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Example sentences for "bugaboo"

Lexicographically close words:
buffooneries; buffoonery; buffoons; buffy; bug; bugaboos; bugbear; bugbears; bugelet; bugg
  1. We have only to read the endless advertisements of cathartics and "internal baths," or to check up the quantity of laxatives sold at any drug store, to realize the wide-spread bondage to that great bugaboo constipation.

  2. The fear of an invasion of Western Europe by the Slav races is a bugaboo set afloat by Germany, who also propagates the bugaboo of a Japanese invasion of North America.

  3. I want to tell you not to fear this bugaboo of interstate competition.

  4. There is no reason for any human being staying in the Southland on this bugaboo handed out by the white press.

  5. The bugaboo of cold weather is put before him to frighten him, of race antagonism and sundry other things, but not one word about better treatment is suggested to lighten the burden, no sane and reasonable remedy offered.

  6. Fables of nurses; bugaboo for children; Jehovah for men.

  7. We machine men in the South don't want this 'nigger' bugaboo put down.

  8. And the laugh that followed helped a little to scare away the bugaboo his words had raised in my mind.

  9. Saint Nicholas in the double role of children's benefactor and children's bugaboo found his way to America.

  10. It has been attempted to connect the children's bugaboo variously called Hansruhbart, Ruprecht, and Knecht Ruprecht, with Odin, largely through a connection between the name Ruprecht and one of the variety of names given Odin.

  11. The bugaboo feature of St. Nicholas' day also was not lacking in the Martinmas celebration.

  12. Bugaboo with a gentle smile reaches out and embraces him and plants the kiss of love on both his cheeks, strokes his hair wistfully, and invites him to sit on the front porch.

  13. Ben Hecht chopping away at the ever-forgiving and all-condoning Bugaboo of Puritanism.

  14. What was a man to do in a case like this, finding his big bugaboo no bugaboo at all?

  15. Showed that, I should say, to some purpose, in the late tremendous swamp-fight away down South, with the Bugaboo and Kickapoo Indians.

  16. I swallowed some very capital articles, though, when the big Bugaboo rammed me down with the butt end of his rifle.

  17. It could be that the so cried-up ferocity of the Dulanganes bugaboo was invented by the Moros for their own ends, according to a note in one of the letters of Father More.

  18. They were always the bugaboo of the Spaniards, and the terror of the Indians of the other provinces.

  19. It is the bugaboo of the Filipino mothers with which they threaten refractory children.

  20. In later life he reserved the terror of the Bugaboo for naughty little boys and girls.

  21. And all at once the Bugaboo Came Rattling down the Chimney Flue; He Perched upon the little Bed And scratched the Girl until she bled.

  22. So, children when in Bed to-night, Don't let them Take away the Light, Or else the Awful Bugaboo May come and Fly away with You.

  23. Bugaboo was too much and too ugly an animal for the King of Naples, who, though a showy horseman, was a bad rider across country; and I got the horse for a song.

  24. Knowing my horse, I put him at the Emperor's head, and Bugaboo went at it like a shot.

  25. I should be a bugaboo to Owen--I should be fatally in the way.

  26. I do simplify, doubtless, if to simplify is to fail to comprehend the insanity of a passion that bewilders a young blockhead with bugaboo barriers, with hideous and monstrous sacrifices.

  27. It sends forth a soldier who does not know so much as how to set up a tent, whose idea of the Enemy is a mediaeval bugaboo in a book.

  28. The little Napoleon had been one of the premier's favorite bugaboo examples of stage realism tried out in real life.

  29. Now we have a man with nerve enough to go into the dungeons, we'll lay this ridiculous psychological bugaboo at once; that is, if you have the nerve!

  30. The former type, although something of a bugaboo ever since the time of Malthus, has in reality relatively little effect on the human race at present.

  31. For we are painfully aware that the bugaboo of the declining birth-rate of superior people has been raised so often in late years, that it has become stale by repetition.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bugaboo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abomination; bogey; bug; bugbear; bugger; ghost; ghoul; hobgoblin; horror; incubus; monster; nightmare; ogre; phantom; problem; scarecrow; specter; terror; vampire; werewolf