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Example sentences for "accoucheur"

Lexicographically close words:
accost; accosted; accosting; accosts; accouchement; account; accountability; accountable; accountancy; accountant
  1. The accoucheur was summoned, pronounced them false pains, and went away.

  2. The accoucheur should always assist therefore, if he can, because even if nature can complete the delivery it is with such danger.

  3. Chailly says that the accoucheur should never leave such cases to nature alone, but always aid her; but other authors trust to her a little more.

  4. It is seldom that the arm can be reduced, and therefore but little can be done at first; if the delivery be evidently arrested by it the accoucheur must at last assist in the most feasible manner.

  5. The head may therefore be felt low down, and the accoucheur may think the labor will soon be completed, when in reality it has scarcely begun.

  6. The accoucheur must wait till the mouth of the Womb is fully dilated, and then watch his opportunity, in an interval between two contractions, to push the cord upwards, between the fœtus and the uterine walls.

  7. The accoucheur must use great caution, so as neither to intrude his help when not required, nor yet to refuse it when really needed; and above all he must not substitute violence for skill.

  8. Its position must therefore be changed, and the accoucheur must know how to change it with advantage.

  9. This is one of the most useful operations that the accoucheur can perform, in many cases, and has the advantage of being altogether accomplished by the hand.

  10. The accoucheur need not, of course, be present while these arrangements are being made; and when he retires he should suggest to the nurse that the female may attend to the bowels and bladder during his absence.

  11. The accoucheur waits four or five hours, as in the former case, and then if no progress is made he applies the forceps, using great care in doing so.

  12. If proper care be bestowed however, these accidents ought to occur but seldom, even in the worst cases, and nothing can be more hurtful to the reputation of an accoucheur than for them to happen.

  13. Consulting Physician-Accoucheur to the Bristol General Hospital, and Lecturer on Obstetric Medicine at the Bristol Medical School.

  14. Baudraye who had been intimate with Lousteau; he was assisted by the celebrated accoucheur Duriau.

  15. The basin of hot water not being brought quickly enough, the accoucheur desired the chief surgeon to use his lancet without waiting for it.

  16. There is, it is said, a great Queen in Europe who has an accoucheur of whom she never makes use.

  17. After this the accoucheur soon triumphs, the examination is effected without further remonstrance, and the victim is irretrievably entangled in his insidious toils.

  18. Either, in the time of the Greeks, women were delivered with greater ease than now, or they judged better than us of the true degree of influence that the midwife or the accoucheur possesses in this function.

  19. With monstrous growths the accoucheur must depend upon his own resources, ingenuity and knowledge of the mechanism of parturition.

  20. There are few subjects upon which an accoucheur is so frequently importuned, or about which it is so difficult to give a decided opinion, as the probable duration of labour.

  21. They also added to their case four letters, which purported to emanate from Pierre la Marre, whom they represented to have been the accoucheur at the delivery of Lady Jane.

  22. The accoucheur shortly entered the room to report that "all was going on as well as could be expected;" and, having received his fee, he took his departure.

  23. Wagtail and the accoucheur exchanged rapid but intelligent glances at the excellence of the idea, and Sir Christopher grunted like a learned pig which has just put its snout upon the right card in a show.

  24. He believes, that it was infectious, and that the contagion was always carried by the accoucheur or the nurse from one lying-in woman to another.

  25. He held this post until his death, under the title of Physician Accoucheur to the Queen for Scotland.

  26. The stronger sex, however, was then at last asserting its superiority, and to be an accoucheur was beginning to be considered after all as worthy of a gentleman.

  27. I should even prefer the drop-scene of novel happiness to come quietly down before the accoucheur and the registrar of births make their appearance.

  28. Sir Richard Croft, the accoucheur of that lamented princess, had been engaged to attend the lady of the Rev.

  29. Her choice of an accoucheur fell upon Dr.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "accoucheur" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.