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Example sentences for "drunke"

Lexicographically close words:
drumstick; drumsticks; drunk; drunkard; drunkards; drunken; drunkenly; drunkenness; drunker; drunks
  1. Mine, and most of our Fortunes to night, shall be drunke to bed Iras.

  2. Gov^r he should send for beer for them that had need of it, though he drunke water homward bound.

  3. Whereupon the Iewe tooke the cup out of the hand of the Patriarke, and hauing drunke the water, within halfe an houre burst a sunder.

  4. Yes, women are as common as glasses in Tavernes, and often drunke in and more often crackt.

  5. Such service as they gave such you may give, And have reward as had the blinde Molossians: A Toad one day they worship; one of them drunke A health with 's god and poyson'd so himselfe.

  6. As one that has the refuse of her sheets, And the sick Autumne of the weakned King, Where she drunke pleasures up in the full spring.

  7. They that adde moreour, hee's drunke nightly in your company To.

  8. O he's drunke sir Toby an houre agone: his eyes were set at eight i'th morning To.

  9. The same, or the lights drunke in blacke Wine, openeth the passages of breathing.

  10. The rennet of a Puppy drunke with Wine, dissolveth the Collicke in the same houre wherein it was drunke," &c.

  11. Archigene prescribeth the dried liver of a Fox for the Spleneticke with Oxymell: and Marcellinus for the Melt, drunke after the same manner; and Sextus adviseth to drinke it simply without composition of Oxymell.

  12. The lightes of foxes drunke in Water after they have beene dryed into powder, helpeth the Melt, and Myrepsus affirmeth, that when he gave the same powder to one almost suffocated in a pleurisie it prevailed for a remedy.

  13. Why sir, (for my part) I say the Gentleman had drunke himselfe out of his fiue sentences Eu.

  14. I haue drunke poison whiles he vtter'd it Prin.

  15. The neglect of discipline in the Armie, for that men were suffered to be drunke with the plentie of wines.

  16. Bee not drunke with wine wherein is excesse, but be filled with the Spirit.

  17. The hony also helpeth those which haue drunke vnwares the iuyce of blacke Poppie, so that againste the same euill and daunger they drinke rosed honny warme.

  18. The hony drunke with wine helpeth the corruptions which are engendered of the meate fishes.

  19. And tenne little péeces of pure newe waxe, vnto the biggenesse of a hempséede, drunke downe at one time, doeth cause the milke not to courde in the womans stomacke and breastes.

  20. Also the same drunke helpeth the malice and daunger of Mushromes eaten, and the byte of a madde dogge, or otherwise melting in the mouth, after the forme of an Eclegma.

  21. The same also harmeth drunke after meales, but before taken, doeth procure an appetite.

  22. Also it expelleth an olde griefe of the Reines, being often drunke with Parcely séedes.

  23. And thus this blinde Boteler Yifth of the trouble in stede of cler 360 And ek the cler in stede of trouble: Lo, hou he can the hertes trouble, And makth men drunke al upon chaunce Withoute lawe of governance.

  24. He drinkth the wyn, bot ate laste The wyn drynkth him and bint him faste, And leith him drunke be the wal, As him which is his bonde thral And al in his subjeccion.

  25. He was so drunke in al his wit Thurgh sondri lustes whiche he tok, That evere, whil ther is a bok, Of Nero men schul rede and singe Unto the worldes knowlechinge, Mi goode Sone, as thou hast herd.

  26. And thus thei slepen bothe abedde; And what of travail, what of wyn, The servantz lich to drunke Swyn Begunne forto route faste.

  27. So shee had seru'd some of her paramours ere that, and if God had not sent Diamante to be my redeemer, vndoubtedly I had drunke of the same cup.

  28. Why, harebraind courtiers, are you drunke or mad, To taunt us with such scurilitie?

  29. C[ellar from] Timothie the Butler and is gon downe to make [himself] drunke in pryvate.

  30. He that weares no money in his scarlett hose, and when he is drunke is infected with Counsell?

  31. I thinke he has eaten and drunke nothing but Monopolies, and too hard to be digested they come up againe.

  32. Hang Cupps, my friend excepted; goe to; speake plaine; I was drunke was I?

  33. If the Rascall haue not giuen me medicines to make me loue him, Ile be hang'd; it could not be else: I haue drunke Medicines.

  34. Giue me a Cup of Sack, I am a Rogue if I drunke to day Prin.

  35. Hee hath fill'd mee with bitternesse, and he Hath made me drunke with wormewood.

  36. Aqua vitæ doth not make drunke if men take not so much at a time, that it may alienate people from their spirit.

  37. If I can fasten but one Cup vpon him With that which he hath drunke to night alreadie, He'l be as full of Quarrell, and offence As my yong Mistris dogge.

  38. I am not drunke now: I can stand well enough, and I speake well enough Gent.

  39. I haue drunke but one Cup to night, and that was craftily qualified too: and behold what inouation it makes heere.

  40. You, or any man liuing, may be drunke at a time man.

  41. Hee would be drunke too, that let me informe you Duke.

  42. Drunke many times a day, if not many daies entirely drunke.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drunke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.