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Example sentences for "undertake"

Lexicographically close words:
understoode; understory; understrapper; understudy; undersurface; undertaken; undertaker; undertakers; undertakes; undertaketh
  1. Prescott received the idea with the most generous kindness, advised Motley to undertake the work, and placed at his disposal all the material which he himself had collected for his own enterprise.

  2. This power to lift and lose herself in a region of thought so different from her own, became thereafter the peculiar gift by which she was enabled to undertake the work which made her name distinguished.

  3. Motley carried the completed manuscript of The Rise of the Dutch Republic to London, but failing to find a publisher willing to undertake such a work by an unknown author, he was obliged to produce it at his own expense.

  4. He soon added Syria to his dominions, and "the fall of Jerusalem (in 1187) roused Europe to undertake the Third Crusade.

  5. Now I have returned to the truth; I renounce these opinions, and I undertake to refute the MuaEuro~tazilites and expose their infamy and turpitude.

  6. I undertake it," said Dubois, trying to hide his paleness and agitation under one of his own peculiar smiles.

  7. Bound by an oath to undertake a terrible mission, he foresaw sad misfortunes after their present short-lived joy.

  8. Well, well, let us speak of it no more, not a word of this before Helene--I will undertake to tell her.

  9. You should continue your work where you are in Germany, and do all you can, as a Hand and as a member of the National Body, to see that some pioneers undertake this important service.

  10. It is hoped that more friends will be encouraged to undertake a similar journey to the Holy Land in the near future.

  11. We are, however, told and urged by the Master to consult with our friends, especially the Assemblies, before we undertake any important decision in our life especially when the subject pertains to any plan of service we have in mind.

  12. Stir not from it three spears' lengths, and defend it with thy body against injury or insult--Dost thou undertake the charge?

  13. He resolved to undertake the duty, if he could only be free from his promise to Corinne.

  14. If I were in town I'll undertake he would venture the being choked for want of air rather than stir out of doors for fear of meeting me.

  15. If I may undertake to counsel, I think you shall do well to comply with your father as far as possible, and not to discover any aversion to what he desires further than you can give reason for.

  16. Unless you use to give me better measure, I shall not be in case to undertake a journey to England.

  17. All our ladies are mightily pleased with the example, but I do not find that the men intend to follow it, and I'll undertake Sir Solomon Justinian wishes her in the Indias, for fear she should pervert his new wife.

  18. I'll undertake he would set me twenty seals for nothing rather than undergo your wrath.

  19. Then am I ready to beat her with the battledore, and grow so peevish as I grow sick, that I'll undertake she wishes there were no steel in England.

  20. You at least have not hesitated to undertake a work which has daunted the imagination of our ablest minds.

  21. It is not without my knowledge that this lady at one time, according to popular report, was asked to undertake a journey which later resulted, in considerable personal inconvenience, not to say indignity, to herself.

  22. You undertake the conversion of a sinner like myself?

  23. Let Christ's teachers instruct them in God's Way of Salvation, before they undertake to lead other lost and groping ones.

  24. Before we undertake to study the words of the institution, we wish to impress this thought.

  25. It was all we could undertake to make our way through the mass, and all the while the great breast-works of the French belched cannon and musket balls while the limbs and splinters flew around us.

  26. The scene that ensued between us three was so frightful, so low, that I cannot undertake to describe it.

  27. If you don't, I will not undertake to get another for you.

  28. I'm afraid I couldn't undertake two," she said, and laughed again.

  29. And how could he decorously prefer the request to her to undertake this task?

  30. The Vizier sadly responded that though he would be very happy to undertake such a course he feared that the wealthy inhabitants would never lend (knowing, as they did, the embarrassment of the Government) save upon ruinous terms.

  31. The larvae of other insects undertake long and arduous journeys in search of appropriate places of shelter.

  32. A fair analogy would be the case of a chemist or engineer who had recently begun to dabble in Greek in his spare moments, and who should undertake to emend the text of Sophocles.

  33. There was no other banker big enough or bold enough to undertake such a task, and no history of the Corporation would be complete unless it contained a résumé of the work of the former money wizard.

  34. Pierpont Morgan to undertake the financing of the giant steel merger.

  35. And this meant such an expense that, especially as the whole by-product idea was in a somewhat experimental stage, companies even of a moderate size as steel companies go hesitated to undertake it.

  36. Stanley, of Kentucky, calling for an investigation of the United States Steel Corporation, was introduced into the House and passed, and a committee of congressmen headed by Mr. Stanley was appointed to undertake the work.

  37. And even when the negro is reliable he is seldom fitted to take positions of responsibility, so that workmen must be brought from the North to undertake the skilled work or that requiring managerial ability.

  38. I shall not undertake to detail or even to summarize those events.

  39. I shall not argue at length the desirability of giving a freer hand in the matter of combined and concerted effort to those who shall undertake the essential enterprise of building up our export trade.

  40. It seems to me a clear dictate of prudent statesmanship and frank finance that in what we are now, I hope, about to undertake we should pay as we go.

  41. But we have at least proved that we will not take advantage of her in her distress and undertake to impose upon her an order and government of our own choosing.

  42. Give me five minutes of your attention; and I will undertake to show you that Science sanctions my proposal, fanciful as it may seem.

  43. In the meantime I will undertake to meet the difficulty about the servants.

  44. Why Superintendent Seegrave should have appeared to be several sizes smaller than life, on being presented to Sergeant Cuff, I can't undertake to explain.

  45. Yet it need not happen, for I undertake to arrange everything in a friendly manner for a few sequins.

  46. He has written to my son, declaring himself ready to undertake all expenses necessary to possess himself of that treasure, if we could procure a magician powerful enough to unearth it.

  47. We, who are teachers, feel this the moment we undertake to communicate our thoughts to an audience.

  48. I have no professional conviction more fixed and abiding than this, that no persons more need the direct, special, continual guidance of the Holy Spirit than those who undertake to mould and discipline the youthful mind.

  49. To undertake to suggest what particular studies you should pursue, in this larger school to which you are now admitted, would lead me into a train of remark entirely too extended.

  50. If ministers of the gospel, and others who undertake to influence the minds of a congregation on the side of religion, would give this matter more attention, they would find it very greatly to their own advantage and that of others.

  51. In the higher regions of science and opinion, there are of course many points about which no one, at least no one well informed, would undertake to speak with authority.

  52. Either do not undertake to teach at all, or learn how it is to be done.

  53. It may seem presumptuous, perhaps, to undertake again that in which so many have failed.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "undertake" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.