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Example sentences for "imperfect"

Lexicographically close words:
imperatorem; imperatori; imperatorum; imperceptible; imperceptibly; imperfection; imperfections; imperfectly; imperfects; imperforate
  1. He defeated the Scotch, and compelled them to submit to England's sway.

  2. Fortunately the terrible example of the civil wars they had seen in France, held them back for a time.

  3. And the worst of it was that neither party had more than a very imperfect knowledge of the language of the other, so as to understand the inquiry and to reply to it.

  4. Dowdyism is clearly an expression of imperfect vitality.

  5. It is to this feeling on the part of his countrymen that Charles Lamb alludes, in his essay upon "Imperfect Sympathies.

  6. But what is the chance of passing even this imperfect measure?

  7. The Civil Rights Bill was not considered in the House; so that even this imperfect measure failed.

  8. Pass the imperfect bill and still there is a denial of equal rights.

  9. In successful treatment the shoe must be removed each time--an adjustable plate will not do, as no man can thoroughly pare and examine a foot with the shoe on, and imperfect dressings are worse than useless.

  10. It is an imperfect hinge-joint, permitting of extension and flexion, allowing the first phalanx to pivot on the second, and admitting of the performance of slight lateral movements.

  11. This also is an imperfect hinge-joint, permitting only of flexion and extension, which movements are more restricted than in the previous articulation.

  12. I have in my possession the imperfect copy of this piece as I found it among my father's papers after his death.

  13. All these absurd rumours I had heard in broken hints and imperfect sentences, from which I was left to draw the inference; and, as easily may be supposed, I laughed them to scorn.

  14. There was no other means of doing so than by stopping the vehicle and alighting, and endeavoring to read it by the aid of the lamp, which, I feared, would afford but a very imperfect light, after all.

  15. The evening shadows were closing in, but, even by the imperfect light we had, we could see she was very beautiful.

  16. Knight, being sound in Body, but imperfect of Mind and Memory, do make this my last Will, &c.

  17. Rotten wood is an imperfect substitute for charcoal.

  18. When unprepared grain is fed, it should be on a full stomach, to prevent imperfect mastication, and consequent loss of the food.

  19. The omnibus-driver could speak but imperfect English; there was a jabber of Welsh all through the streets and market-places; and it flowed out with a freedom quite different from the way in which they expressed themselves in English.

  20. The keeper told us that the story of the Armada was said to be represented in these carvings, but in the imperfect light we could trace nothing of it out.

  21. In Walpole's language, Kent "was painter enough to taste the charms of landscape, bold and opinionative enough to dare and to dictate, and born with a genius to strike out a great system from the twilight of imperfect essays.

  22. The cup is unsymmetrical in outline, and has a few imperfect nodes near one corner, but its resemblance to a shell would hardly be recognized by one unacquainted with more realistic renderings of like subjects.

  23. I have seen but few pieces that, even after the bleaching of centuries, did not show traces of the dark mottlings that result from imperfect firing.

  24. The lowest stages may seem very imperfect to us, but they are all the more important.

  25. However imperfect the forms may be in which that human yearning for God has found expression in different religions, it has always been the deepest spring of all religions, and the highest summit reached by Natural Religion.

  26. God is no giver of imperfect gifts, and He has given me life, but life on earth is imperfect.

  27. If its conduct, with the possession of this imperfect degree of liberty has been atrocious, it cannot be difficult to conceive to what lengths an unlimited power of action might have tempted it to proceed.

  28. He does not reject their imperfect faith, but He warns them, as if seeing the impending hour of denial which was so terribly to contradict the rapture of that moment.

  29. We have here, in this question, our Lord revealing Himself as willing to accept the imperfect love which a disciple can offer Him.

  30. But Mary's exclamation was imperfect in that it expressed the resumption of no more than the old bond, and her gladness needed enlightenment.

  31. One is that the dear Lord accepts imperfect surrender, ignorant faith and love, of which He knows that it will soon turn to denial.

  32. These men were perfectly sincere, and there was a glow of gladness in their hearts, and a real though imperfect faith when they spoke.

  33. Much that must remain dark through life will be lightened when we get yonder; for the vision here is not perfect, and the knowledge here is as imperfect as the vision.

  34. We may take comfort from this generous estimate of imperfect disciples.

  35. From the imperfect gleaning of the Tenth Census we learn that of the total enumerated bread-winners of the United States more than one-seventh are women.

  36. Imperfect as is the list it will be a surprise to those who look upon office-holding as the natural prerogative of man.

  37. Meanwhile the minstrel proceeded with his explanation of the dubious and imperfect vaticinations of which we have given a sufficient specimen.

  38. This, Sir Knight, is apparently the fatal volume for which I sought, and strange it is, considering the heavy chance of other books contained in this library, that I have been able to find a few though imperfect fragments of it.

  39. His wife uttered an imperfect exclamation, at the sound of which the whole scene stirred and seemed to separate.

  40. The voice of Alexius silenced all these imperfect speakers: "Hah, my brave soldier, Edward!

  41. They are paid even for their first imperfect attempts, to encourage them to go on; and they treasure up the few weekly pence they earn as a lady would her jewels.

  42. Many believe the remedy to be only useful in certain forms of the disease, and to be very uncertain and imperfect in its action.

  43. In most ailments, the longer they have existed and the more chronic they are, the more difficult and imperfect is the prospect of recovery.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "imperfect" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.