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Example sentences for "datus"

Lexicographically close words:
datta; datto; dattos; datum; datur; daub; daubed; daubing; daubs; daughter
  1. Although polygamy is not interdicted, few even of the datus have more than one wife.

  2. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, in presence of the datus and chiefs at Soung, island of Sooloo.

  3. The datus seldom rise before eleven o'clock, unless they have some particular business; and the Datu Mulu complained of being sleepy in consequence of the early hour at which we had disturbed him.

  4. This was at once said to be too dangerous to be attempted, as the datus of the interior and southern towns would in all probability attack the parties.

  5. Vessels that trade engage a bazaar, which they hire of the Ruma Bechara, and it is advisable to secure the good-will of the leading datus in that council by presents, and paying them more for their goods than others.

  6. The datus dispersed in all directions, but Datus Asibi and Pula, the strongest chiefs after the sultan, remained in the neighborhood of Jolo, at Tandu and Patikul.

  7. All other datus and chiefs of the islands, whenever they use any flag, must use the Spanish commercial flag.

  8. The latter proclaimed himself sultan with the title of Mu`izzud Din, [186] strengthened the defenses of his capital, and waged war on all the datus who had supported Alimud Din.

  9. Notwithstanding this treaty Moro raids continued either by toleration of the sultan and datus or at their instigation.

  10. The Sultan and Datus promise with firm intention and brotherhood not to revoke their agreement to the occupation of Sulu and its dependencies, regarding them as dependencies of Spain.

  11. The latter continued the peace negotiations which were commenced by Governor Cervera and expended a good deal of energy in trying to conciliate some datus and their followers.

  12. On one occasion in 1895 hostilities broke out with Datus Julkarnayn and Kalbi, and the Sulus of Lati and Patikul attacked the town of Jolo causing several casualties.

  13. It is further stated that two datus and five of his principal followers were baptized.

  14. The English agents at Jolo won the sympathy of a party headed by the strong datus in chief command of the Sulu forces.

  15. Datus receive a high price for the advance they make of guns and powder, and for the services of their slaves.

  16. His sons were Dimasangkay, Gugu Sarikula, and Kapitan Lawut Bwisan, all of whom become datus and succeeded to the rule of Magindanao in order.

  17. Madaga married Sultan Mohammed-sa-Barahaman and bore Mayug and Sultan Iskandar Manamir, which makes three datus of Kabuntalan.

  18. All datus and viziers and all persons acting in the capacity of a chief or a vizier find the Luwaran very convenient and helpful.

  19. If property of datus with official titles or that of Twan Sarip Usman is stolen, the thief shall be fined thirty-five pieces of calico.

  20. The greatest datus of Bwayan who have figured prominently in the recent history of the country are Datu Utu and Datu Ali of Tinunkup, both of whom will be referred to later.

  21. Datu Ayunan of Taviran, Datu Balabadan's brother, aided the Spanish authorities in the war against Datu Utu and was one of the most prominent datus of Talakuku and Magindanao.

  22. This code greatly increases the fines exacted from the people, creates a treasury under the control of Hajji Butu, and entitles the sultan to a share of the fines collected by the various datus and chiefs.

  23. They assert that the datus omitted this part of the history from their books intentionally in order to give more importance to Kabungsuwan and to their own descent.

  24. The first datus of Bakayawan were Mirugung and Dimalawang.

  25. The datus received orders and directions from the governor of Zamboanga direct, and an annual tax of one real was imposed upon every Subano and Moro male above the age of 18 years.

  26. The datus and the sultans of the neighboring datuships who married the principal princesses of Bwayan seem to have assumed the title of Raja Bwayan also.

  27. Mamuppun was passed over by the council of the datus in favor of Mangigin, the present sultan.

  28. Our party now consisted of the Dido's boats, the three Datus from Sarawak, and some Sow Dyaks, eager for heads and plunder.

  29. The Illanun Datus and the Gillolo chiefs visited the schooner constantly, and were always considerate enough to bring but few followers.

  30. Shortly after the transactions at Suntah, a boat of Sakarran Dyaks came to Sarawak nominally to trade, but in reality to tamper with the fidelity of the Datus and others.

  31. They particularly named my Simungi, that of my ancestors, of the Pangeran from Borneo, of the Datus and of their ancestors, and of the ancestors of their own tribe.

  32. The pirates are commanded by Datus from Borneo Proper.

  33. The Datus were too old, and knew him too well, to be caught in his trap.

  34. I must redress this, if it be in my power; and have ordered the Datus to gather men to follow the rascals, as it is probable they will be lurking not far from hence.

  35. While a considerable number of Christian Filipinos are to be found in Mindanao and some in Sulu, the Sultans and Datus have dominated the country.

  36. Datus indicated Nero’s hatred to the Senate by pointing significantly to Nero at the word ‘death’ and to the senatorial seats as he emphasized the word ‘you.

  37. The sub-chiefs and datus were in a great {180} row.

  38. The first is amongst the writings of Cornelius a Lapide: "Datus est mihi stimulus carnis meae Angelus Satanae, qui me colaphizet.

  39. Datus est non a Diabolo sed a Deo; non quod Deus tentationis sit auctor, sed quia diabolo tentare Paulum parato, id permisit, idque tantum in specie et materia libidinis ad eum humiliandum.

  40. Datus walked in front of the mutilated Venus.

  41. If it please you, sir, the mischief has been done by Datus the Christian.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "datus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.