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Example sentences for "deputie"

Lexicographically close words:
deputation; deputations; depute; deputed; deputes; deputies; deputing; deputize; deputized; deputy
  1. And when the warre was open, then sir Hugh Caluerlie was sent ouer to Calis, to remaine vpon safe keeping of that towne, as deputie there.

  2. To my Veray good lorde my lorde the Viconte Lisle Deputie of the kinges Towne of Calaysh and Marches of the same.

  3. Which I haue sent to your maiestee herein closed with also certen letteres and Newes sent vnto me from my Lorde Deputie of Calays.

  4. To my veray good lord my lord Vicount Lisley the kinges deputie at Calays be thus youen.

  5. To my very good Lorde the Viscounte Lisle Deputie ‹of› the kinges towne and the Marches of Calays.

  6. Deputie and the wynde hath blowen hym soo in the erys that he can nott here them.

  7. To the right honourable and his singuler good lorde my Lorde Lisle deputie to the Kinges highnes of his town and marches of Calays be this youen.

  8. To the right honourable and his singuler good lorde the lorde vicount Lisle deputie to the kinges highnes of his towne and marcheis of Calays.

  9. The deputie for the Russe had the chief gouernment of the said Mart, and tooke toll of those people that were subiect to his master, and the captaine of Wardhouse had then the gouernment of the people subiect to his master the king of Denmark.

  10. The Irishmen being put in great feare herewith, assembled togither, and ioined themselues with such Englishmen as laie there in garrisons, ouer the which the lord Iohn Bermingham as deputie had the cheefe charge.

  11. Sidenote: The earle of Cornewall deputie of Ireland.

  12. The like truce was granted vnto the queene of Ierusalem and Sicill, & to hir sonne Lewes, for the duchie of Aniou, and the countie of Maine, the duke of Britaine being their deputie for concluding of the same truce.

  13. He also ordeined his lieutenant generall, both of France and Normandie, his brother Thomas duke of Clarence; and his deputie in Normandie was the earle of Salisburie.

  14. At Calis he was honorablie receiued by the earle of Warwike lord deputie there, and diuerse other lords sent thither of purpose to attend him.

  15. The better giuen me by so holy a man, Hath yet the Deputie sent my brothers pardon?

  16. I went To this pernicious Caitiffe Deputie Duk.

  17. What if we do omit This Reprobate, til he were wel enclin'd, And satisfie the Deputie with the visage Of Ragozine, more like to Claudio?

  18. He was not onelie deputie or lieutenant of Calis, but also high admerall of the seas, which office was to him confirmed for the space of fiue yeares.

  19. The popes ambassadours receiuing Iohn Balioll at king Edwards hands, tooke him ouer with him into France, and there left him in the custodie of the bishop of Cambrie, the popes deputie in that behalfe, where shortlie after he died.

  20. The groome of the salarie for the time being or his deputie is furthermore appointed to be readie with vineger and cold water, and not to depart from the place vntill the arme of the offendor be bound vp and fullie dressed.

  21. And this was that which the vizroy and his deputie had granted, and no other thing.

  22. Thomas Bankes, Barber Chirurgeon, Deputie of this Ward, who had to wife Joan Laurence, by whom he had issue seven sonnes and ten daughters.

  23. And therefore by his Maiestie I sweare, Whose farre-vnworthie Deputie I am, He shall not breathe infection in this ayre, But three dayes longer, on the paine of death Qu.

  24. Lord Deputie himselfe that they could not justly pleade either custome of warre or lawe of nations--for that they were not any lawfull enemies.

  25. As I was thus in talke with the Kerils and Lappians, the Emperour of Russia his deputie (who was there to gather the tribute of the Lappians) sent for me to come to his tent, who after familiar salutations, made me good cheere.

  26. The Kerils and the Lappians solde no fish, vntil the said deputie had looked upon it, and giuen them leaue to sell.

  27. By Froissard it appeareth that the earle of Salisburie was one, & sir Thomas Beauchampe lord deputie of Calis appointed likewise as an assistant with them.

  28. But the earle marshall that was lord deputie of Calis, and had married the earle of Arundels daughter, discouered all their counsell to the king, and the verie daie in which they should begin their enterprise.

  29. Also sir Hugh Caluerlie, deputie of Calis, that had so valiantlie borne himselfe against the Frenchmen, was likewise discharged; and comming home was made admerall, being ioined in commission in that office with sir Thomas Percie.

  30. Sidenote: The earle of March his good seruice whilest he was deputie in Ireland.

  31. And in the same season, the towne & castell of Berwike to be occupied and remaine in the reall possession of such, as by the king of Englands deputie should be appointed.

  32. Narigansett Indeans, and Awasequen, deputie for y^e Nyanticks, with a large traine of men, within a few days after came to Boston.

  33. Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and John Bill, deputie Printers for the Kings most Excellent Majestie.

  34. Thus the more part of the Irish people being brought vnder, he appointed John Gray the bishop of Norwich, to be his deputie there, remoouing out of that office Hugh Lacie, which bare great rule in that quarter before.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deputie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.