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Example sentences for "cheats"

Lexicographically close words:
cheate; cheated; cheater; cheaters; cheating; chebec; chebecs; check; checkbook; checke
  1. That would-be reavers are reaved by professional cheats is as it should be.

  2. Where else than in the moral gutter should a nation expect to land, which goes out of its way to heroize thinly veneered parasites, and plays up to out and out cheats of the same breed?

  3. I'm certain sure Mr. Beeton cheats you, now that you can't go through the housekeeping books every month.

  4. With stanzas like this the poet cheats the sorrow he has stirred in us.

  5. He is fam’d for Injustice, yet he is a Master of Equity in one particular to perfection, for he cheats every Body alike, and is Equal in all his Undertakings.

  6. He cheats in his trade; sometimes against the law, commonly with it.

  7. He cheats the nation with false invoices, and swears lies at the custom-house; will not pay his taxes, but moves out of town on the last of April.

  8. But the noble lord deals in cheats and delusions.

  9. He who deludes and cheats his understanding has not a veracious, honourable heart; sophistry corrupts the whole man.

  10. What suggests to man the notion that miracle is conceivable is that miracle is represented as an event perceptible by the senses, and hence man cheats his reason by material images which screen the contradiction.

  11. For with one turn of State the Frenzy's heal'd, The Blind recover and the Cheats reveal'd.

  12. The fair one we believe untrue, Eager and impatient be To be reconcil'd anew; When their little cheats of Love Shall with reasons be excus'd, Oh!

  13. Narrowness in their Circumstances has made many Youths, to supply themselves as Debauchees, commence Cheats and Rascals.

  14. A safe private quiet, which betrays Itself to ease, and cheats away the days.

  15. From cheats of words the crowd she brings To real estimates of things.

  16. This Species of Women are likewise subject to little Thefts, Cheats and Pilferings.

  17. JOHN That old fool Has wits enough to know I shall be king, And for his land's sake cheats himself to play Sir Pandarus of Troy.

  18. I tell her it's all in vain, and she still cheats Her fancy and swears I've grown well nigh three feet Already.

  19. He fails, not because he advertises his wares in an outre manner, but because, after attracting crowds of patrons, he stupidly and wickedly cheats them.

  20. By some faint, shadowy likeness to the Czar, By documents which chance threw in his way, And by a precious trinket, which he shows, He cheats the credulous and wondering mob.

  21. Some hell-born magic cheats My senses; in her arms!

  22. It is mentioned in the Frauds of London (1760) as a word in frequent use in the last century to express cheats of all kinds.

  23. It is no longer motion cheats your view; As you meet it, the land approacheth you.

  24. Never such cotqueens by small arts to wring; Ne'er such ill huswives in the managing; Pursers at sea know fewer cheats than they; Mariners on shore less madly spend their pay.

  25. In the evening, it generally cheats the hero; in the morning it cheats the monster.

  26. In the ninth Esthonian story, a young man, after having made a compact with the devil, cheats him, giving him the blood of a cock instead of his own.

  27. Pancatantram, the jackal cheats the lion who has occupied his cave, by making him roar; and thus assuring himself that the lion is in the cave, he is able to escape.

  28. The fox cheats almost all the animals; it does not, however, succeed in cheating the other foxes, and sometimes not even the lion.

  29. The fox cheats the cock in the evening, and is cheated by the cock in the morning.

  30. The champions evermore their strokes redouble Faster than pattering hail, which mars the grain, And bruises branch and leaf, and stalk and stubble, And cheats the hopes of the expecting swain.

  31. XIV How man should guard himself from magic cheats The book instructed, which the fay bestowed; At the end or the beginning, where it treats Of such, an index and appendix showed.

  32. In thefts and cheats Brunello is as well Instructed, as the sage in charm and spell.

  33. Their tricks and cheats had often been the subject of remark; and, considering the notoriety which their schemes had obtained, it is surprising that they should have been so long successful.

  34. Well, perhaps romance cheats one now and then," Olivia rejoined, smiling.

  35. Merchants are cheats and use cunning tricks.

  36. They were cheats and liars and they had failed.

  37. They were cheats, and a suspicious and cold surveillance on the part of the teacher kept them reminded that she looked upon them as cheats and watched them accordingly.

  38. But the terrible fact remained--the teacher had declared them cheats and liars.

  39. He then proceeded to tell me of the various tricks and cheats which kept them all alive.

  40. One of the Matuschkins goes so far as to challenge all foreign cheats to master him.

  41. The rogue cheats strangers and the Bania cheats his friends.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cheats" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.