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Example sentences for "virility"

Lexicographically close words:
viribus; viride; viridi; viridis; virile; viris; virium; viro; viron; virorum
  1. Let a beneficent deity carry off in good time the suckling from the breast of its mother, let it nourish him on the milk of a better age, and suffer him to grow up and arrive at virility under the distant sky of Greece.

  2. We see that remarkable people uniting at once fulness of form and fulness of substance, both philosophizing and creating, both tender and energetic, uniting a youthful fancy to the virility of reason in a glorious humanity.

  3. Her veins were filled with pulsing fire as she was swung, guided, carried out of herself by the extraordinary virility of the man who held her.

  4. Strangest of all was that William Wetherell understood and was not jealous of this thing: which leads us to believe that some essence of virility was lacking in him, some substance that makes the fighters and conquerors in this world.

  5. But they felt a certain anomaly in virility proclaiming tradition.

  6. Every writer of virility is now voted obscene, every man who strikes sledge-hammer blows at brutal wrong intrenched in prescriptive right is denounced as immoral.

  7. If becoming a Christian means the elimination of all virility from the character, the substitution of soft soap and sawder for strength and diligence, religion cannot be regarded as a help in business.

  8. It is a harsh remedy, but both America and England would gain something of virility if they were shot over.

  9. She has always had brains, and now her stability and virility are reviving.

  10. The wonderful virility in her demanded life in the full flood of its tide, and here, standing before her, was the embodiment of all her natural, if baser, ideals.

  11. Her own virility cried out for such a mate, and no moral scruples could hope to stay so strong a tide of nature.

  12. All these signs of life and vitality are greatly to be admired, and prove the intense virility and youthfulness of the British Bahá’í community.

  13. Murphy was sixty himself--the age that appreciates, and secretly envies, the virility of youth.

  14. When he realized that his virility was failing he consulted the Great Mother, as the source and giver of life, to obtain an elixir which would rejuvenate him and obviate the necessity of being killed.

  15. Capua, in the rich volcanic plain of Campania, had far greater advantages in the way of natural wealth; but Capua was too far south, in a more enervating climate, and virility was never one of her strong points.

  16. The combination of such a memento of the Most Chaste with the emblem of supreme virility is syncretism indeed!

  17. Nor indeed only in its temples: this same delightful retreat commemorates Bimo's prowess according to a legend which in its astonishing account of his supernatural virility cannot be repeated.

  18. The greatest proof of its virility is its ability to break away from Marxian dogma and from the fantasies of the utopists, and acknowledge mundane ways and means.

  19. The Chancellor expressed his admiration for the virility of the Socialist's mind and said he believed Lassalle perfectly sincere in his purpose.

  20. The virility of our morals is not proved by any weak attempt to call in the aid of the secular arm of law or the ecclesiastical arm of theology.

  21. Fine physical breed involves also fine qualities of virility and daring which are needed for other purposes than fighting.

  22. Very formally, with that frugal, tight-lipped smile of his which contrasted so curiously with the rather accentuated virility of his shoulders, he rose and bowed low over the May Girl's proffered fingers.

  23. The amazing virility of his shoulders contrasted with the stinginess of his smile.

  24. Though the moon was in the first quarter, the night was wonderful in stars, and the air quivered with the virility of frost.

  25. But their intercourse was only dramatic or symbolical, for the hierophant had temporarily deprived himself of his virility by an application of hemlock.

  26. Her slenderness, with lines erect and harmonious, reminded him of the elegance of the Tanagra figurines on the tables of the hetaerae of Athens; of the imperious virility of the canephorae painted in black around Greek vases.

  27. His virility was the very type of sovereign power.

  28. With that intuitive illumination inspiring speech, men and races lacking in virility are contemptuously described as being "invertebrate.

  29. And the less, within normal limits, virility has been prematurely forced in him by too hard strain of mind or body, the better for the evolution of his manhood.

  30. With the vital powers at low ebb, man's virility ebbs low.

  31. Adult-made eunuchs are much sought after, as they present all the attributes of virility without any of its inconvenience.

  32. He was believed to have a wonderful influence in restoring fertility to barren women and vigor and virility to impotent men.

  33. Ten years, twenty years, or even more, of absolute continent living will no more cause a man to lose his virility than twenty years of absence from nursing a child will destroy the function of lactation in a woman.

  34. A restored virility is of far more importance than the size of the organ.

  35. Such was her look of strength and virility that he almost regretted them, fearing that her character might belie her wondrous femininity.

  36. Carley was not proof against the virility of him then, and at the moment, no matter what it was that had made him the man he looked, she loved it.

  37. The virility of cell in tissue and bone depended upon that.

  38. He wishes to live, according to society's remorselessly rigid expectations, for virility and happiness.

  39. Under the right conditions recession of the most marked virility or femininity becomes conceivable, and occurs.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "virility" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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