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Example sentences for "catchpenny"

Lexicographically close words:
catcheth; catchfly; catching; catchment; catchments; catchpole; catchpoles; catcht; catchup; catchword
  1. William Brand, who, after so many marvelous adventures (if one may believe the catchpenny stories and ballads that were written about him), was murdered in Jamaica by Capt.

  2. There has been several catchpenny works on this subject lately issued.

  3. The first life of Pope was a catchpenny book, by William Ayre, published in 1745, and remarkable chiefly as giving the first version of some demonstrably erroneous statements, unfortunately adopted by later writers.

  4. His translators lay three in a bed at the Pewter Platter Inn in Holborn," and helped to compile his indecent, piratical, and catchpenny productions.

  5. That's a catchpenny vulgar dodge," said Mears, "if ever I saw one.

  6. Certainly; there is not a catchpenny in the world but what goes down, if the title be apt and seductive.

  7. Aerostation is at present applied to no practical useful purpose; it is a mere plaything, occupying no higher a position than catchpenny mountebank exhibitions.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "catchpenny" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    airy; asinine; empty; fatuous; flimsy; foolish; fribble; frivolous; frothy; futile; idle; inane; light; nugatory; otiose; shallow; silly; slender; slight; superficial; trifling; trite; trivial; vacuous; vain; vapid; windy