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Example sentences for "securing"

Lexicographically close words:
securer; secures; securest; secureth; securi; securitatem; securitie; securities; security; securus
  1. The only way this council has of securing reliable information is from the heads of the administrative departments.

  2. The six largest cities of New York, all of the cities of Indiana, Boston, Chicago, Baltimore, and many others are securing their important administrative officials through appointment by the mayor.

  3. Admitting that additional revenue is needed, is a graduated income tax the best way of securing the money?

  4. Her pleasing address and good education assisted her, together with a forged reference, in securing a position as companion to a rich invalid.

  5. Symonds' testimony in regard to the securing of that despatch from Major Pegram is hearsay.

  6. The grill room of that famous hostelry was half empty when they reached there, and they had no difficulty in securing a table in a secluded corner.

  7. This she saw her way to securing with the doctor's help, even although my brother should die before it fell due and the authority she held should thereby lose its legal validity.

  8. My brother was not in a condition to transact business and was incapable of securing to her any benefit by testamentary disposition even if he had wished to do so.

  9. These were so successful that when he built the fleet for the White Star Line he carried out the same principle, thereby also securing steady sea boats.

  10. One was to marshal and organise shipowners, and place in their hands the provision of the necessary tonnage, thus securing the co-operation and assistance of trained specialists.

  11. The butt end of every plank was secured by a metal bolt, in addition to treenails securing it to every timber.

  12. If I succeed only in securing this valuable paper you speak of, be equally sure you will never see it; for it shall leave my hands only to pass into those which I consider entirely trustworthy.

  13. Lanyard, however, never went to bed without first securing his door so that it might be opened by force alone; and never slept without a pistol beneath his pillow.

  14. Now his ordeal approached a climax which he contemplated with what calmness he could while securing the rope beneath the arms.

  15. It wedged in firmly, and, securing the oars, David once more stood upon the bank.

  16. With little effort, the canoe was pushed within the haven; the bushes closed behind them, effectually securing them from observation.

  17. After coming to Nauvoo he joined the Church and was the most active agent in securing the city charter.

  18. Kane, who had been instrumental in securing for them privileges from the government, and who had shown his friendship on many occasions.

  19. Bennett, who had taken a most active part in the securing of the charter, was elected mayor.

  20. Interview with the President The first step taken by the Prophet and Judge Higbee after securing a boarding place was to call on the President of the United States, Martin Van Buren.

  21. The soil of England ought to be the very best investment for rich and poor, pouring out wealth to incessant industry, and securing to every labourer the fruit of his own toils.

  22. It is pretended that it would be cruel to leave Afghanistan without first securing to it a stable government, when obviously we are without moral power there to add stability.

  23. It was with the design and in the hope of securing such prizes, that I undertook last year the pilgrimage of which these pages give account.

  24. Mrs. Lincoln experienced great difficulty in securing the punctual attendance of her husband at the family meals.

  25. I had ample time to walk to the Capitol, and no difficulty in securing a place where everything could be seen and heard to the best advantage.

  26. As little was there, also, of the demagogue art of assuming an uncouthness or rusticity of manner and outward habit with the mistaken notion of thus securing particular favor as 'one of the masses.

  27. Not presenting himself to them, does he, by flight or otherwise, take any measures, for securing himself, against their legitimate and necessarily intended vengeance?

  28. But for practical purposes of securing supernormal aid in war or famine, the dead heroes were to each town or village what St. Aignan was to Orleans, a very present help in trouble.

  29. I just succeeded in securing the meridian altitude of the sun, for the determination of our latitude, but that was all.

  30. The evening was far advanced when we reached Camden, but having been there before, we had no difficulty in securing lodging.

  31. They have also been instrumental in securing a higher type of teachers and preachers.

  32. Oppressed with hunger, he succeeded in securing one of them, which he roasted over a fire, lighted by sparks produced by striking the point of his spear, and kept in a blaze with dried grass and branches of trees.

  33. That these shares were to be so divided as to accomplish the object by securing a majority of Congress.

  34. This was the best mode of securing peace.

  35. This would be the mode of securing peace; at least, it offers the best chance of securing it.

  36. Beneath the brown paper a white one revealed itself, beneath that a red leather portfolio--made in the pretty old-fashioned style, and securing its contents by means of its red leather tongue.

  37. I know now what I came for, in one sense," he said, securing one of her hands.

  38. In view of present war conditions the difficulty of securing serum from overseas sources is greatly increased, so that we are well-nigh compelled to depend upon home-produced serum.

  39. It may be that Great Britain, acting in concert with France, Russia, and Japan, will in the near future be able to take a longer step towards securing that peace for the world than seems at present credible.

  40. Even more cordially and gratefully, I acknowledge the assurance of sympathy and support of the great American people in action directed to securing peace to the nations of the world.

  41. The bed-rock upon which every individual rests his chances of success in life is securing the friendship, the confidence, the respect, of his next-door neighbour of the little community in which he lives.

  42. This will give him a foundation upon which to stand while securing what is called the more exalted positions.

  43. While I hold to these views as strongly as any one, I differ with some as to the method of securing the permanent and peaceful enjoyment of all the privileges guaranteed to us by our fundamental law.

  44. While he enjoys certain privileges in the North that he does not have in the South, when it comes to the matter of securing property, enjoying business opportunities and employment, the South presents a far better opportunity than the North.

  45. We are using the sea, or interfering with its use by the enemy; we are not endeavouring to secure the use or to prevent the enemy from securing it.

  46. Admiral Togo, in spite of the strain on his fleet in effecting and securing the disembarkation of the army, detached a cruiser squadron to demonstrate in the Gulf.

  47. But the only effective way of securing her aim was to take Korea herself, and so for her the war was in practice positive.

  48. Finally, in a general comparison of the two forms, we have to observe that close blockade is characteristically a method of securing local and temporary command.

  49. Whereas open blockade, in that it aims at the destruction of an enemy's naval force, is a definite step towards securing permanent command.

  50. The only way of securing such a command by naval means is to obtain a decision by battle against the enemy's fleet.

  51. Unless History belie herself, we know that such attempts are the surest means of securing what we want.

  52. To force an inferior enemy to concentrate is indeed the almost necessary preliminary to securing one of those crushing victories at which we must always aim, but which so seldom are obtained.

  53. The poor man groaned amid his heavy labors and great privations, without exciting compassion or securing redress.

  54. My discharge finally served the purpose of securing me a position as a tutor to a young lord, and through him I later on obtained a berth as instructor in a well-known institution.

  55. If they did it meant another fight, or a retreat, with the only hope of securing the boat gone.

  56. I took command, and for four days we maneuvered the ship to keep it from foundering; at the end of that time the master recovered momentarily, and, securing possession of a revolver, cleared the deck and prevented us from handling it.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "securing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    securing peace; securing the