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Example sentences for "squeeze"

Lexicographically close words:
squealing; squeals; squeamish; squeamishness; squeegee; squeezed; squeezer; squeezes; squeezing; squelch
  1. The very riff-raff rogues they venture To squeeze together in the centre.

  2. Have you managed to squeeze any 'extra' profit on the quiet out of concrete?

  3. Now, you know, there is no denying, neither a pheasant nor a fox can squeeze themselves through an ordinary-sized mortar joint.

  4. He had had a squeeze and no mistake, and was about done, but no bones were broken.

  5. I was nearly had; but I had a bit in hand with which to squeeze home at the finish, and get in the first words.

  6. A little squeeze now and he knew what would happen.

  7. Two people could scarcely squeeze past one another without touching.

  8. If you squeeze them, you squeeze and strangle all the jolly in you.

  9. Then squeeze the handles of the shears together.

  10. The reason that the water does not run out of the globe is this: the hole is too small to let the air squeeze up past the water, and therefore no air can take the place of the water that might otherwise run out.

  11. Footnote 7: If mercury spills on the floor or table during this experiment, gather it all into a piece of paper by brushing even the tiny droplets together with a soft brush; squeeze it through a towel into a cup to clean it.

  12. If you manage to squeeze lead into a smaller space, it will spring right back to the same size as soon as you stop pressing it on all sides.

  13. If you try to pull a stake out of the ground, you have to squeeze it harder than the ground does or it will slip out of your hands instead of slipping out of the ground.

  14. You can squeeze a thing very tightly in a vise.

  15. Grate or run through mincer, add two cupfuls boiling water, and beat with a wooden spoon from ten to fifteen minutes; then squeeze through a cloth or potato masher.

  16. Put the cocoanut into a saucepan with more boiling water, mash over the fire for a few minutes, and squeeze again very thoroughly.

  17. When opened, do not squeeze the Abscess to any extent, but press gently with clean hands or cloth to remove the core or clot.

  18. If a cart came along the roadway, and a trap had to go by it, the foot-passengers had to squeeze up against the wall, lest the box of the wheel projecting over the kerb should push them down.

  19. Much but not all of that pressure the inhabitants have brought upon themselves through endeavouring to squeeze the farmer too closely.

  20. My appetite had slowly declined, and I had complained of stomach discomfort, prompting me to squeeze a pillow through the night.

  21. To try to impede its fixed intent seemed futile; cancer desired to squeeze life from my body many years ago.

  22. How benignantly he sat on the chair at the side of the bed when the ruffian Burke was fighting like a tiger to squeeze the life out of the little old woman!

  23. Ay, but if a worm had bitten ye, man, wouldn't you squeeze it the harder?

  24. The evening was spent in an interchange of visits, and many a sincere and fervent "God speed," with a silent but expressive squeeze of the hand, was exchanged between the officers and the men of the two Arctic ships.

  25. We succeeded in unshipping our rudder in time; but the "Discovery," receiving the squeeze more astern, had her rudder very severely injured.

  26. As they never expect to see a special victim again, they squeeze the last dollar from the unfortunate wretch, giving therefor nothing--worse than nothing!

  27. It gets into the eyes, and into the chest, and into the head; you can squeeze it through your fingers.

  28. There is a sliding panel at the back, about three feet from the floor, and just wide enough for a man to squeeze through.

  29. But really--to get hold of you and Esther--and to squeeze you like a couple of tender young Saint Michael's oranges!

  30. I won't squeeze you tighter than I can help.

  31. Miss Jellyby gave my arm a squeeze and me a very significant look.

  32. Luckily it opened easily at his touch, and he lost no time in climbing in, though it was rather a tight squeeze through the narrow imitation Gothic mullions, and he was thankful there were no bars as in the library.

  33. Then they reached a dead end, with just room for them to squeeze through the door of the truck and into an entrance marked with a big notice of privacy.

  34. Years ago, I had a flask of poison gas attached, in case a gang should ever squeeze me out.

  35. Honesty pays, gov'nor, if you squeeze it once in a while .

  36. It is after they have finished eating that they can most easily be picked up, but one must be very careful not to squeeze them.

  37. Go on until the hole is completely filled and you cannot squeeze another needle through.

  38. The last two words were accompanied with a simper, and a squeeze of the hand, which stirred up all Uncle Dumps’s bile.

  39. The jury at once find him ‘guilty,’ and his endeavours to squeeze out a tear or two are redoubled.

  40. Master Tom has had a squeeze to-night," said Jennings, as he was bidding Upton good-bye at his door.

  41. His presumption is boundless; for he pretends to ape creation by attempting to squeeze something out of nothing, and raise cash from a vacuum.

  42. Accordingly, after a turn or two, it was anything but surprising to see him squeeze himself into a narrow passage over the door of which was written the word "Billiards.

  43. It is a large house; but Traddles keeps his papers in his dressing-room and his boots with his papers; and he and Sophy squeeze themselves into upper rooms, reserving the best bedrooms for the Beauty and the girls.

  44. After another and a final squeeze with both arms, she got down from the cart and ran away; and, my belief is, and has always been, without a solitary button on her gown.

  45. Or madly squeeze a right-hand foot into a left-hand shoe,'" quoted Wythie mildly as she went to rescue Rob from her plight.

  46. They would not be in the way of seats for forty-five children; Rob was sure that her little hearers could easily squeeze into the chairs in which, judging by her first experience, they would not stay.

  47. They thereby place themselves at the mercy of the "manipulators," who stand ready to squeeze the "shorts" when the proper moment arrives.

  48. There is no pay-roll to meet, no big stocks of goods to worry about--simply nothing that can squeeze us a penny's worth.

  49. But presently she was mechanically promising sandwiches, and Rose was so far encouraged that she could give Martie's arm a little squeeze in farewell.

  50. I hate the way women pinch and squeeze to save five cents; there's nothing in it!

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "squeeze" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.