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Example sentences for "debarred"

Lexicographically close words:
debar; debark; debarkation; debarked; debarking; debarring; debars; debase; debased; debasement
  1. He had been a student at Trinity College, but as he belonged to the proscribed faith he was debarred from taking a scholarship.

  2. In some parts of that country we were debarred by law from all the rights and privileges of men; in other parts public sentiment, more powerful than law, frowned us down.

  3. But for the State, above all, the results have been singularly unfortunate, as it has debarred itself from taking toll of the unearned increment that has been constantly accruing to the zemindars.

  4. For they were debarred henceforth from fulfilling the supreme function of Hindu womanhood, i.

  5. Yet, lest marriage should thereby be discouraged, celibates were expressly debarred from the privileges of adopting heirs.

  6. In vain did the Emperor forbid that American ships which had touched at English ports should be debarred from those of Holland.

  7. However that might be, she was there and I could not go to that house; her presence debarred me; perhaps she would think it was she whom I wished to see.

  8. But it is as well to suppose the extreme case, in order to see whether even people who cannot read and write must remain ignorant and debarred from the privileges of mind.

  9. But Nelson was not an ordinary man, and from that more humble happiness a childless marriage further debarred him.

  10. The very nature of his position debarred him from all hope, cut him off from all help alike from friend and foe.

  11. The males, according to our experience, seem to select the same partners on each recurrence of the breeding-time, where not debarred by various fortuitous circumstances.

  12. But since he who himself is swayed by the intensity of his convictions is he who in turn sways his fellows, possibly the very restraint which saved Stanhope from folly debarred him from fame.

  13. As before remarked, the vast expenses entailed upon a Tecuhtli debarred the honor from many who were really worthy of it.

  14. Conviction of this crime rendered the culprit ineligible for all future emoluments, and especially was he debarred from holding any public office.

  15. This prohibition extends to marriage only, and a priestess is not debarred from sexual commerce.

  16. Some of them, debarred from these holy offices, are reduced to the painful necessity of earning their bread by honest work.

  17. Thus if they were killed or captured and ill treated in any way by the Spanish they would be debarred from appealing to the United States, and there would be no danger of any friction between the United States and Spain on their account.

  18. But that would have debarred Maximo Gomez, who was born in Santo Domingo.

  19. Debarred therefore from a fair theatre for my energy and capital, I am forced to occupy, perhaps exhaust, myself in multiplied speculations.

  20. Graduates from the elementary normal schools are not debarred from entering the higher normal schools; thus ambitious teachers are encouraged to prepare themselves for higher work.

  21. Not only was the prisoner debarred the assistance of counsel on his trial, he was even refused the privilege of calling a single witness in his favor.

  22. In the intervals of public sales the Company should be debarred from selling beaver by private Contract, or at any price than was sett up at the last Publick sale.

  23. Instead of taking such a just and tolerant course, "their preachers were debarred from performing the ceremony even among their own flocks.

  24. Mr. Binney kept fussing about the room wringing his hands over the trouble that he had caused, and bewailing the smallness of his stature which debarred him from visiting summary justice upon Piper for the way he had treated his son.

  25. Although debarred from the society of those with whom he had at first tried to ally himself, Mr. Binney had contracted many acquaintanceships with men of his own year and others who did not place the value of their friendship very high.

  26. It appeared that he was not to be debarred from all hope.

  27. Whatever line of defence my experience might have suggested, I was debarred by his express command from putting a single question.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "debarred" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    banned; barred; excluded; exiled; liquidated; prohibited; purged