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Example sentences for "callyd"

Lexicographically close words:
callousness; callow; calls; callus; calluses; callyng; calm; calma; calme; calmed
  1. Off all that se a Skottishe knyght, was callyd Ser Hewe the Monggombyrry; He sawe the Duglas to the deth was dyght, he spendyd a spear, a trusti tre.

  2. But surely many actions of the dogmatist proceed upon mere probability.

  3. Before leaving Astura, however, it had been his intention to go on to Arpinum[168].

  4. When he begins to answer "Yes," there will be a difference of one grain between heap and no heap.

  5. And he seyd that ther was a lytyl mony be twyxe yowe and a jantylman of Estsexe, callyd Dyrward, seyyng that ther is as myche be wern [between] my seyd Lord and the seyd jantylman, of the wyche mony he desieryth yowr part.

  6. It fortunyd that in a market towne in the counte of Suffolke there was a stage play, in the which play one, callyd John Adroyns which dwellyd in a nother vyllage ii myle from thens, playde the dyuyll.

  7. There was a iustyce but late in the reame of England callyd master Vavesour,[40] a uery homely man and rude of condycyons, and louyd neuer to spend mych money.

  8. The gentylman, heryng him say so, callyd another of his seruauntys and bad him go to the gate to knowe who was there.

  9. Of all that see a Scottish knyght, was callyd Sir Hewe the Monggombyrry; He saw the Douglas to the death was dyght, he spendyd a spear, a trusti tree.

  10. Has received his letter by Thomas Fastolf touching his diligence about the recovery of the letter with the Bishop of Norwich, and of the evidences of Rydlyngfeld, with a copy of a certain indenture which F.

  11. Brygge, and there I was woundyt, and hurt nere hand to deth; and there I was vj.

  12. The Bishop of Rochester's name was John Lowe.

  13. Normaundy and abyllyments of werr, to destroy the comens of Kent whan that they come to Southewerk; and therfor he seyd playnly that I shulde lese my hede.

  14. To my right worshipfull [mai]ster John Paston at Wynchestre be this delyuered.

  15. Your tenants are treated unfairly about the Sheriff's turn by those of the Prior of Norwich and John Coo.

  16. And so I dyd; and al so sone as I come to the Blakheth, the capteyn[153.

  17. Please it yowre gode Lordeshep to know that oon Roger Cherche, other wyse callyd Roger Bylaugh, Roger Wryte, and Roger Baly, late[271.

  18. Ferthermore, ye be remembryd that an esquyer of Suffolk, callyd John Lyston, recoveryd in assisa novae disseisinae[47.

  19. And I told hym it was no curtese to medyll hym in a mater butt if he wer callyd to councell; and prowdly goyn forthe with me in the cherche, he seyd the stoppyng of the wey xuld coste me xx.

  20. For to dystroy a Wrang Nayle, othewyse callyd a Corne.

  21. Puera, a woman chylde, callyd in Cambrydgeshyre a modder.

  22. Off all that se a Skottishe knyght, Was callyd Sir Hewe the Mongonbyrry; He sawe the Duglas to the deth was dyght, He spendyd a spear, a trust!

  23. Thus who that is payned in any malady Bodely or gostly, ought nat to be callyd wyse To the Phesycian without that he aply.

  24. Wherfore me thynke it is best remedy For hym that gladly wolde escape the hode Nat to be Jelous: but honest lyuynge and gode The toure of bras that callyd was darayne.

  25. Than shall he rewarde the in heuen right gloriously So mayst thou be callyd vnto thy maker kynde Of folys that stande so well in their owne conceyt that they thinke none so wyse, stronge, fayre, nor eloquent, as they ar themself.

  26. Also I pray yow send downe acomandment to Stutvylle, or to some awdyter, to take acomptys of Dawbneys byllys; for hys executors ar sore callyd upon for to admynyster by the Byshop, or ellys he seythe that he wyle seqwester.

  27. Where fore I pray zow send me a kopy of the dyssecharge whyche ze have of my Lord of Wynchester that ze told me that ze had, bothe for my dyscharge and zowyrs wat sum ever that be callyd upon of eyther of us here after.

  28. Strongbow the lands of Cadwgan ap Blethyn, the great Earl' builded a faire castel at a place callyd Dyngeraint, where Roger Montgomerie had begonne a castel before tyme.

  29. He reigned in that parte of Britain which is callyd Walwythia.

  30. In an old black-letter chronicle of the sixteenth century it is recorded, 'In the Province of Wales which is callyd Roose, the sepulchre of Walwyne was found.

  31. But whan he sawe & perceyuyd that he was in greate ioperdye of his lyffe, he callyd to him a frenchman, whiche was a very trusty companyon to hym in hys iornay.

  32. Before this tyme I was callyd quene of heuen, lady of the world, but now any man wyll skarsly say aue Maria or hayle Mary.

  33. Malsyngam ys callyd parathalassia by cause it is ny to ye see.

  34. But I maruayle why he was || rather callyd a hony sukker than a mylke sukker.

  35. But how is it callyd oure ladyes mylke that came neuer owt of her breste?

  36. Kente ys callyd that parte of England, that buttythe apon Fraƻce and Flanders, the cheffe cytye there of ys Cantorburye, in yt there be ij.

  37. And at the ende of the aultre we knelyd downe deuoutly, & the fyrste of all we salutyd Christe, & than after we callyd apon our lady with thys prayer, whiche we had mayd redy for the same purpose.

  38. He was an Englyshma callyd Gratiane colte a man bothe vertuouse and well learnyd, but he had lesse affectyon toward pylgremages than I wold that he shuld haue.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "callyd" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.