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Example sentences for "cottager"

Lexicographically close words:
coto; cots; cott; cotta; cottage; cottagers; cottages; cottar; cottars; cottas
  1. The cottager did not believe that it was.

  2. The cottager had been complaining that Tammuz and his tribe had been destroying his crops, and wished them punished.

  3. On the edge of the fen a cottager came out to beg audience of the knight, and the Prior began talking with Eleanor about the birds of that region.

  4. He said to the cottager that it did not seem to him like the work of a spiteful neighbor.

  5. The cottager agreed to take care of the child for a certain period when it had to be taken thence.

  6. A cottager and his wife residing at Nether Witton were one day visited by a fary and his spouse with their young child, which they wished to leave in their charge.

  7. The cottager was busy with it at the fire.

  8. The cottager does not look upon his pig in that light; it is fed well and comfortably housed with a definite object, and very little love is lost between the pig and his master.

  9. An ignorant poor cottager says to his landlord, naturally enough, “Ough!

  10. Once on a time there was a cottager who had an only son, and this lad was weakly, and hadn't much health to speak of; so he couldn't go out to work in the field.

  11. But the cottager thought it was better there than nowhere: he would get his food, for all the pay he was to get was his board--there was nothing said about wages or clothes.

  12. They denote expense, which the laboring cottager cannot afford; and besides that, they detract from the simplicity of the life and purpose which not only the cottage itself, but everything around it, should express.

  13. In the third exploit of the cottager in the Lithuanian tale, which corresponds to the second in the Indian, the treasure has been stolen by three servants.

  14. The third exploit of the cottager is the finding of a stolen treasure which is the second in the Indian story, but his second is a miraculous cure which is in accordance with the Siddikuer.

  15. I never will be satisfied so long as the meanest cottager in Ireland has a link of the British chain clanking to his rags.

  16. Till cottager from cottage wall Snatch pouch and powder-horn and gun!

  17. The cottager looked at his wife, and the cottager's wife looked at her husband, very like two people undecided what to do.

  18. When once, however, he was thus disarmed, the Cottager was afraid of him no longer, but drove him away with his club.

  19. But after all, it isn’t reasonable to expect an untrained cottager to make a garden different from those he sees around.

  20. We have seen a pit in Staffordshire, which hardly gave coal enough to maintain a cottager and his family, for he worked the pit with imperfect machinery--with a half-starved ass applied to a windlass.

  21. At present a cottager in the south of England, where there is no coal in the earth, may have a bushel of good coals delivered at the door of his cottage for eighteen pence; although that is far more than the price of coal at the pit's mouth.

  22. Footnote 4: A poor thieving cottager under Mr. Moore, condemned at Clonmel assizes to be hanged for stealing cows.

  23. The cottager arrived by four o'clock, and Lasse was able to begin his holiday from that hour.

  24. Lasse had anticipated his wages to the amount of five krones, and had got an old cottager to do his work--for half a krone and his meals.

  25. In old times a cottager here and there with a taste for astrology used to construct an almanack by rule of thumb, predicting the weather for the ensuing twelve months from the first twelve days of January.

  26. One instance that came under our own observation was in Gloucestershire, where a cottager had grown wheat on the same plot of ground for thirteen years, and, for aught I know, it may still be continued.

  27. Forever the cottager gilds the same With nightly pyrotechnic flame; And it's O the Isles!

  28. I'll bet a gold dollar every cottager knows it's hired, and probably they think by the drive.

  29. And will again, I hope with all my heart and soul," interrupted the cottager with great warmth.

  30. In the cottager and his family a scene like this excited wonder as well as emotion.

  31. The cottager then repaired to his daily labour, and his wife and children began their household tasks; but ever and anon they cast a watchful glance on their unhappy guest, dreading lest she should make a second attempt on her life.

  32. When they arrived near the place of her destination, Agnes stopped, and told the cottager that they must part.

  33. At length they entered its walls, and the cottager said, "Here we are at last.

  34. The cottager and his wife, on hearing these words, looked significantly at each other.

  35. It is largely his greenhouses which make the public gardener and the commercial florist so misleading an example for the cottager to follow in his private gardening.

  36. Would he not have thought the humble cottager as capable of insolence, and vengeance too, in her turn, as the better born?

  37. In Llanerfyl parish there is a story of a cottager who had only one cow, but she took to Llanfair market more butter than the biggest farmer in the parish.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cottager" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.