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Example sentences for "coughed"

Lexicographically close words:
couetousnes; couetousnesse; cougar; cougars; cough; coughing; coughs; could; coulda; coulde
  1. The aforesaid bishop sprang backwards with one bound, burst into a perspiration and coughed like a cow who finds feathers mixed with her hay.

  2. He climbed the steep stairs wearily to his rooms, and lighted a fire, for he coughed a good deal.

  3. Her voice was very weak, as if she were suffocating, and she coughed painfully.

  4. Some of the dancing girls and the singing girls found their old places behind the footlights, unless they had coughed their lungs away, or grown too pinched and plain.

  5. But they were also hard and tough for the most part-- though here and there a man coughed wheezily with bronchitis or had the pallor of excessive fatigue--and Napoleon would not have wished for better fighting-men.

  6. Buckhart coughed behind his hand to get a little time for thought.

  7. Cap'n Wiley, who had listened with his head cocked on one side and a peculiar look in his eyes, now coughed suggestively.

  8. Mr Perch coughed once behind his hand, and waited for further orders.

  9. This leading to nothing, he coughed behind his hat; and that leading to nothing, he put his hat on the ground and sought in his breast pocket for the letter.

  10. Mrs Chick coughed as before, and drew lines on the carpet with the ivory end of her parasol.

  11. Here Mr Perch waited to be confided in; and receiving no confidence, coughed behind his hand.

  12. He coughed nervously, and the old dark, lowering scowl returned to his brow.

  13. He coughed a little now from the exertion, and when he did the blood spurted anew from the fresh wound in his breast.

  14. Seeing the unexpected, coughed to hide his confusion; indeed he knew not which way to turn, when his Lordship walked to his side and raised the cover of the basket and looked within.

  15. Bowles moved uneasily backward and forward in his seat, wiped the big drops of perspiration from his brow and coughed several times.

  16. I went round on the north side and passed across, coming up to where they stood, and coughed as I approached, in order to notify Lottie of my arrival.

  17. Short of breath he burst into a fit of coughing, he coughed for a long time, hopping about hither and thither, waving his hands like a madman.

  18. Mrs. Maynard looked up with interest, but, shaking her head, coughed for no.

  19. Mrs. Maynard sat in the sun on the seaward-looking piazza of the hotel, and coughed in the warm air.

  20. Laura coughed and made another wild dive in pursuit of the incorrigible paper.

  21. But though I opened my mouth a few times and coughed once, I absolutely did not dare to propose such a penurious plan.

  22. Then she put her handkerchief to her lips and coughed nervously.

  23. William coughed again politely, but did not raise his eyes from his plate.

  24. William coughed and gazed at her soulfully.

  25. Mrs. Brown coughed hastily and began to describe at unnecessary length the ravages of the caterpillars upon her husband's favourite rose-tree.

  26. He coughed then so hard that I could not make out well what he said, but just perceived that he had lost his way on the common, and was a little disguised in liquor.

  27. The ponies coughed dolorously from time to time, but they could not lift the weight of a dead silence that seemed to be crushing the earth.

  28. Then he coughed and fell over to his own right, and I saw that he had been shot in the stomach.

  29. The second interview closed as the landlady gracefully coughed us into the passage, and so into the healthy, silent streets.

  30. The man on the floor coughed a sickening cough.

  31. Jack got a bad cold and coughed fit to break himself; so about daylight, when the rain held up a bit, we packed up and rode on to the next pub, a wretched little weather-board place in the scrub.

  32. Peter coughed at intervals, and once even began a sentence, but stopped halfway.

  33. He, however, smiled vaguely and, sitting down, coughed slightly, and placed his fingertips together.

  34. He laughed, coughed slightly, and when he looked up again she had fallen into the same attitude as on her first visit, with her parasol point on the floor.

  35. The Colonel coughed slightly, and tapped his desk with his pen-holder.

  36. She hardly coughed at all when I was with her," said the Rector, on his way to his weekly piece de resistance--his Sunday sermon.

  37. And she certainly had coughed mighty little.

  38. Mrs. Stout moved uneasily, and Mrs. Tweedie coughed several times, but with no effect.

  39. Now as the Queen said these words it happened that the Lady of the Puy of Malahault[53] coughed on purpose, and lifted her head, which she had held down.

  40. I guess," coughed Pale Face Harry, with a sickly smile, "I look the part.

  41. When the last stitches had been put in, and the dress lay in all its gorgeous splendor across the chair, Peg coughed awkwardly and spoke of shoes.

  42. At length Mr. Singleton coughed painfully, and spoke with evident effort.

  43. Presently he paused near the cobbler and coughed in embarrassment.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coughed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.