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Example sentences for "clinched"

Lexicographically close words:
climbing; climbs; clime; climes; clinch; clincher; clinches; clinching; cline; cling
  1. Noaks clinched his fist, and for a moment his brow darkened; the next instant, however, he laughed as though the recollection of the incident afforded him an immense amount of amusement.

  2. He clinched his fist as though about to strike, then, with an ugly scowl, turned on his heel and walked away.

  3. A dry, fighting anger clinched my throat and I could scarcely speak.

  4. Cadogan rested his left hand, with the fingers clinched around the cap, on the ship's rail.

  5. He drove his clinched fist against the air-port.

  6. The men rushed and slugged and clinched and tugged, and when they fell, got up and went at it again.

  7. On this occasion, as a matter of course, everybody got up, but I was surprised to see that the old gentleman remained seated, with his hands clinched tightly about his cane.

  8. The shape was still there, but the moonlight had risen to the dead man's breast and glittered on the edge of something that was clinched in his right hand.

  9. Yes, dear," she said, gently; and she put one hand on his forehead and the other on the hand that was clinched on his breast.

  10. For a moment she could not comprehend: suddenly her hands contracted and clinched as the crimson wave stained her from throat to brow.

  11. There was a few moments' silence; the trowel, driven abruptly into the earth to the hilt, served as a prop for her clinched hand.

  12. Doubtless, however, devotion to his creed of non-resistance conquered the impulse, and he walked quickly away across the meadows, his skeleton hands clinched under his loose sleeves.

  13. The poacher backed out to the rear of the rank, turned on his heel, and strode away towards the coast, clinched fists swinging by his side.

  14. For a moment I expected a blow; his hands clinched convulsively, and he focussed me with blazing eyes.

  15. They clinched again, and with a mighty surge of strength my cousin lifted himself, and the Indian with him, and in the next fall Beverly had his antagonist gripped and helpless.

  16. The Indian's surprise and submission were gone in a flash, and the two clinched in combat.

  17. He sat under the pine-tree, his scythe against the stone wall behind him, his clinched hands between his knees.

  18. His arms did not close about her,--but his hands clinched slightly.

  19. Again they clinched and strained and tugged, until the perspiration rolled in great beads from their shining bodies, and their breath came in short gasps.

  20. Regardless of what the consequences might be, he drew back a step, and raising his clinched and still bound hands, struck his tormentor full in the face such a blow as felled him to the ground.

  21. The withdrawal of the arrow that had pierced Has-se's body had caused him the most intolerable agony; but he had borne it without a murmur, and only his drawn features and clinched hands had indicated his sufferings.

  22. Misconna clinched his teeth, and his fingers worked convulsively about the handle of his knife, as he exclaimed, "I am no dog.

  23. No fear," cried Charley, as he clinched his teeth and gathered the reins more firmly.

  24. And that right hand of his, clinched now and quivering a little, had it grasped a reaching, invisible serpent within him?

  25. Put the lance into him, my good carnifex," he growled, striking with clinched fist.

  26. Suddenly the clinched fists flung out as if of a power not their own, and his voice rang across the room.

  27. The clinched fist came down on the black broadcloth knee with the conviction of the man behind it.

  28. Suddenly he thumped himself on the breast with his clinched fist.

  29. Although usually able to command his passions and appear cold as ice, the words of this fearless, dark-eyed lad were too much for Morgan, and he lifted his clinched fist.

  30. The Phoenician woman tottered; she clinched her fists, and an evil light flashed in her eyes.

  31. She raised her clinched fist, her hair stirred, and in her eyes an ugly fire of hate was flashing.

  32. He stood still, his fingers clinched on the door-handle, trying to devise a reason, an excuse.

  33. With his teeth set, his brow knit, his legs rigid, his hands clinched on the oar, he made it bend from end to end at every stroke, and the Pearl was veering landward.

  34. Her lips were drawn back from her clinched teeth and her black eyes gleamed like fire from the deathly whiteness of her face.

  35. He clinched his teeth, vowing over and over to himself that he would find a way to square accounts.

  36. He glared at Frank, his hands clinched and his face pale.

  37. Merriwell and Browning had clinched at the outset, but it was a long time before they could do anything but cling to each other.

  38. Then I strangled sobs behind my clinched teeth.

  39. He raised his clinched hand as if to strike me, and I had a lurid sense of three green eyes glaring at me.

  40. Jim clinched his fists hard and shut his teeth with a grip as he sat silent for a moment.

  41. He shut his lips tightly and slowly clinched his hands.

  42. It swung before his gaze full of hatred and leering malice, and the clinched hand lifted itself.

  43. He had only his hands; he clinched them a little and felt the muscles swell behind them.

  44. The firm hand had clinched itself on his knee.

  45. One glance at the man had told him everything--the shaking hand clinched in the pocket, the quivering nerves, the dusty journey, the anxiety and fierce need of help.

  46. Warlick again, and he drew a big revolver, and with the butt of it began to hammer Toot's clinched fingers.

  47. Two of them clinched arms and began to wrestle.

  48. The two men now clinched breast to breast, and, with arms round each other's bodies, each began to try to throw the other down.

  49. She stamped her foot upon the velvet carpet and clinched her white hands at her sides.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clinched" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.