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Example sentences for "your last"

  • By the way, I am convinced that you want a holiday, and I think so because you took the devil's name in vain so often in your last note.

  • It was upon these considerations that at the close of your last session I gave my sanction to the principle of the Missouri compromise line by approving and signing the bill to establish "the Territorial government of Oregon.

  • I received news in your last of Giovan Simone's death.

  • Sir, when I inspected the complete sketch of the whole of your Last Judgment, I arrived at recognising the eminent graciousness of Raffaello in its agreeable beauty of invention.

  • Clearly not, as I remember from your conversation, which is confirmed by your last letter.

  • MY DEAR LAMB, I have to thank you and Moxon for a delightful volume, your last (I hope not) of 'Elia.

  • I see by your last letter, that Mrs. Fermor has entered into the spirit of these 'Moods of my own Mind.

  • From something in your last, I would wish to explain my idea of being your tenant.

  • Your last, my dear Madam, had the effect on me that Job's situation had on his friends when they sat down seven days and seven nights astonished and spake not a word.

  • Your last verses to me have so delighted me, that I have got an excellent old Scots air that suits the measure, and you shall see them in print in the Scots Musical Museum, a work publishing by a friend of mine in this town.

  • An epistle only a quarter as agreeable as your last, would be a treat.

  • I had rather talk with you, and Ann Knight, quietly at Colebrook Lodge, over the matter of your last.

  • Your last despatches by Colonel Livingston did not come to hand.

  • Your last letter, properly so called, is dated in April; Dr Franklin's in March.

  • You will permit me to say, that it is by no means prudent to commit to the care of the posts, papers of the nature of some of your last despatches.

  • So you'd better waste a little politeness on me or your first flare will be your last.

  • Your last name is sweet, but your first name is sweeter.

  • Your last name is Thropp, but your first name is-- Nothing rhymed with Kedzie.

  • What's a good hotel in New York that ain't too far from the railroad and don't rob you of your last nickel?

  • The report you mention in your last, that the British administration had proposed to Congress a Treaty and terms, is false, and without a color.

  • You indulged me so much in that way in your last absence, that I now think I have a right to hear as often from you as you have leisure and opportunity to write.

  • Your last letter, which I have received, was dated June 17th.

  • By the account in your last letter, it seems the women in Boston begin to think themselves able to serve their country.

  • Previous to your last, I had written you, and made some complaints of you, but I will take them all back again.

  • An' you needn't 'ave 'ad a row on your last day.

  • And on your last day, too," her throat grew narrow.

  • Upon my word, if it weren't your last night I'd send you to bed without any supper!

  • You have indeed, in your last letter, placed yourself before me in the most amiable light; and, without soliciting, have much more strongly enticed me to a visit.

  • But the tenour of your last induces me to think that you intend a very short visit, or rather, that you will come express.

  • This I regret the more, as your last makes me particularly anxious for that which I expected by this post.

  • I intended to have wrote you a letter in answer to your last, but neither head or heart will enable me at present.

  • Your last had no date; from the last date in the journal, and your writing about Christmas holydays as yet at some distance, I suppose you wrote about Sunday the 22d.

  • A concluding paragraph, in one of your last letters to Burgess, which he thought himself justified in showing me, leads me to believe that it is not your object to distress or destroy me.

  • My sister desired me to say all sorts of affectionate things to you, in return for your kind remembrance of her in your last.

  • Your last letter I hope was written when you were low spirited, and consequently inclined to forebode misfortune.

  • You ask me in one of your last why I do not send you verses any more, as I used to do, and whether I still write any.

  • I understand by your last how, with good reason, you wish me to return soon.

  • I should have come to you immediately on the receipt of your last, but if I left without permission I doubt the Pope would be angry, and I should lose all that I ought to have.

  • Illustration: "'And it is to be your last breakfast.

  • Your last illness, before you went abroad, was pronounced the gout, by the skillful, and proved at last a mere rheumatism.

  • Maty, who did you so much good in your last illness, when the great medicinal Mattadores did you rather harm.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "your last" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    green foliage; helping them; inch piece; independent member; large brick; when subjected; your business; your correspondent; your correspondents; your family; your friends; your hands; your hearts; your home; your ladyship; your life; your lordship; your love; your old; your place; your power; your side; your son; your time; your wife; your word