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Example sentences for "buttermilk"

Lexicographically close words:
butterflies; butterfly; butteries; buttering; butterman; butternut; butternuts; butterwort; buttery; buttes
  1. And a lady once told my mamma that buttermilk was good for freckles.

  2. Some of the buttermilk got inside her, ’cause she’s got a hole in her back.

  3. The doctor got his buttermilk and cream as well, but he sat still, seeming in no hurry to go away.

  4. Do you suppose Eunice has a glass of buttermilk for me this morning?

  5. Missus 'low her niggers to git buttermilk and clabber, when de cows in full, to carry to de field fer drinking at noon, dat is twelve o'clock.

  6. Put your buttermilk biscuit in, lid on and pile live-oak coals on top.

  7. Hence the soubriquet of "buttermilk ranger" universally applied to the cavalry by the army.

  8. They marry for money, or to secure housekeepers, and drink pink lemonade and iced buttermilk until there's clabber in their blood.

  9. A man in whom there's no latent savagery were equivalent to mint julep in which buttermilk were used as a succedaneum for bourbon.

  10. At the close of the day we were taken to the farm for our supper of potatoes and buttermilk and then marched off to the laager, four miles distant.

  11. We were famished, so fell to on the supper of buttermilk and potatoes.

  12. With a quickness truly surprising in one of her habitual slowness, she swooped down and seized the cup of buttermilk and paint.

  13. It had been left there by a careless servant, who had used a portion of the mixture of red paint and sour buttermilk with which it was filled, to give the wide hearth its fine daily gloss.

  14. A polar bear'd look like a fool on a buttermilk pitcher.

  15. Challa, meaning apparently eaters of refuse, occurs as a sub-division of Yanadis, and meaning buttermilk as an exogamous sept of Devanga.

  16. If you have no buttermilk or other sour milk at hand, turn some sweet milk sour by setting a pan of it in the sun, or stirring in a spoonful of vinegar.

  17. Take it out of the pan, lay it on a flat dish, and with the ladle squeeze and press it hard, till all the buttermilk is entirely extracted and drained off.

  18. Buttermilk or fermented milk can often be used to advantage if sweet milk should prove constipating to the patient.

  19. We should distinguish, however, between real buttermilk and the fermented milk or sour milk which is often sold in cities under the name of buttermilk.

  20. As a milk product buttermilk may be particularly recommended as a meat substitute if one uses a considerable quantity of it.

  21. As beautiful Kitty one morning was tripping With a pitcher of milk from the fair of Coleraine, When she saw me she stumbled, the pitcher it tumbled, And all the sweet buttermilk watered the plain.

  22. Kitty's sweet buttermilk may have watered, but it had not fertilised the plain, though the town itself seemed painfully prosperous.

  23. The buttermilk cultures were bad," Nancy said.

  24. And some of those buttermilk men threatens not to come any more if I don't stop serving it to them.

  25. Sometime she would give us johnny cake an plenty of buttermilk to drink wid it.

  26. They would fill dis trough wid buttermilk and all us chillun would git roun' th' trough an drink wid our mouths an hol' our johnny cake wid our han's.

  27. Old Mistress wud give us this corn bread johnny cake about four o'clock in de evening and give us plenty of buttermilk to drink wid it.

  28. He sat there lookin' at it for a good five minutes without sayin' a word, them buttermilk eyes just starin', kind of blank and dazed.

  29. Hank was swallowin' hard just then, so all he could do was nod, and a big drop of brine leaks out of one of them buttermilk blue eyes.

  30. Say, if it hadn't been for them buttermilk eyes, you never could have made me believe it was him.

  31. His complexion was a shade or two lighter than a new saddle, except his neck, which was a flannel red, with lovely brown speckles on it; and his eyes was sort of buttermilk blue, with eyebrows that you had to guess at.

  32. We sang "Chevy Chase" from end to end, and then chaunted the 119th Psalme; and by the time we had attained to Lucerna Pedibus, I heard the buttermilk separating and splashing in righte earnest.

  33. She has even taught Watch to like the buttermilk as well as strong beer, and has nearly persuaded her father to accept milk as a substitute for gin.

  34. The pleasant acid of buttermilk and of sour milk is due also to bacteria which are not harmful to us.

  35. Sometimes milk is soured purposely, as in buttermilk or zoolak or matzoon, that curds may form and be beaten fine before it is drunk.

  36. A wedding at which no ball-money is distributed is contemptuously termed a buttermilk wedding (Chs.

  37. They found that Mother Vedder had made buttermilk porridge for supper.

  38. Then she gave each of the Twins a cup of buttermilk to drink.

  39. Do your eyes leak when your nose is stopped up?

  40. But they finally made it up between em I didn't have no last name, and they'd jest call me Danny.

  41. Finally he got the chief to see as it wasn't Christian to hold back that there medicine from the world no longer, and the chief, his heart was softened, and he says to go.

  42. Purty soon a squirrel comes down and sets on a log and watches me.

  43. But the doc, he kep' looking right at me every now and then when he talked, and I couldn't keep my eyes off'n him.

  44. Stir in just enough buttermilk so dough holds together; turn out onto a floured surface.

  45. Pour buttermilk over all and allow to marinate for 10 to 15 minutes.

  46. In the middle of the street, in front of the City Hall, I noticed, as I came along heading for the buttermilk booth, that a crowd had formed.

  47. One afternoon I arrived at the park, a fresh book-purchase under my arm and a tremendous buttermilk thirst under my shirt.

  48. Then, right in the park itself, were little booths where one could buy glorious, ice-cold, sterilized milk and buttermilk at a penny a glass.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buttermilk" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beverage; butter; cheese; cream; curd; drink; ferment; margarine; milk; oleo; whey; yogurt