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Example sentences for "anathematizing"

Lexicographically close words:
anathematised; anathematising; anathematize; anathematized; anathematizes; anatomic; anatomica; anatomical; anatomically; anatomies
  1. Even this is not enough for Archbishop Dechamps of Mechlin, who has now proposed four canons anathematizing all defenders of the episcopal system; this has roused the suspicions even of several Bishops of the majority.

  2. The consequence was that the world had the edifying spectacle of three contemporary popes anathematizing one another.

  3. Clericis laicos, releasing subjects from their allegiance and anathematizing all laymen who should appropriate ecclesiastical revenues and all priests who should put them to uses not sanctioned by the pope.

  4. Let us not think more harshly than is necessary of the anathematizing churches.

  5. What means the anathematizing of those who remain unconvinced?

  6. Before Delamere had done anathematizing his folly in giving the saucy Lilla such a loop-hole to throw him over, the trumpet sounded, folding doors opened, and fifty people sat down to the cheery repast.

  7. On every side the Old Believer raised about him a wall of scruples and prejudices, entrenching himself behind his stagnation and ignorance, and anathematizing all civilization in a breath.

  8. Rossworm returned to his camp in great wrath, anathematizing the Hungarians, whom he accused of cowardice.

  9. Bassompierre saluted her Majesty and withdrew, anathematizing the wretched convention which stood between him and one of the highest offices under the Crown, and wondering whether by any possibility the obstacle could be overcome.

  10. Arranmore was in great wrath, and swore loudly too, fancying he had been made a fool of, and anathematizing the inquisitive crowd gathered thickly round.

  11. Anathematizing ships and seas, we shook fleas and dust from our heels, and repaired forthwith on board.

  12. Along the route, we had been anathematizing the canine race, which often prevented us from approaching negro-quarters on the plantations; but these were Union dogs, which made all the difference in the world.

  13. Mentally anathematizing my long-eared brute, I gave him a part of the corn, and threw myself down behind a log, directly beside the road.

  14. Exhausted and broken with shame and suffering, he flung himself at his rival's feet and begged for mercy, abjuring and anathematizing his heresies, and especially that of the poverty of Christ.

  15. For more than forty years two rival popes were now anathematizing each other, two rival Curias were squeezing the nations for money.

  16. Nestorianism was condemned, Nestorius excommunicated and deposed, and Cyril’s anathematizing propositions adopted as the standard of ecclesiastical orthodoxy.

  17. Also Eusebius of Nicomedia and Theognis of Nicæa, who subscribed the Symbol but refused to sign the anathematizing formula, were three months afterwards banished to Gaul.

  18. It was Morris or nothing with me, And now I began anathematizing to myself those crusty, secret, cautious natures that are always satisfied when they cry "Stop!

  19. Surely every man may be satisfied in his own mind upon such a subject, without quarrelling with, or anathematizing each other.

  20. But now so little heed was paid to his excommunication, that a second Papal Bull was launched forth, anathematizing even such as should listen to the heretical and incendiary preaching of this poor priest, Robert Annys.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anathematizing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    censure; conviction; damnation; denunciation; doom; judgment; proscription; rap; sentence