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Example sentences for "brickmakers"

Lexicographically close words:
bricklayer; bricklayers; bricklaying; brickle; brickmaker; brickmaking; bricks; brickwork; bricky; brickyard
  1. I think he likes the brickmakers better than anybody in the world, except ourselves," said Grace.

  2. What became of the old brickmakers no one knew.

  3. But he was not thinking of the brickmakers when he started.

  4. But Mr Crawley had done his best to make the brickmakers welcome at the church, scandalising the farmers by causing them to sit or stand in any portion of the church which was hitherto unappropriated.

  5. Indeed the farmers had quarrelled with him because the brickmakers had so crowded the parish church, as to leave but scant room for decent people.

  6. He went down among the brickmakers on the following morning, leaving the house almost without a morsel of food, and he remained at Hoggle End for the greater part of the day.

  7. We find these brickmakers in still water where various water-plants grow, especially the water-milfoil and bladderwort.

  8. If you take some of the plants and water, and put them in a bottle, you can carry a large number of the brickmakers home, where you can watch them at your leisure.

  9. In fact, my family for generations were brickmakers as well as agricultural labourers.

  10. No, the cutlers are men, but the brickmakers are beasts.

  11. With this doughty resolve he went off and drove the contractors; they drove the brickmakers, and the brickmakers got fresh hands from a distance, and the promise of some more.

  12. By this means he witnessed an incident familiar to brickmakers in that district, but new to him.

  13. Suddenly loud cries of pain were heard, and two of the brickmakers held up hands covered with blood, and transfixed by needles.

  14. Here am I, fighting the good fight for you, against long odds; and, at last, the brickmakers and bricklayers have beat us.

  15. Five brickmakers waylaid him in a narrow lane; he took out his revolver, and told them he'd send them all to hell if one laid a finger on him; at this rude observation they fled like sheep.

  16. The account which I received a few days ago from the brickmakers of their labours, was as follows.

  17. It was nothing new, but being a diversion from the monotony of their work, half the brickmakers stopped to look on.

  18. Here the brickmakers lived gregariously, each hovel containing as many as it would hold.

  19. The brickmakers answered and said, it should be done.

  20. And I know brickmakers go about working at piecework in different places.

  21. As early as 1662 brickmakers and bricklayers were paid by each thousand bricks made and laid by them.

  22. Brickmakers were twice advertised for in 1610, and joiners were at work on the furniture needed for the new homes.

  23. The miners became brickmakers again, then the bricks were brought to the foot of Granite House.

  24. Till then the engineer's companions had been brickmakers and potters, now they were to become metallurgists.

  25. This was the occasion for the king both to deny the request and to double the tasks meted out to the brickmakers by withholding straw and requiring the same amount of work to be accomplished as before.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brickmakers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.