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Example sentences for "dryer"

Lexicographically close words:
dryad; dryads; drydock; drye; dryed; dryers; dryest; drygoods; drying; dryish
  1. The dust bath must be dry to be of any use; the lighter, finer, and dryer the better.

  2. In the wetter places, ferns and pink and yellow lady slippers were planted, and in the dryer area shrubbery, such as the red bud and azalea.

  3. But the dryer bed preserved him from the rheumatism and pulmonary troubles that kill all sailors who do not drown, the better food preserved his now iron physique, and the increased pay went into the bank at home.

  4. A good dryer for printers' use is made by taking a small quantity of perfectly dry acetate of lead or borate of manganese in impalpable powder will hasten the drying of the ink.

  5. The usual proportion is a small teaspoonful of the dryer to about one ounce of average good ink.

  6. A perfect dryer of Will often "sweat" skins, especially animal tissue.

  7. The nest of the western sandpiper is well concealed from view by the surrounding curly bunch-grass that everywhere in the dryer areas forces its way up amid the moss.

  8. It was in rather a dryer situation than the last, but like all the nests of this species that I saw, the eggs lay on quite a substantial platform of dead grass.

  9. Dryer recently and he says he has no recollections about it.

  10. It prefers rich moist soil and is generally found in bottom lands or on rolling land, and if in dryer situations on the sides of hills.

  11. If the air becomes dryer, it sucks some moisture from the wood, and the wood becomes dryer and shrinks.

  12. Do not add a dryer to the colour until just before you use the paint and only to the amount you are to use at one time.

  13. So, if you are obliged to paint where it is cold or damp, you will be justified in using more dryer than where it is warm and dry.

  14. As to these crucibles, the older they are, the dryer and better they are.

  15. The root is something dryer than the leaf, but not so cold, it opens stoppages of the liver, helps the jaundice, and ulcers of the reins and bladder.

  16. Small Celandine is usually called Pilewort; it is something hotter and dryer than the former, it helps the hemorrhoids or piles, bruised and applied to the grief.

  17. I have dried apples with an American dryer with satisfaction; after dry, pack in barrels; we find a ready market for them and think it pays.

  18. This dryer costs but little, and the building may be used eight to ten months of the year for any cleanly purpose.

  19. Fire must be continuous, and a dryer eighteen feet square will dry 100 bushels in twenty-four hours.

  20. This dryer or dehydrator can be used on either a gas or coal range.

  21. In a dryer of the dimensions given there is room for eight trays.

  22. It is well to have a ventilating opening, six by two inches, in the top of the dryer to discharge moisture.

  23. An effective dryer for use over a stove or range may easily be made at home.

  24. Peppers may be dried by splitting on one side, removing the seed, drying in the air, and finishing the drying in the dryer at 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

  25. Protect both sides, the bottom and the front of the dryer with cheesecloth, tacked on securely and snugly, to exclude insects and dust without interfering with circulation.

  26. The slices of vegetables or fruit are placed on the tray with the thermometer, and the dryer does the work.

  27. Drying by artificial heat is done in the oven or on top of a cookstove or range, in trays suspended on the stove or in a specially constructed dryer built at home or purchased.

  28. This dryer may be suspended from the ceiling over the kitchen stove or range or over an oil, gasoline or gas stove, and it may be used while cooking is being done.

  29. Each tray should be three inches shorter than the dryer and enough narrower to allow it to slide easily on the supports when being put in or taken out.

  30. A framework crane makes it possible for this dryer to be swung to one side when not in use.

  31. A larger kind of homemade stove dryer can be made.

  32. In placing the trays in the dryer push the lower one back as far as it will go, leaving a three-inch space in front.

  33. As we went ahead the ground grew dryer and the walking much improved.

  34. My next move was to try to find a dryer place so I took a boat for Benicia, then for Stockton, where I found a sea of mud, so that a man needed stilts or a boat to cross the street.

  35. Fall plowing should be done as early as possible, especially in the dryer regions, to catch all water possible.

  36. Seeds, germinating in such little moist depressions grow regularly and rapidly, while those on the dryer elevations may be retarded for hours and days, before fully unfurling their seed-leaves.

  37. I suppose its dryer matter suits their dryer minds.

  38. Don't know as I recollect a dryer season.

  39. It'll be some dryer before the rains," he prophesied.

  40. The soils best suited to the Potato are of the dryer and lighter descriptions; pasture lands, or new land, with the turf freshly turned, producing the most abundant as well as the most certain crops.

  41. It is a productive sort, and its flesh much dryer and more sugary than the peculiar, green, and warty appearance of the fruit would indicate.

  42. Tubers purplish rose-color; flesh dryer when cooked, and finer flavored, than that of the foregoing.

  43. The dryer is passed over the hair, smoothing it and removing the tangles, and drying it at the same time by means of the heated plate inside.

  44. The dryer should become a favorite toilet article.

  45. The hair-dryer is carefully insulated, and there is no danger of the user receiving an electric shock.

  46. Other households may feed dryer material like stale bread and leftovers.

  47. Inhabitants of leaf litter reside close to the surface and so must be able to experience exposure to dryer air and light for short times without damage.

  48. If the bales in the center of a large hay stack are just moist enough to encourage rapid bacterial decomposition, the heat generated may increase until dryer bales on the outside begin to smoke and then burn.

  49. The printer sold his ink dryer because he looked at it from the angle of the buyer and later he sold real estate, but not until he covered up his own interest and presented the proposition from the viewpoint of the prospect.

  50. A number of years ago a printer owning a small shop in an Ohio city set out to find a dryer that would enable him to handle his work faster and without the costly process of "smut-sheeting.

  51. He interested a local druggist who was something of a chemist and together they perfected a dryer that was quite satisfactory and the printer decided to market his product.

  52. As the roads grew dryer and dryer beneath the scorching heat of the sun they made even better time until a little past twelve o'clock they entered the little village of Hill Crest.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dryer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.