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Example sentences for "concealments"

Lexicographically close words:
concealer; concealers; concealeth; concealing; concealment; conceals; conceaved; concede; conceded; concedes
  1. It is not good to be so brusque about non-penitentiary offences, but skilful and lovely concealments in gardening were his hobby.

  2. That answer of hers was quite long, quite frank, wholly free from concealments or palliations.

  3. Joan had no concealments to make as to this: "I knew the sword was there because my Voices told me so; and I sent to ask that it be given to me to carry in the wars.

  4. But Iris had heard him ask for her in the hall; and that one circumstance instantly stripped of its concealments the character of the woman in whose integrity she had believed.

  5. I think you will agree with me that there must be no concealments between us.

  6. An almost identical set of concealments was found in the smack Albion at Sandwich, a vessel of over 42 tons burthen.

  7. Stealth had taken the place of violence, concealments and sunken goods were favoured rather than those daring and outrageous incursions which had been in the past wont to take place.

  8. The Revenue cutter's commander therefore formed the opinion that the Georges was fitted with some concealments somewhere.

  9. A variation of the plan, previously mentioned, for smuggling by means of concealments in casks was that which was favoured by foreign ships which traded between the Continent and the north-east coasts of England and Scotland.

  10. I have ordered them to be destroyed, and parties are employed in searching for such concealments along the other parts of the beach.

  11. All sorts of warnings were sent to the Customs Board giving them information that The Rose in June (needless to say of Rye) was about to have additional concealments added.

  12. When all these concealments were filled the man had on his person as much as 30 lbs.

  13. There were all sorts of varieties of concealments now practised since the "scientific" period of smuggling had come in.

  14. But under these berths were concealments for stowing quite a number of tubs, as already explained.

  15. I need say nothing of her other concealments under the cabin berths and so on, as they were practically similar to those on the Asp.

  16. But your word is law, and you have ordered me to have no concealments from you.

  17. They stripped the truth instantly of all concealments and disguises, and laid it bare to view.

  18. We have no concealments from each other; and you shall know what my doubts were.

  19. He was not candid: he did not shun concealments and evasions; but positive lies he had kept from.

  20. He was not candid; he did not shun concealments and evasions; but positive lies he had kept from.

  21. Hence it is of prime importance to define a lie clearly, and to distinguish it from allowable and proper concealments of truth.

  22. Thought that past concealments and identity known, he now is closely trailed by New York police for the crime of Paul Lanier rouses Oswald's fighting temper to fierce heat.

  23. This is why so often our attitude becomes false and our thoughts entangled, so that our moral life is corrupt with concealments and deceptions.

  24. The conventions of to-day are false, are bound up with concealments or with an equally untruthful openness.

  25. I only mean that it distresses me to have any concealments from you.

  26. Prostrate under the dread of death, her innermost nature--stripped of the concealments of her later life--was revealed to view.

  27. And the unwarrantable concealments and misrepresentations which have been in various ways practiced to keep the truth from the public eye have been of a nature to demand the reprobation of all honest men.

  28. I have sometimes been tempted to retaliate, and convince you, by the effects of my concealments upon you, of the error of your own scheme.

  29. My concealments arose not from the fear that the disclosure would estrange you from me.

  30. By untimely concealments may my peace be forfeited forever.

  31. Concealments and evasions may be an aid at one stage of sex evolution.

  32. How can I advise you if you have any concealments from me?

  33. Come, Grace dear, take my arm; have no concealments from me.

  34. I promise you, Eda, dear, I will have no concealments from you now.

  35. I avow it, Edgar, the more frankly, because it is necessary, if we really would serve him, to have no concealments from each other.

  36. So far we had contrived to do as most young people do when they marry, we had sought to make our lives unreservedly open to one another, we had affected an entire absence of concealments about our movements, our thoughts.

  37. And it was not only a matter of concealments but of positive deceptions.

  38. In fifteen counties there were fifty-three illegitimates in every thousand births, and twenty-seven concealments to every thousand illegitimates.

  39. In four counties the illegitimate births were fifty-eight in a thousand, and the concealments thirteen in a thousand illegitimates.

  40. With the largest proportion of illegitimates there are the fewest concealments; namely, with seventy-nine illegitimates out of a thousand births, there were only twelve concealments to a thousand illegitimates.

  41. In Hereford and other counties, the proportion of illegitimate births is eighty-eight out of every thousand born, and there were twenty-two concealments to every thousand bastards.

  42. Each discovery of a misdemeanour had only been the prelude to fresh and worse concealments and hardening.

  43. Come, you will have no more concealments from Miss Prescott, will you?

  44. With rude hands he tore away the veils and concealments from the body and from the soul.

  45. The last thing that could ever be charged of Whitman is that he lacked openness, or was guilty of any deceit or concealments in his life or works.

  46. He was not candid; he did not shun concealments and evasions; but positive lies he had kept from, and now he could not trust one to save his life.

  47. Macdonald knows exactly how I am situated, that I really am very much hampered, for I have no concealments from him; he is not the fellow to go rummaging over his wife's drawers, or to refuse her a new gown when she wants it.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "concealments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.