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Example sentences for "behaued"

Lexicographically close words:
begynnynge; behalf; behalfe; behalve; behaue; behauiour; behave; behaved; behaves; behaveth
  1. But the Normans behaued themselues warilie and soberlie, spending all that night in praier and confessing their sinnes vnto God; and in the morning earelie they receiued the communion before they went foorth to the battell.

  2. In like sort the same day was hurt Sir William Weston abouesayd, captaine of the posterne of England, and had one of his fingers stricken away with an harquebush: which knight behaued himselfe right woorthily at all the assaults.

  3. Howbeit at the last after many words and promises to him made hee came into the hauen, the which captaine was named messire Domingo de Fournati, and hee in his person behaued him valiauntly in the time of the sayd siege.

  4. In the which businesse he behaued himselfe well and worthily, and spared not his goods to cause the people to worke and trauell, but spent thereof largely.

  5. Who so behaued themselues in deede, that they had dispatched these sixe quickly.

  6. M411) Behold therefore how our men behaued themselues very well hitherto, although they had endured many great mishaps.

  7. A certayne Lord of that troupe and companye tooke Iulietta by the Hande to Daunce, wherein shee behaued hir selfe so well, and wyth so excellent grace, as shee wanne that Daye the prise of Honour from all the Damosels of Verona.

  8. Then he behaued himselfe after sutch a maner, that hee exceeded in continency and compassion, all the kinges that had bin before his time.

  9. Thus we haue sufficiently séene after what sort the holy Fathers and auncient christians behaued themselues when any spirits appeared vnto them.

  10. After what sort they should behaue themselues, which see good or euill spirits, or meete with other straunge aduentures: and first how both Iewes and Gentiles behaued themselues in the like cases.

  11. Whereby the noble men supposing they had séene angels, behaued themselues valiantly, and atchieued the victorie.

  12. I doo not remember that I haue euer heard or read, how the Iewes behaued themselues when any spirits appeared vnto them: yet I doubt not but that they are superstitious as well in these things, as in all others.

  13. And truly the auncient Christians behaued themselues after this sort.

  14. After what sort they should behaue themselues, whiche see good or euil spirits, or meete with other straunge aduentures: and first how Iewes and Gentiles behaued themselues in the like cases.

  15. If Nunio de Gusman had bin so good a gouernour and Iudge, as he was in bloud a Gentleman, he had then enioyed the best plot of all the West India, but he behaued himselfe euill, both with the Indians and Spanyards.

  16. He likewise discouered much land on the south coast near Xalixco: he sente also shippes to Molluca, for spices, which were lost: he behaued himself very prudëtly in the rebellion time of the Indians of Piru.

  17. Island, and behaued himselfe couragiously in the office of preaching, and preuailed so much, that in the yeere 984.

  18. Likewise they behaued themselues so discreetly that no man caried an euill eye, no, nor an euill thought towards them.

  19. He was diligent in inquirie how the iudges of his land behaued themselues in their iudgements, and was a sharpe corrector of them which transgressed in that behalfe.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "behaued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.