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Example sentences for "chiffon"

Lexicographically close words:
chienne; chiens; chier; chies; chiffchaff; chiffonier; chiffonnier; chiffons; chiffre; chigger
  1. Now he opened his closed fingers and let her see that there was a scrap of pink chiffon edged with rose coloured stitchery lying on his open palm.

  2. If you tell me that you were not at Gleer Cottage last night, then there is no more to be said," and with a little laugh of sheer happiness he carefully replaced the bit of chiffon in his pocketbook.

  3. Down the canon the little river flickered toward them, like a billowy silver ribbon "trimmed with white chiffon around the rocks," declared the girl.

  4. She was beautifully and expensively gowned in nun's grey chiffon; her toque was of chiffon and lace, and she held a pale grey parasol, its ivory handle studded with sapphires.

  5. For her sake they had been content with the simplicity of chiffon and white lace hats, and she stood among them lustrous as some angelic being.

  6. She had hesitated many days between the simplicity of white chiffon and lilies of the valley, and the magnificence of brocaded satin in which a glittering thread of silver was interwoven.

  7. Why, she had even hinted at her intention of giving Birdie Miriam her low-neck, white chiffon bodice, in a week or two, when she had no more use for it.

  8. She wore an exquisite little dinner dress of pink taffeta (I believe) trimmed with white chiffon (I imagine).

  9. That pink chiffon is a hundred and twenty-five," she explained.

  10. He hurried away then, laughing his shrillest key, and Annabel laid the pink chiffon back in the tray to follow him to the door.

  11. She paused then added with a gentle conciliation creeping through her confidential tone: "I am going to wear the pink chiffon to-night to hear Tarquina.

  12. Banks laughed again excitedly, and with growing confidence opened the next compartment to display the chiffon gown.

  13. Without replying verbally, Staff took up her chiffon wrap and draped it over her shoulders.

  14. She sailed in all in black, like an executioner, though of course, executioners don't go down into history wearing chiffon trimmed with jet.

  15. And we're to wear pale pink chiffon dresses, just the color of wild roses.

  16. To Grace's wonder, she dropped the sample of pink chiffon in Betty's lap, as if it had lost all interest for her, and stood up.

  17. Slowly down the aisle came M'haley, in the pink chiffon gown from Paris.

  18. It was the sample of pink chiffon that had dropped from the envelope.

  19. Betty spread the sample of chiffon out over her knee, and stroked it admiringly, before she slipped it back into the envelope with the letter.

  20. Only that morning it had been discovered that there was enough pink chiffon left, after the bridesmaids' gowns were completed, to make her a dress, and the seamstress was at work upon it now.

  21. Mary, in all the glory of her pink chiffon dress and satin slippers, stood at the end of the receiving line, feeling that this one experience was well worth the long journey from Arizona.

  22. Through her chiffon veil Katharine noted this with a slow smile.

  23. Mrs. Brenton touched the black chiffon that bordered Camilla's beautiful shoulders with a caressing hand.

  24. Her eyes had a glow in them as she scanned Camilla, over whose white clinging gown Dennis was just slipping a theatre wrap of pink chiffon and chinchilla.

  25. She is dressed in deep mourning and wears a thick chiffon veil, which she removes as she enters.

  26. On the upper surface of this valve seat H another piece of fine chiffon is attached to prevent possible passage of dust to the armature valve J, from outside.

  27. The violation of the neutrality of Belgium was not an offence to a treaty more serious than this attempt; the Treaty of 1839 cannot be considered a chiffon de papier more than the Treaty of Versailles.

  28. But as they do not wish to give the coal of Upper Silesia to Germany, and the big interests of the new great metallurgical group press and trick, the Treaty of Versailles has here also become a chiffon de papier.

  29. Black gloves reaching more than halfway up shapely arms and a gleam of snowy neck above a black chiffon bodice disquieted the imagination.

  30. As usual, many eyes were turned on her as she entered the restaurant--a radiant figure in white, with black hat and black chiffon boa, and a deep red rose in her bosom.

  31. The evening cloak lay beside the yellow chiffon gown, carefully disposed on the bed, which had a lace counterpane over yellow satin.

  32. Mrs. Post's gown was nearly covered by a long, light-colored chiffon wrap, with a high collar lined with a curious ornamental embroidery.

  33. Even Miss Sallie's elaborate chiffon gown looked as though it had just come home from the modiste's.

  34. You are following our latest Newport fad, are you not, of having your head wrapped in a chiffon veil while you play tennis.

  35. Gladys had tied up her head in a pale blue chiffon veil, with a fetching bow just over the ear.

  36. I live in El Paso," she threw aside the flounce of chiffon which she was still fingering and started to her feet.

  37. It's only some old accordion-pleated chiffon I had," answered the guest half ashamed.

  38. With some green chiffon round the neck, even Diva looked quite distinguished--for Diva.

  39. Trout, in an American fashion paper; it was of what was described as kingfisher blue, and had lumps and wedges of lace round the edge of the skirt, and orange chiffon round the neck.

  40. With his penknife he cut the threads that held the chiffon streamer in place and removed it.

  41. Next he snatched the length of chiffon and bound it about her head.

  42. Instantly Mead threw an arm past the table's single central support and grasped a handful of silk chiffon and two fingers.

  43. All of corn-flower blue it was, a chiffon gown, a big chiffon muff and a plumed hat.

  44. The chiffon finery was rather too much for the Fourteenth Street audience.

  45. The next wave was all of pink chiffon and nodding plumes.

  46. Corn-blue chiffon and panne velvet are not much worn in Fourteenth Street.

  47. As a last thought the girl took a chiffon veil with her, and before she stepped into the quarters where all the shiny machinery was, she threw the veil over her head and face.

  48. She wound a chiffon veil about her head as she called back into the open doorway of the farmhouse kitchen: "Tom is coming, Aunty.

  49. Arrange with the chiffon samples, combinations of complementary colors, of contrasting colors.

  50. From the chiffon colors which your teacher has, combine the appropriate color combination which you would like.

  51. For of course there had been no thought in her mind of Ralph's guest when she had put on her blue crepe de chine dress with its low neck and elbow sleeves and floating chiffon draperies.

  52. She was looking more ethereal than ever in a long pale blue silk coat with a chiffon scarf about her blond head, and was accompanied by the Professor.

  53. And we all had satin slippers and silk stockings and chiffon scarfs to match.

  54. One can't help thinking, Daddy, what a colorless life a man is forced to lead, when one reflects that chiffon and Venetian point and hand embroidery and Irish crochet are to him mere empty words.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chiffon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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