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Example sentences for "combativeness"

Lexicographically close words:
combatants; combate; combated; combating; combative; combats; combatted; combatting; combattre; combed
  1. Few men love simply to wrangle, quarrel, and fight for fun, but they exercise Combativeness merely as a means of obtaining the things desired by the other dominant faculties.

  2. For example, Combativeness rarely ever becomes a distinct motive for action.

  3. In itself, it may be said to be merely the tendency toward "hoarding up," but the combination with large Combativeness and Destructiveness enlarges its scope and tends to make its possessor rapacious and grasping.

  4. It manifests outer form just above Conjugality, and at the sides of Parental love and Inhabitiveness, and directly back of Cautiousness and the upper-part of Combativeness (see group figure).

  5. Usually, they have Combativeness and Destructiveness large; strong Perceptive Qualities; and but moderate Conscientiousness.

  6. The mental attitude of combativeness will likewise give us the traditional set jaw and tightly compressed lips.

  7. We find Combativeness behind the ear, marked Com.

  8. Here combativeness is a nullity--absolutely wanting--while the fullness of the sentimental organs indicate at once the mild and peaceful disposition of the sheep.

  9. Observe, ladies and gentlemen, the head of the wolf: combativeness enormously developed, alimentiveness large, while conscientiousness is entirely wanting.

  10. Combativeness is the active momentary stimulus that requires excitement.

  11. Combativeness gives courage to meet danger, or oppose it without terror.

  12. There was, however, a strong spice of natural combativeness in his nature, the direct result of his native and highly trained critical faculty.

  13. Boris reddened, but he felt himself regaining his assurance, a certain agreeable combativeness warmed his heart.

  14. His combativeness was harnessed to his suavity, and he could be forcible and at the same time persuasive.

  15. He ended by dashing the coins together between his palms with a great clash, all the combativeness in him aroused by the perverseness of fate.

  16. It was true he had not accepted her negative; but all the combativeness of the girl's disposition was aroused, and she felt something of the martyr spirit of men determined to die for a cause they know lost or hopeless.

  17. The combativeness with which he had regarded his gaming companions had faded out of it, and left it, as it usually was, heavy and inanimate.

  18. There was a vein of combativeness in him, and circumstances had hitherto usually forced him well to the front when there was trouble anywhere in his vicinity.

  19. It roused the combativeness that was in his nature, and left him intent, strung up, and resolute.

  20. The lad's combativeness rose at her tone.

  21. The pride and combativeness of the man rose up against the suggestion even while the very thought of her glad welcome thrilled him through and through.

  22. This trait arises from developed Combativeness and Destructiveness.

  23. First comes Combativeness or the quality of "tackling" obstacles.

  24. It is urged that the condition of man's advance in the past has been the survival of the fit by struggle and warfare, and that in that struggle it is precisely those endowed with combativeness and readiness to fight who have survived.

  25. The phrenological combativeness has for its essence, the necessity of self-defence.

  26. It will be said, I am aware, that when we persist in acts because we feel we should not persist in them, our conduct is but a modification of that which ordinarily springs from the combativeness of phrenology.

  27. His combativeness made him persist: "If you don't want to come in with me, all you've got to do is to say so.

  28. In such wordy warfare charity has no part; but pride and combativeness hold entire dominion over the soul.

  29. He who comes off conqueror may exult in his own power; but he has overcome, not because reason was on his side, but because his combativeness was stronger than that of his opponent; and he exults in that which is in reality his shame.

  30. I would venture to guess, now, that his organ of combativeness is well-developed--let me see.

  31. Once the spirit of combativeness is aroused in the Irish soldiers they hate the enemy like the black death to which they strive to consign them.

  32. A certain sort of combativeness she had, but it was combativeness with the edge taken off.

  33. Weak-minded women, who lack their due share of masculine combativeness to stiffen resistance in them, frequently marry, or otherwise yield to such men, far more because they are afraid than because they are fond of them.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "combativeness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.