united in making a unanimous choice in A.

  24. The whole East is unanimous in most distinctly repudiating all predestinational wilfulness in God.

  25. Egypt revolted at the approach of her liberator, and the rising was so unanimous as to dismay the satrap Mazakes, who capitulated at the first summons.

  26. Greek tradition is unanimous on this point, but the inscription of Behistun does not mention it.

  27. The unanimous votes of the two houses of parliament, and the names, as well as the number of those who pronounced Lord Strafford to be guilty, seem to put this beyond a doubt.

  28. On the day of election, when the voices of the Athenians were unanimous in his favour, this real patriot stood up with honest indignation, and gave the people this severe, but just reprimand.

  29. After the death of Romulus, Numa, a man of a very different genius, was invited to the throne by the unanimous consent of the whole body of the Romans.

  30. But ere sentence should be pronounced, it was the unanimous decision of the savages, that they should have some amusement, by forcing the prisoners to run the gauntlet.

  31. As Girty concluded his speech, which was listened to in breathless silence, there was a great sensation in the house, and an almost unanimous grunt of approval from the chiefs and braves there assembled.

  32. The chemists are unanimous in declaring that this culinary plant is prussic acid to such birds.

  33. From that day all the other inhabitants slept upon a volcano, and at quarter day sent in a unanimous notice of their intention to move to the landlord.

  34. Nor did they wish to dispose of any of the land until it was absolutely necessary to do so, and then only with a unanimous consent.

  35. But in order to amend the articles, unanimous consent was necessary, and in February, 1787, New York's refusal defeated the amendment.

  36. When the turn of the South Carolina delegates came they changed their votes in order that the declaration might go forth to the world as the unanimous act of the American people.

  37. In an earnest and solemn, almost prayerful spirit, the advice of all the towns in the commonwealth was sought, and the response was unanimous that the tea must on no account whatever be landed.

  38. It is the pretty unanimous conclusion of book-writers that prefaces are most unnecessary and useless prependages, since nobody reads them.

  39. But I am I, and I won't subordinate my taste to the unanimous judgment of mankind.

  40. The critics were unanimous in the belief that it would take its place with those two classics by two great writers, "The Bottle Imp" and "The Magic Skin.

  41. Early evidence is unanimous in pointing to St Peter and St Paul as victims of the persecution of Nero (Clem, ad Cor.

  42. He knew what would be the unanimous opinion of society about it.

  43. Eagerly looked for at first, the newspaper notices soon palled upon Philip, the uniform tone of good-natured praise, unanimous in the extravagance of unmeaning adjectives.

  44. A thousand facts of history prove and proclaim it, and the verdict of posterity will be unanimous in affirming it.

  45. And we are perfectly willing to risk our reputation in this life, and our salvation in the next, by stating our conviction that this will be the unanimous verdict of posterity before fifty generations pass away.

  46. The proposal of one of the most imaginative of the number, that we should personify the fiery consummation which revelation tells us shall terminate this world, met with unanimous and wild approval.

  47. Dan Elkhorn was the leader of the party, and all knew his store of adventure inexhaustible, so a unanimous call was made upon Dan for a story.

  48. He then proceeded to describe the delights of a sucking-bottle, and was cried down by the unanimous voice of the meeting.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unanimous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    unanimous consent; unanimous vote