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Example sentences for "bunged"

Lexicographically close words:
bune; bung; bunga; bungalow; bungalows; bunghole; bungle; bungled; bungler; bunglers
  1. Wherefore this apple was the emblem of something more than a truce, despite the fact that it tasted like wet Indian meal; and Jimmie looked at the Hedge boy out of one good eye and one bunged eye.

  2. After allowing a moment for the fact to sink into him, he looked up at the crowd with his one good eye and his one bunged eye, and smiled cheerfully.

  3. And I took and tore up the certificate and bunged the pieces on the floor.

  4. Mother got wild, but presently the humour of it struck her, and she had to laugh, and a rum laugh it was, with both eyes bunged up.

  5. When he went into the house, mother's other eye had bunged for sympathy.

  6. No man could swear, for his mouth was bunged up; and no man could strike, for his arms were stuck to him, with a weight of deposit, like a stalactite.

  7. Jack had got one eye quite bunged up, and his enemy had both eyes half-way closed; the nose of our Jack was gone in at the middle, and that of his adversary at the end; and their other contusions might pretty nearly match.

  8. I've seen crafts bunged up worse'n she is, an' yet finish the biggest end of a voyage.

  9. Needless to say that the gods themselves are bunged up in the wood and are quite incapable of doing further mischief, provided always that the usual offerings are made to them at the shrine where they live in durance vile.

  10. She was told that a demon, whose ravages spread sickness in a family, had been inveigled by a sorceress into that hole and securely bunged up.

  11. After standing open for three days, during which it is to be stirred frequently, it is to be put into a barrel, and left for a fortnight to work, when a ninth part of brandy is to be added, and the whole bunged down.

  12. Particular care should be taken to have the cask sweet and dry, and washed inside with a little brandy, before the wine is tunned, but it should not be bunged up close till it has done fermenting.

  13. Time you bunged off, my lad,” quoth he, loftily.

  14. And it is a very difficult art, only to be acquired by patient practice, to pour tea into the cup and the cup alone, from the top of a spout-bunged teapot.

  15. Butts is a little bunged up, but he's the handier man, even so.

  16. Your neck's black like somebody'd been chokin' you, and your face is bunged up some, too.

  17. How did you git your face bunged up that way?

  18. Suppose a chap found another chap croaking with diphtheria--all bunged up with it--and they stuck a tube in his throat and the chap sucked the stuff out, what would you say?

  19. It had been bunged up and rolled overboard, and then safely deposited among the spars, where it floated of itself.

  20. Empty casks were bunged and flung overboard, and these added essentially to the safety of the structure and its capability of carrying a greater weight.

  21. The sailor stared at him heavily from a pair of drowsy baggy eyes, rather bunged up from excessive use of boose, preferably good old Hollands and water.

  22. One fine day it gets bunged up: and there you are.

  23. The casks are then filled up and bunged down.

  24. The red caps have dug trenches and the white-band caps have bunged 'em up again.

  25. On the morning of the fifth day some of us were leaning, full of idleness and uncertainty, against the front of a house that had been holed and bunged up again, at the corner of a street.

  26. Gussie had bunged his heart at her feet; she had picked it up, and, almost immediately after doing so, had discovered that he had been stewed to the eyebrows all the time.

  27. The next moment she was legging it for the dining-room, while I, having bunged the bicycle into a bush, made for the stairs.

  28. What do you call it when two people of opposite sexes are bunged together in close association in a secluded spot, meeting each other every day and seeing a lot of each other?

  29. The casks are then to be bunged securely and left for a month, when they are to be again filled up and re-bunged.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bunged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.