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Example sentences for "abnormalities"

Lexicographically close words:
ablutions; ably; abnegating; abnegation; abnormal; abnormality; abnormally; abnormities; aboad; aboard
  1. Once the thought suggested by the manifold abnormalities occurring in the young of domestic animals and among infants firmly rooted, there was no limit to the course of unbridled fancy in this direction.

  2. In the statistics of atavism we add together the physical abnormalities of the individual, assuming that a criminal type is found when these abnormalities reach the number of three or more.

  3. The method by consanguinity seeks not the abnormalities of the patient himself, but the signs of disease and degeneracy in his blood relatives.

  4. In none of his twelve preparations of the ear of the dancer did he find such abnormalities of form and connections in the semicircular canals as Rawitz's figures and descriptions represent.

  5. Abnormalities and deformities were frequently noticeable among them, such as hare-lip, supernumerary toes and fingers, and hypertrophy of the limbs.

  6. Frequently I had noticed among the common abnormalities supernumerary fingers and toes.

  7. Abnormalities of the genitals were general owing to tribal customs.

  8. In any case abnormalities of this kind appear to be of a special type as compared with ordinary fluctuating variations.

  9. On removing at an early stage the main shoots of different plants he observed various abnormalities in the newly formed basal shoots.

  10. In addition to the individual variations of a species, more pronounced fluctuations occur relatively rarely and sporadically which are spoken of as "single variations," or if specially striking as abnormalities or monstrosities.

  11. As an example we may mention the abnormalities observed by Herbst in the development of sea-urchins through the addition of lithium to sea-water.

  12. Abnormalities in the greatest variety are produced in flowers by varying the time at which the stimulus is applied, and by the cooperation of other factors such as temperature, darkness, etc.

  13. But we must continually remember that all these occurrences which we know only as abnormalities and curiosities must in reality be exemplifications of the normal mechanics of division and growth.

  14. Abnormalities abound in the experience of everyone who examines pans of seedlings of almost any species of plant, and in maize they are well known to be exceptionally common.

  15. Not only is the general resemblance readily so interpreted, but we know also that in double monsters, namely unseparated twins, various anatomical abnormalities shown by the one half-body are frequently shown by the other half-also.

  16. Even in their abnormalities we have seen an agreement.

  17. These similarities went even further, the very abnormalities of retinal response finding their reflection in the inorganic.

  18. We shall then briefly inquire whether even the abnormalities sometimes met with in retinal responses have not their parallel in the responses given by the inorganic.

  19. I give here a series of records which will show the remarkable similarity between the responses of the cell and retina, in respect even of abnormalities so marked as those described (fig.

  20. Among the abnormalities were oxycephaly, platycephaly, stenocephaly, plagiocephaly, and heads with marked depression either at the bregma or the lambda.

  21. In other cases slighter abnormalities are to be detected.

  22. Congenital absence of the patella# usually complicates other abnormalities of the knee-joint.

  23. Associated abnormalities in the vertebræ and in the ribs are shown in skiagrams.

  24. Another important cause of miscarriage consists in abnormalities in the lining of the uterus.

  25. So he destroys for his imperious self the beneficent guardianship which nature had maintained over him; he develops a thousand complicated diseases, a thousand monstrous abnormalities of body and mind and spirit.

  26. I hasten to explain that I do not mean any of the abnormalities and monstrosities of present-day fashionable life.

  27. This, of course, is simply one of the abnormalities caused by the supplanting of love by money as a motive in marriage.

  28. However, in the case of dental abnormalities the genetic or environmental conditions that caused the abnormality might also have caused some other trait that increased the animal's vulnerability.

  29. The explanation for such selection is obvious in regard to the abnormalities of the lower limbs (figs.

  30. If all dental and jaw abnormalities are pooled, the difference between the incidence in the wolf-kill sample (9.

  31. The wolf-killed deer were generally much older than the hunter-kills and had a significantly higher percentage of jaw and limb abnormalities (see Mech and Frenzel, page 35).

  32. It is more difficult to explain how dental abnormalities or pathological conditions of the mandible (figs.

  33. The incidence of various abnormalities in wolf-killed deer was also compared with that in hunter-killed animals.

  34. The following organs were excised from wolf-killed deer and examined grossly in the field for parasites and abnormalities (fig.

  35. All lower jaws found were collected, aged, and examined for dental abnormalities and pathological conditions.

  36. Hoofs and lower legs were checked, and those showing pathological conditions or abnormalities were collected and examined by the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory of the University of Minnesota.

  37. Significantly higher incidences of abnormalities and pathological conditions of both mandibles and lower limbs were found in wolf-killed deer than in hunter-killed deer, and these conditions are described.

