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Example sentences for "aviary"

Lexicographically close words:
aveva; avez; avia; avian; aviaries; aviation; aviator; aviators; aviatrix; avid
  1. In putting goldfinches, linnets, and canaries in an aviary for the purpose of breeding, the males of the two former should be put in with hen canaries as the male birds of the wild species will mate only with canaries.

  2. The aviary must face the south or west; the ground within may be covered with fine turf, and divided by gravel walks.

  3. A fountain of naphtha was playing in the centre of the room; round it were ranged soft divans, and the walls of the room were open on one side to an aviary in which the birds were chanting their artful chorus.

  4. Nor is the least care bestowed on the greenhouse, and the little aviary adjoining; for here are objects of feminine pleasure, and he loves not himself so well as he does the mistress of all, the mother and the partner.

  5. A pair of these birds lives in the octagonal aviary at the Lahore Zoo.

  6. Moreover, a purple sunbird which is being kept in an aviary in England assumes eclipse plumage for a short period each year at the beginning of winter.

  7. Peyron led her round to his aviary at the back of the hut, and introduced her, by their native names, to all his subjects.

  8. Theaetetus suggests that in the aviary there may be flying about mock birds, or forms of ignorance, and we put forth our hands and grasp ignorance, when we are intending to grasp knowledge.

  9. We have had this aviary over two years and have raised a large number of birds.

  10. When the second invoice of birds arrived it was late in the season, and Mr. Frank Dekum caused a very large aviary to be built near his residence where all the sweet little strangers were safely housed and cared for during the winter.

  11. She says: "My aviary is out in the grounds of our home.

  12. When the aviary is burned at morn, the aurora and the sun separate; they meet again in the evening, when the aviary is reconstructed.

  13. But having, by the advice of a witch, burned the aviary, she loses him, and cannot recover him till the aviary is restored.

  14. Sir Roger told me it put him in mind of a little coppice by his house in the country, which his chaplain used to call an aviary of nightingales.

  15. But the aviary was well closed, and the innocent little refugees within were asleep with heads under wings.

  16. I believe, even, that if the aviary were large enough, and the tree which they most affect were enclosed, they would freely breed there, and confide their little ones to your protection.

  17. They return to this aviary very regularly.

  18. If there are no children as old as us, maybe it won't come into their heads to let us see the aviary again.

  19. A big black picture hat, with a flower garden and parts of an aviary on top--but what's the use of going over Isaiah's list?

  20. Sweet odors from field and flower-garden, stealing in at the open windows, filled the house with their fragrance; and the birds in Norah's aviary upstairs sang the song of their happiness exultingly in the sun.

  21. The birds in Norah's aviary sunned themselves in the evening stillness, and sang their farewell gratitude to the dying day.

  22. When kept in an aviary not supplied with heat artificially, they generally content themselves with two or perhaps three broods a year, which is much better for them.

  23. This is made to play out widely for two purposes: to give our aviary a somewhat ornamental appearance, and also to carry the drip well clear of the walls and wire netting.

  24. Zoological Gardens at Lahore show a decided preference for the white cocks, which are kept in the aviary along with normally coloured cocks.

  25. The first day I was there, I never shall forget the surprise I experienced, when, after the noon meal being finished, the aviary door was opened.

  26. In 1837 there was a live specimen in an aviary of the Zoological Society in Regent's-park; and many Ortolans are sent alive to the London market from Prussia.

  27. The Bird-cage Walk, on the south side of the Park, had in Charles's time the cages of an aviary disposed among the trees.

  28. All the way north Meta's gulls had been kept on deck in an aviary built for the purpose, and two had already been despatched with little messages in sealed quills, fastened to their legs.

  29. In the mating and breeding season, however, young birds appear in the great aviary which must be taught to sing and whistle accurately.

  30. In one quarter was an aviary filled with numerous kinds of birds remarkable in this region both for brilliancy of plumage and for song.

  31. The menagerie adjoining the aviary showed wild animals from the mountain forests, as well as creatures from the remote swamps of the hot lands by the seashore.

  32. He found that hairy caterpillars were uniformly rejected; five distinct species were quite unnoticed by all his birds, and were allowed to crawl about the aviary for days with impunity.

  33. Your attention must now be given to preparing the pen for the pigeons:-- Close all openings into the aviary and see that the drinking pan or fountain is filled with fresh water.

  34. A door should be provided in aviary and a few perches or landing boards, along the sides.

  35. The posts or uprights for aviary should be two by four lumber with the sunken end well tarred, or any fairly heavy posts available.

  36. He liked to have his friends come to the aviary and hear the bird sing.

  37. When ultimately he reached the aviary he was feeling merely fit, a feeling which the dinner increased.

  38. To the aviary he brought men, some of whom having otherwise nothing to do with this drama need not delay its recital, but, among others, he brought Annandale and Orr.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aviary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.