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Example sentences for "cursedly"

Lexicographically close words:
currycomb; currying; curs; curse; cursed; curses; curseth; cursing; cursings; cursive
  1. This riding by night, by-the-by, is cursedly tiresome.

  2. Now that's what I consider cursedly annoying.

  3. More than one dare do with me," rejoined Peter, "for I'm cursedly inclined to shoot the cat.

  4. I am afraid I have missed an appointment already; but the truth is, I am cursedly given to missing of appointments.

  5. The knowing ones were cursedly taken in there!

  6. I'm cursedly out of spirits; but hang sorrow, I may as well divert myself.

  7. I'll try it; my father will be cursedly vexed; but no other way.

  8. I can nat seye but that they doon cursedly and damnably, agayns Crist and al the feith of holy chirche.

  9. Yes, cursedly poor, and with a certain sense of generosity, but nothing at all in myself to win the heart of a beautiful young girl.

  10. I could do the civilities better than the night-wind that howls so cursedly round the entry.

  11. I feared you were nabbed somehow, for I knew you'd be cursedly down in the feathers from what the whole island is talking of.

  12. Work we cannot, beg we will not; and, between you and me, we are cursedly extravagant!

  13. However, thanks to my foresight in these matters, I am out of the scrape; but I can see the Baronet is cursedly off the hooks, from the idea of its transpiring, and had rather see the Devil than the Don.

  14. He is so cursedly conceited about his knowledge of the country," struck in Blake.

  15. I can't see why you should be so cursedly particular.

  16. This Play must be dress'd if there's any Credit remains, tho' they are so cursedly in debt already.

  17. Because a Truncheon's like a Quarter-staff, has a mischievous Look with it, and a Critick is cursedly afraid of any thing that looks terrible.

  18. If you could be so cursedly exact in your calculation of days, I shall complete your astronomical and chronological studies.

  19. Old Sárvölgyi, as it is, had made sour faces enough at the unusual invasion of guests: and he has a cursedly sullen housekeeper.

  20. He said he ought to have the devil's luck in love since he was so cursedly unlucky at cards and dice.

  21. Lady Polwhele; "and though I over-eat myself at dinner, and have been cursedly cross with my cards all the evening, I long to put a knife into that turkey.

  22. Confound your thin lanthorn jaws,” replied Strop, “I have cut my fingers cursedly through your cheek.

  23. Had I a heart for falsehood framed, it would ne'er have injured you'--if I had not been so cursedly hard up!

  24. You can make yourself cursedly unpleasant if you choose it; and perhaps you will have a better chance of getting your own terms if they see you can bite as well as bark!

  25. I need not remind you how cursedly bad Our affairs were all looking, when Father went mad;[2] A strait waistcoat on him and restrictions on me, A more limited Monarchy could not well be.

  26. I'm cursedly afraid, I sha'n't be able to find out her quarters.

  27. I'm cursedly afraid of the great two-handed fellow too.

  28. I have however Orders from the Club to summon thee up to Town, being all of us cursedly afraid thou wilt not be able to relish our Company, after thy Conversations with Moll White and Will.

  29. Many men resemble glass,--smooth and slippery and flat so long as one does not break them, but then cursedly cutting, and every splinter stings.

  30. Can't you find some other cursedly nasty thing to tell me, Wrig," snarled Jessop.

  31. I had written for my money because I really needed it; if he must know, I was cursedly hard up.

  32. Not often enough to destroy the charm, at all events; never, as a matter of fact, unless I'm cursedly hard up.

  33. We are both cursedly hard up, and we go into this thing together or not at all.

  34. I am voweled by the Count, and cursedly out of humour.

  35. This is fine doing," says the plain fellow: "last night he sent me away cursedly out of humour, and this morning he fancies it would be a satisfaction to be run through the body.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cursedly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.