  38. This is also the case with other abnormalities of structure, some of which resemble the condition in mammals much lower than apes.

  39. The large number of abnormalities and rudimentary organs which may be found in man affords important evidence in favour of the descent of man from lower animals.

  40. The evidence given by the very large number of abnormalities that are found in these organs makes it clear that, in the long period of the evolution of the human race, they have been subjected to a series of modifications.

  41. Certain abnormalities in the condition of the sexual organs are occasionally found in men and women, but these cannot be compared with the production of sexless individuals that has taken place amongst other social creatures.

  42. The joints are very liable to form monstrosities; these abnormalities sometimes affecting the reproductive organs, which become doubled or even trebled.

  43. As already hinted, this cestode is very liable to present abnormalities of structure, the proglottides frequently displaying double sexual orifices, with corresponding duplication of the reproductive organs internally.

  44. Saliva: One of the most unpleasant abnormalities in defectives is the continuous loss of saliva from "hanging lips.

  45. Let us note one or two motor abnormalities which are easy to detect in defectives.

  46. Yet the symptoms in each of these cases were curiously analogous to what we find in mental torticollis, in which abnormalities of the reflexes are conspicuous by their absence.

  47. They are the clinical expression of abnormalities supervening in a function that has by repetition acquired the automatism of genuine functional acts: they are germane to the tics.

  48. The origin of this "cramp of speech" in psychical abnormalities is manifest.

  49. At that time mental abnormalities were not noticed.

  50. He diagnosed it as a case of constitutional psychosis; the extent of the abnormalities showing the individual to be irresponsible.

  51. Heredity seems completely negative as far as any nervous or mental abnormalities are concerned.

  52. Something of a point has been made in the literature heretofore that abnormalities of sexual life are unduly correlated with the inclination to pathological lying, and the conclusion is sometimes drawn, as by Stemmermann (loc.

  53. Investigation of his case showed that his abnormalities dated from early life and were probably due to the fact that in childhood he had a bad fall from a height.

  54. Sex abnormalities were present in 5 out of the 17 in the literature.

  55. The abnormalities are slight, and there is as great a diversity among the men as could be asked.

  56. The number of abnormalities and their extent depend upon a variety of circumstances, among which are food, climate, occupation, and the incidents of birth itself, as well as the various forms of infantile disease.

  57. There are certain rare abnormalities of the uterus through imperfect embryological development, and pregnancy in such a uterus may result in symptoms like those of ectopic gestation.

  58. You have not then read my brochure on certain abnormalities reported in history?

  59. Sidenote: Minor Ailments] There are few persons in America to-day who reach the age of forty sound and normal in every part of the body, especially if we include among abnormalities the minor ailments.

  60. Sidenote: Instances of Eugenic Improvement] But not all human abnormalities are recessive.

  61. Sidenote: Nasal Obstruction] In many, the susceptibility to colds is due to abnormalities in the nose or throat.

  62. As a result of such habituation the most intelligent parent tends to develop an unfortunate blindness to all sorts of abnormalities which exist in his own children.

  63. The physical abnormalities which have been found so common among prisoners are not the stigmata of criminality, but the physical accompaniments of feeble-mindedness.

  64. In medical literature, however, there are numerous records of the spontaneous origin of various abnormalities which behave as dominants, such as brachydactyly, and Bateson considers the authenticity of some of these to be beyond doubt.

  65. Here it is only necessary to refer to the abnormalities in the reduction division which are related to mutation, and the results of these abnormalities in the number of chromosomes.

  66. There is no evidence that these abnormalities are due to abnormal conditions of life.

  67. The abnormalities in Pleuronectidae to which I have referred are of the kind usually regarded as due to arrested development.

  68. The abnormalities are undoubtedly mutations of gametic origin.

  69. These abnormalities are most frequent in the Turbot, Brill, Flounder, and Plaice.

  70. These abnormalities in form of the stomach, particularly the constriction of the orifices, may be attended by more serious symptoms than the original ulcer.

  71. Abnormalities and Vices of Conformation of the Tongue.

  72. All causes of dilatation of the stomach may be referred to abnormalities of one or more of these factors.

  73. The condition of the discharges demands notice in detail, more especially as abnormalities in the evacuations belong among the few of the more constant symptoms of the disease.

  74. Any or all of the abnormalities of this region may be complicated by the existence of tubercular or scrofulous conditions of the system.

  75. Dilatation with unobstructed outlet of the stomach must be referable either to abnormalities in the quantity or quality of the contents of the stomach or to weakness of the muscular walls of the stomach.

  76. Physical abnormalities Hare-lip, cleft palate, hernia and imperforate anus are physical abnormalities which are interesting to the surgeon rather than to the pathologist.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abnormalities" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.