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Example sentences for "discouragements"

Lexicographically close words:
discounting; discounts; discourage; discouraged; discouragement; discourages; discouraging; discouragingly; discourse; discoursed
  1. It was a noble gift by Mr. John McGraw; and amid the cares and discouragements of that period it gave us new heart, and strengthened the institution especially on the scientific side.

  2. He bore all privations cheerfully and braved all discouragements manfully.

  3. And I really think that the setting the difficulties and discouragements encountered by the Centurion in the strongest light, will serve my purpose much better than lessening or extenuating them.

  4. An Address setting forth these various discouragements was forwarded to His Majesty by the Assembly.

  5. Such a combination of discouragements could have but one result.

  6. In the midst of these discouragements Washington prepared for a bombardment.

  7. But amid all these discouragements * * There were eleven sail of vessels.

  8. For twelve years he had fought on through trials and privations, hampered by bodily ailments and the deep discouragements of those who should have aided him.

  9. He kept back in his account of the interview all allusion to the discouragements which the Professor threw upon his enterprise.

  10. There are numberless discouragements to be encountered every where in the West, calculated to weaken the hands and depress the spirits of the ministers of religion.

  11. The discouragements around him are innumerable.

  12. He had long contended with poverty and discouragements of various kinds, in order to press his way towards the sacred ministry.

  13. After battling with a series of delays and discouragements which need not be narrated, the undaunted leader established himself in a fort built on the east bank of the Illinois River, near Peoria, Illinois, in the winter of 1680.

  14. I am free to say that the discouragements I have met with are very different, and perhaps much greater than I contemplated.

  15. Meanwhile discouragements and annoyances grew continually more plentiful and irksome.

  16. These are but a few of the discouragements under which the Commander-in-chief was laboring.

  17. The spirit of disaffection was far more extensive than those who are left to contemplate the scenes through which their fathers passed, and the discouragements against which they were compelled to struggle, have been wont to suppose.

  18. Kinglake taught us that others would have had to go through most of the discouragements we had experienced, and that our aptitude in learning had been perhaps greater than theirs would have been.

  19. It would not be strange if an English soldier should feel that Kinglake was quite too frank in his revelation of the mistakes and discouragements which attended England's first military operations after the "forty years' peace.

  20. But the discouragements connected with our work was not merely the lack of conveniences and almost dire necessities, or the want of proper enforcement of sanitary regulations and of co-operation, and although Dr.

  21. It was a period of continued development, not always, however, without its discouragements and problems which need not be here recorded.

  22. During the summer of 1841, amidst many discouragements and financial worries, the erection of the buildings went forward.

  23. She labored on under discouragements and difficulties and amid sickness and sorrow.

  24. In the midst of discouragements she fainted not, but performed labors and endured afflictions almost incredible.

  25. It is not at all to be wondered at, then, that the Evangelist should now give his readers some idea of the discouragements which met the King in the setting up of His kingdom on the earth.

  26. But did not these discouragements require an answer?

  27. If poverty be his lot, and troubles and discouragements of all kinds press upon him, let him take heart and push resolutely ahead, cultivating a strong, self-reliant disposition.

  28. The brilliant imagination of the great writer failed to understand the steady light of the imagination that seeks patiently after scientific truth in spite of discouragements and years of fruitless work.

  29. A worker in a lonely frontier post where there were plentiful discouragements once said: “When I am tempted to think that I am having a hard time I just think of Bishop Rowe.

  30. And if we do not judge thus, we shall dishonour his grace, lose the benefit of his word, and needlessly fright ourselves into many discouragements though coming to Jesus Christ.

  31. It is excellent to help us against those discouragements that arise out of our own bowels (Rom 4).

  32. Against those discouragements that arise up out of our bowels.

  33. The materials collected by the colleagues of General Fraser under these discouragements have been worked up by him with consummate skill and perseverance.

  34. Amid so many discouragements only one gleam of hope sustained the heroic adventurers.

  35. The discouragements were infinite and the labour superhuman.

  36. She had many discouragements to face and obstacles to overcome; among them, not a few at the hands of those who should have been her allies.

  37. During this season of distress, the discouragements to marriage, and the difficulty of rearing a family are so great that population is at a stand.

  38. I was grieved to see the Discouragements under which the Roman Catholics of this Kingdom laboured, but these very Discouragements made me fear them the more.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "discouragements" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.