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Example sentences for "cotemporaries"

Lexicographically close words:
cotches; coteaux; cotelettes; cotemporaneous; cotemporaneously; cotemporary; coterie; coteries; coterminous; cotes
  1. The spirit of the Lord was giving him more liberty than most of his cotemporaries felt privileged to exercise.

  2. No man indulged himself more in sarcastic remarks on his cotemporaries than Mr. Rogers.

  3. Sir Walter Scott, though he excelled all his cotemporaries in the humorous delineation of character, wrote little humorous verse.

  4. In the groups of his cotemporaries in public affairs, Mr. Chase is always named with the most eminent.

  5. He died with the turning tide from the old statesmanship to the new, then opening, now closed, in which Mr. Chase and his cotemporaries have done their work and made their fame.

  6. The mode of life adopted almost universally by my cotemporaries and equals is by no means calculated to secure the object of my ambition.

  7. It was in this manner that he was enabled to overwhelm with surprise his cotemporaries in Congress, by the profundity of his knowledge.

  8. The cotemporaries of the dissolution of the bank, knew nothing about its dissolution.

  9. The cotemporaries of such events are not the hands to describe them.

  10. My ambition is to make a veracious work, reliable in its statements, candid in its conclusions, just in its views, and which cotemporaries and posterity may read without fear of being misled.

  11. But if his cotemporaries do not requite his services, posterity will do justice to his memory.

  12. The early experience of himself and his poetic cotemporaries is very instructive to all who seek to realize a reputation; it is, to have faith, to persevere, and believe nature and not critics.

  13. Mr. Rogers, I believe, has never met with that species of Mohawk criticism, that scalping and scarifying literary assault and battery, which so many of his cotemporaries have had to undergo.

  14. Its manufacture was considered by his cotemporaries as his greatest triumph.

  15. It is in this scene Mr. Barry excells all his cotemporaries in tragedy; he there shews his power over our passions, and bids the heart bleed, in every accent of anguish.

  16. Somewhat earlier Montaigne had introduced ‘diversion’ and ‘enfantillage’, though not without being rebuked by cotemporaries on the score of the last.

  17. Spenser and his cotemporaries spell it ‘rime’.

  18. While his cotemporaries denounced his rational method, preferring their theological jargon and scholastic metaphysics; how much the Aristotle of mediævalism has been neglected even latterly is a surprising fact.

  19. St. Chrysostom upbraids his cotemporaries for exposing the faith, by their illegitimate inquiries, to the scorn of the heathen, many of whom where wiser than to hearken to any such fond impostures.

  20. Among his cotemporaries at the college was Edmund Burke, but they appear to have known little of each other.

  21. It was Addison who made his cotemporaries fully aware of the truly noble sentiments which animated that fine ballad; the challenge of Douglas, and its acceptance by Percy, being a splendid instance.

  22. Neither did "glorious John" escape his share of annoyance from his cotemporaries of the pen, nor from the publishers.

  23. They include a most interesting group of the friends and cotemporaries of Addison, besides others.

  24. There we see in these a new and eager generation of fine lads at play, and then we have a lively idea of what Byron and his cotemporaries were at that time, now less than forty years ago.

  25. He also succeeded better than any of his cotemporaries in giving expression to his heads, and a less Gothic turn to his figures.

  26. On the other hand, the free intercourse with his cotemporaries operates most favourably.

  27. To few mortals has it been granted to exercise such an influence on his cotemporaries and on after times, as has fallen to the lot of Luther: his life may be divided into three periods.

  28. Our earnest prayer is, that Heaven may enable them, their cotemporaries and successors, to preach against it with such energy and effect, as will cause it to disappear forever from the soil of our Republic.

  29. When the turf has closed over their bosoms, and the mean jealousies of their cotemporaries have been vanquished by death, then whole nations have thronged to do them honor.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cotemporaries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.